Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2444: Magical battle formation, fighting spirit, the battle begins

Qin Chuan soon saw several tens of thousands of enemies in the North Palace, urban men, middle-aged appearance, all of whom had entered the peak stage of their lives.

However, Qin Chuan was surprised that he could see the opponent's talent. He had not used it on Yu Qing before, but this time he used it subconsciously. Unexpectedly, he could see the opponent's talent.

The Golden Eyes are really powerful. It is said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. If you know the opponent's talent, you can have a clear understanding of the opponent's combat power during battle.

For example, the enemy of ten thousand people called Niu Ben that we saw before has a very good talent called Niu Li, which enhances the attack power, speed, and defense of all allies by 100%, and has a 100% probability of ignoring the opponent. Ten out of ten defenses.

Although the increase is not too much, it is 100% at an upper-middle level, not to mention a 10% armor-breaking ability. This can be said to be very good. Just this 10% talent can make the bull run. The ability barely reaches the top level of talent.

But it's a pity that with my own talent, only the 10% armor piercing is useful, and it is very useful.

The probability of 10% is not low. The more people there are, the better the effect. This armor breaking has a 100% probability and also breaks the opponent's defense 10%.

Qin Chuan's talent increased his combat effectiveness by ten times, and coupled with the 10% armor penetration, it was pretty good. Coupled with Yu Qing's morale that was ten times greater, this could almost crush the entire army with overwhelming force.

Qin Chuan also took a look at the talents of several other people. In fact, most of the talents overlapped. Increasing the combat effectiveness of soldiers was the most common talent, and so did Qin Chuan.

It's just that Qin Chuan's combat power increased tenfold, while the one with the largest increase doubled, and it was also the one with the largest increase among them.

There is also one that increases momentum, which also overlaps with Yu Qing's, so only Niu Ben and the other person's talent can be used.

The other one is called Golden Wolf. He has a good talent, which doubles his speed and has a 1% chance of being stunned, which lasts for half a second.

This one is so unbelievable that even Qin Chuan is a little envious of it. It is fast but unbreakable and increases the speed. This one is really powerful. It has strong maneuverability. It can attack when advancing and defend when retreating. It is fast and very lethal.

Qin Chuan's talent to increase combat effectiveness tenfold is not to increase attack tenfold or speed tenfold. It is a kind of combat effectiveness, one can defeat ten.

A tenfold increase in strength does not mean a tenfold increase in all attributes. An increase in strength actually means an increase in combat effectiveness.

Therefore, this golden wolf's natural ability is incredible, with twice the speed and 100% stun for half a second. In many cases, half a second can directly end the battle.

After learning about the talents of Qin Chuan and Yu Qing, these people were extremely excited. Although the number of soldiers was important and having more soldiers and food was important, the talents of the generals were more important.

King Bei knew that Yu Qing was not a simple man, and this was one of Qin Chuan's talents. There must be many other trump cards.

Qin Chuan came here to help in the battle. He didn't know what to come up with, and he didn't know what to come up with. He was not familiar with this place.

Now he and the prince are basically incompatible with each other, and they have received information that the prince is ready to attack the North Prince's Mansion, ready to take the North Prince's Mansion in one fell swoop, leaving the royal family with only the prince and no North King.

In Mingyue Kingdom, in fact, besides the vassal states, there are many soldiers who sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and do not participate in the fight between the prince and the Northern King. These people also have evil intentions at this time and want to become a vassal state, but they don't That strength.

If you participate in a fight now, if you lose, you will lose everything at the least, and if it is serious, it will be the death of the nine tribes.

So they were more cautious and chose to watch the battle.

The Crown Prince and the Northern King must decide the winner. The royal family must unite first before they can compete with the princes. Then they will think of disintegrating the princes and defeating them one by one.

It seems simple to say, but difficult to do.

The most important thing now is to block the prince's attack first. Qin Chuan is not worried, but the North Palace only has 200,000 elite soldiers. If the other party thinks clearly, they will sacrifice 200,000 or 300,000 to defeat the North Palace. It’s also a good deal.

However, there are also 8,000 special troops in the Beiwang Mansion, the most elite infantry in the entire Mingyue Kingdom. These are also the most proud golden armored shield soldiers trained by the Northern King himself. Ten thousand golden armored shield soldiers can easily crush ten times his own. elite soldiers.

A week later, the prince's army arrived at the city.

Six hundred thousand!

The total number of troops in Beiwang's Mansion is only 200,000, and they want to defeat Beiwang's Mansion.

King Bei's face was solemn. After all, the local army was three times his own. Although there were 10,000 special troops, who could guarantee that the other side would not have them.

Standing on the city wall, looking at the endless army in the distance, the three generals led by them are all enemies of ten thousand people, and their momentum is overwhelming.

The prince did not appear here. He only wanted the result, not the process. Even if all these people died, as long as King Bei died, then the goal would be achieved.

A force three times that of the opponent can be crushed under normal circumstances, but it is just a siege. The opponent has a tall wall to defend the city and has a geographical advantage.

After a while, the siege began. Archers fired at the city wall to suppress it, and then siege vehicles attacked the city gate together.

At the same time, there were soldiers on flying mounts attacking from the air, but they were most easily used as targets in the air and shot into honeycombs.

Unless they are particularly conceited, no one would dare to engage in such a large-scale battle in the air.


The opponent came well prepared. They only attacked the city gate, and the iron shield formation composed of more than 10,000 people directly covered everyone tightly, and the bows, arrows, stones and wood were all blocked.

The opponent's shield soldiers are not a special type of soldiers, but they are definitely the top elite soldiers, and the opponent can actually condense a circle of light mist to cover the iron shield.

Shield formation!

Break it for me!

Niu Ben shouted loudly, looked down from a high position, swung the giant ax in his hand, and a huge ax struck at the shield soldiers below.

Niu Ben is an enemy of ten thousand people. This attack is so powerful that it can level even a small mountain.


Huge stiffness, sparks flying, the picture in the imagination did not appear. Niu Ben's violent blow only killed less than 200 people and killed less than 50 people...

Qin Chuan has been observing carefully. It has to be said that this kind of battle formation often consists of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. It is indeed powerful, but there are many flaws in it. This cannot be avoided. The more people there are, the more powerful it will be. The more flaws there are in the battle formation.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and this cannot be avoided. The advantages of the battle formation are obvious, and the advantage of numbers is brought into full play.

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