Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2441: National war in the world, a soldier who cannot be ignored

After searching it all, there was enough space for Xumi Mustard Seed anyway, and the last two people left the ancient Longling. Qin Chuan thought that leaving from the ancient Longling might help him get to where he wanted to go faster.

However, after trying a few times, I found that it was not what I imagined. From here, I really need to explore by myself. You can contact humans from the outside. You can proceed step by step, follow traces, and avoid detours. Therefore, it is not the fastest way to go to Ancient Longling. Good idea.

Back in Zhenwu City, everything was still the same. The Tai family did not do anything unusual, and Qin Chuan and Yu Qing did not pay any attention to the return of Qin Chuan and Yu Qing.

Yu Qing used to come here every once in a while to relax, but she didn't belong here. She didn't even belong anywhere. She was a lonely person.

Qin Chuan is a real lonely person for the same reason, so he must take this woman away because he likes her, really likes her.

So he didn't want this woman to be beautiful and miserable, and end up alone. He didn't think he was a savior, and he never thought about being a savior. He just encountered this situation, and he was not the same woman, and there was no one around him now.

His women all have their own lives and lives, such as Chengcheng, she is a smart woman and sees many things very clearly. He has his own things to do, and following him is not necessarily better than not following him.

Not just her, but Yuan Su, Langyuan, Su Ho, and Beiming Glacier, none of them followed her, not because they didn't want to, but because the situation didn't allow it.

If Qin Chuan doesn't really stabilize for a day, they won't be suitable. In other words, they are suitable at a certain stage, but they are not suitable to follow him all the time.

Qin Chuan also knew that there were too many dangers around him, as well as his wanderings and his mission. Besides, some of her women already had children, so this was not suitable for him.

And he couldn't stop.

He himself knows that he is not a qualified father, but there are not many people in this world who can truly accompany their children, especially warriors.

The harvest this time is really great, huge, it can be regarded as a windfall in life, and it is rare to find, but now Qin Chuan wants to meet Chu Master Qingzhu and the others as soon as possible.

He couldn't think about this problem. When he thought about it, he couldn't wait to appear in front of them right away. That kind of longing made him a little crazy.

"What are you thinking about?" Yu Qing asked when he saw Qin Chuan in a daze.

"I miss my child,

I haven’t seen them for a long time. Alas, this father is really unqualified. Qin Chuan sighed and said with a wry smile.

Yu Qing smiled and said: "Life is like this. They say that nine out of ten things will be unsatisfactory. If you think too much, it is better to imagine how to make up for the regrets. What do you think?"

Qin Chuan nodded: "When we have a child, we will take her with us. You can't leave me again."

Yu Qing rolled his eyes angrily, looking at this shameless guy, but he was unable to refute. This bastard looked like he was ready for you to refute, and your refutation would be useless.

"Madam, I want to hug you!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Get lost!" Yu Qing rolled his eyes.

But Qin Chuan didn't care about this at all. He held her in his arms with a smile on his face. He looked at the blushing woman, who was cold and elegant. The more so, the more impeccably beautiful she became.

"Okay, Qin Chuan, stop making trouble. There are some things that I need to talk to you about now." Yu Qing avoided Qin Chuan's mouth and was kissed on the cheek by him.

Qin Chuan smiled: "You tell me, I'll listen."

"What do you want me to say?" Yu Qing held Qin Chuan's face with both hands.

"You told me which places you want to go to at the top of the Nine Heavens Land. I know there is a way, but it is very troublesome, but it is also the only way I know." Yu Qing said quickly.

Qin Chuan was stunned and stopped, but he still held her tightly: "What way?"

"To take the road of the empire, you must keep moving forward on the road of the empire to reach the real sect and then have the opportunity to enter that place." Yu Qing said.

"This seems normal. I've experienced it before. It's nothing special." Qin Chuan said in a daze.

"Small countries and big countries are the same, but the specific details are different. Just like in this life, this year, next year, next year, and all seasons are the same, but the specific things are different." Yu Qing said.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Yes, I understand, so the road in front of you doesn't seem to be as easy as it seems?"

"It's really difficult to walk, but what I can help you to do is Mingyue Kingdom. Mingyue Kingdom now has strong enemies outside and turmoil inside. I can help you set up a line, and then whether you can walk up or not, how long will it take? It's up to you to go up there. As for whether there is any other way, I don't have one right now." Yu Qing said seriously.

"I listen to Madam. Madam, you and I will advance and retreat together. I wonder which line Madam is setting for me?" Qin Chuan said.

Yu Qing glared at him: "Royal!"

"Royal?" Wang Xu was stunned.

"I also accidentally met a person, the prince of Mingyue Kingdom, but he is not a prince. However, this person has a high reputation, and he has no problems. He is also very capable. He is eager for talents. He now has 50,000 people. Enemy." Yu Qing said.

"Prince? Then I'd like to go take a look." Qin Chuan chuckled.

"Qin Chuan, what are you thinking about? Be serious." Yu Qing said angrily.

"Madam has never had a male friend. Well, I am your man and I am not a friend. I can make you think so highly of someone. My husband is jealous." Qin Chuan said unhappily.

Yu Qing looked at Qin Chuan who was very jealous and couldn't help but laugh: "You are jealous!"

"Well, eat it. It's too sour. Take a big mouthful. Madam, please comfort me." Qin Chuan said pitifully.

This woman is cool and elegant, reserved and elegant. Qin Chuan does not act according to common sense in front of her. Other men can be as serious as they want in front of her, always afraid of offending the beauty.

Qin Chuan went in the opposite direction, being as unorthodox as he could be, but he had to keep a good grasp of the scale. In the beginning, Qin Chuan was actually quite serious, but he became more and more unorthodox as he became more familiar with it.

Yu Qing lowered her head and kissed him, because this guy was lying on her leg now.

Qin Chuan is not actually jealous. Although a woman like Yu Qing has not really become a couple with him, she is already destined to be like this. She will definitely never find a man other than herself in this life. This is Her temperament.

The first man who opens her heart and enters her heart will be her only man.

"The enemy of ten thousand people you mentioned?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Actually, when you arrive at the Land of Nine Heavens, this place is different from what you have seen before. When you look at the city walls, they are too high. Not only are they high, but they are also very thick. They are no less than a hundred meters high and dozens of meters thick. Made of special materials and blessed with formations and talismans, these walls are used to intercept the army."

"Intercept the army?"

In the past, what Qin Chuan had seen was basically dominated by masters. In fact, soldiers from many countries were not regarded by masters, but he found that he had ignored many problems.

It is said that ants will bite an elephant to death. If it is not an ordinary soldier, if an expert is caught in the human sea tactic and the body's energy is used up, he will actually die. Either the soldiers have a formation to resist the attack of the expert, or the high gestures of both sides are evenly matched. Woolen cloth……

Besides, there are special soldiers, which may not work in ordinary times, but there are high-level soldiers and super soldiers. Thousands of these sick soldiers may be able to kill a Tianzun warrior.

This is a world of national war, and soldiers cannot be ignored.

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