Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2439: One sacred strike adds to the general trend of the world

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The Five Elements Buddha is Qinchuan's trump card. This treasure can not only fight against other treasures, but also save lives. Although I don't know whether it will definitely save lives, I know it has the ability to save lives.

The most important thing is that Qin Chuan never worries about losing when fighting against other treasures. In the past, when he fought against the white jade tower of the Lord of Fengxue City, he directly hit the white jade tower and ran away in embarrassment.

This time they collided again. After this time, Qin Chuan knew that his Five Elements God Buddha was more powerful than the opponent's black bell.

But Taihou is obviously very confident in his black bell, which may be his last trump card. Even when he saw Qin Chuan's Five Elements Buddha, he didn't show the slightest worry.

However, after several contact collisions, Taihou realized something was wrong, because based on his understanding of his own black clock, he should have destroyed the other party's treasure by now.

But now it seemed that the opponent's golden Buddha had no effect at all, and he even felt that his black bell seemed a little unable to hold up.

Dong Dong...


The terrifying, harsh and tearing sound sounded, as if it was about to tear the world apart. If it weren't for the powerful cultivation of a few people, this sound could probably tear the eardrums and destroy the brain.

A striking crack appeared on the black clock.

When Qin Chuan saw this situation, he immediately controlled the Five Elements Buddha with his mind to quickly hit the black bell, this time fast and hard.

Taihou was surprised, shocked, and then panicked, because this was already his last trump card. If the black bell couldn't kill Qin Chuan, then this treasure of the other party could definitely kill him.

Now that the black clock has cracks, it is about to break. If it breaks, then all hope will be gone.

So the instinct is to put away the treasure, but after putting away the treasure, do you want to resist with your own body? At this time, Qin Chuan had already controlled the Five Elements Gods and Buddhas and bumped into them.

After the trap, he knew it was over, so he ran out, and the one he rushed towards was Yu Qing, because he knew that Yu Qing's cultivation level had been reduced by half.

As long as he subdued Yu Qing, he could force Qin Chuan, and even force Qin Chuan to death. He could feel that Qin Chuan would risk his life for this woman.

Taihou went crazy,

This is his only hope. As long as he can catch Yu Qing, everything will turn around and there is still hope for everything.

At this time, Taihou was the craziest gambler. He was very fast and Yu Qing was not far away. Although the stone carving was paying attention, he could not avoid it.

Qin Chuan didn't know if Yu Qing had any protective treasures, but he couldn't do that much at this time. He saw the right moment and directly reversed the Nine Palaces.

He and Yu Qing changed places and took action decisively at the same time, still attacking with a violent holy blow.


Now that the world is still in a state of general momentum, this magical skill is still very demonic and can maintain your momentum for a quarter of an hour.

The strength of the general trend of the world will increase with every attack and can be maintained for half a quarter of an hour. Originally, Qin Chuan thought it would disappear after half a quarter of an hour. In fact, he tried it before and it did disappear.

But as the battle progressed, he discovered that this was not the case. This required intention. If you are still fighting, as long as you control yourself consciously, you can continue the previous battle and maintain the increase.

But if you give up consciously, then you have to start accumulating from the beginning.

This was something Wang Xu figured out and used a trump card, a holy strike.

This trump card is actually very powerful, making it three times more powerful and four times more powerful.

But the opponents I faced before were too strong, and even a holy strike couldn't kill them.

But now that we have arrived here, it is different. Everyone's strength has been suppressed, but Qin Chuan's strength is still a little behind them.

But even if it's a little bit worse, you can hit the opponent with a sacred strike, hurt the opponent, or even injure the opponent, causing serious injuries.

Because of the special nature of the holy strike, it is a holy attack that can ignore many defenses. Some of the force directly penetrates the body and hits the internal organs.

For evil beings, the lethality is doubled. This blow is still very powerful. If used well, it can kill with one hit.

This time Qin Chuan used it under the general situation of the world. Under such circumstances, the power was even more terrifying.

Moreover, Taihou was caught off guard. It was so sudden that he had almost no defense. He had no sense of defense either mentally or physically.

Don't underestimate this awareness. Without it, the damage caused by the opponent's attack will be increased by at least one-third, or even more.

Especially the damage to the inside of the body is stronger. This blow directly became Taihou's last consciousness.


Taihou flew out, and then slowly fell down. The moment he landed on the ground, he turned into ashes.

Together with Qin Chuan, this blow was a perfect blow, and the power was so violent.

It was quiet. Not only was Taihou dead, but the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake also took in less air and released more air, and its life was rapidly draining away as it lay there.

It was a false alarm, but Qin Chuan still panicked. He was afraid that something unexpected might happen to Yu Qing, and he couldn't accept such a result.

With a smile on Yu Qing's lips, she felt warm in her heart when she saw Qin Chuan's worry about his impulsiveness and expression, and his lack of thought when caring for him. The feeling was indescribable.

People are all emotional animals, especially the person they care about, especially the relationship between a man and a woman. Being cared for and cared about by the other person is a great happiness and indescribable satisfaction.

Yu Qing took the initiative to hug Qin Chuan, lean into his arms, and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of this moment.

"Baby, why are you so emotional? Are you going to..." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Don't think about it, you bastard. I told you that when I think about it that day, I will do it myself." After Yu Guang finished speaking, his face turned red.

Qin Chuan was stunned. He never thought that such domineering words would come from her mouth. If it came from Yuan Su's mouth, he would believe it.

Looking at Qin Chuan's stupid look, he couldn't help but laugh and pecked the corner of his mouth: "Are you satisfied?"

"No, how can it be like this... Oh, I'm satisfied, very satisfied, please be gentle!" Qin Chuan smiled bitterly and saw that the little hands around his waist had been twisted.

It doesn’t hurt, but you have to pretend to be in pain and cooperate...

The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake was dead, and Qin Chuan began to look for the treasure he wanted. The treasure that attracted him was in the body of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

Mutated Dragon Pill.

This is not an ordinary dragon pill. This mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake has swallowed countless dragon pills, and also eaten a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. He is a mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake, but his inner elixir is indeed real. Dragon Pill is still a very powerful and heaven-defying Dragon Pill.

In fact, it may not be its dragon elixir to take things, but now it is integrated into its dragon elixir. The treasure that attracted Qin Chuan should have been integrated into the dragon elixir first by carrying the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake on its back.

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