Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2447: Vulnerable to one blow, easily defeated

Qin Chuan is really not too worried about assassination. He knows too much about the abilities of assassination, and the Golden Eyes can almost completely restrain his opponents.

"Madam, can you see the person approaching in the direction of sunset?" Qin Chuan looked at Yu Qing and seemed not to notice the person approaching her.

Yu Qing shook his head.

Qin Chuan was surprised. You must know that Yu Qing is very powerful. From the time he met her, Qin Chuan has always been unable to match her.

She is such a powerful and beautiful woman. This time her strength has increased dramatically, and she can finally feel some of Yu Qing's strength.

The opponent's concealment ability is really strong, and he can hide it from Yu Qing's perception and eyes. This concealment can be called a grand master.

This grand master is not a grand master in the realm of strength, it is just a respectful title for profound attainments in concealment.

"Come on, madam, give me a hug!" Qin Chuan smiled and opened his arms.

Yu gave Qin Chuan a blank look, but she still snuggled into Qin Chuan's arms. She knew that there must be a reason why Qin Chuan was acting like this at this time.

Qin Chuan smiled and hugged Yu Qing, and suddenly the figure suddenly lunged forward, accompanied by a slight crackling sound.


Blood mist filled the air, and the target was instantly killed by Qin Chuan's Jiugong Step and Diamond Dragon Claw, without the other party having time to react.

This person's concealment ability is very strong, but his strength has not reached the level of nothingness. He is still in the Tianzun realm, but he is only halfway to the realm of nothingness.

It is a pity that the existence in the void realm can only be killed instantly in front of Qin Chuan and has no ability to resist at all. The strength of this person lies in his concealment, but under the golden eyes, it has no effect at all.

It can be said that this person did not understand why he was discovered after his death. He was too confident in his concealment ability.

In fact, people are often like this. In the end, they end up focusing on their best abilities. They become arrogant because of their confidence, which leads to absent-mindedness and many things go wrong.

There are more and more attackers around, and many of them are actually very weak, but they come here to contribute their own energy and blood, making the blood mist thicker.

This is the blood mist formation. The more blood there is, the more powerful the formation will be.

And the real assassin hidden inside will become more powerful.

Qin Chuan had a dragon-slaying dagger in his hand, which was left behind from the beginning. In fact, Qin Chuan felt that he could also follow the path of cultivation as an assassin.

But he really has no interest in this industry. However, although he is not interested, his understanding of this industry is definitely not lower than theirs. Coupled with his unparalleled speed and eyesight, he can also see the flaws.

Qin Chuan could do a better job than them in killing with one strike.

Yu Qing was very calm in this killing place, holding Qin Chuan's neck, standing lightly on Qin Chuan's feet, closing her eyes slightly, everything around her had nothing to do with her.

She doesn't dislike the faint masculine scent. Although she doesn't have any mental mysophobia, nor does she hate men, but for so many years, she has never considered the idea of ​​​​committing herself to that man, and she has never met a man who can make him fall in love.

In fact, she didn't have any feelings or thoughts about Qin Chuan at first. He had a good temperament and was handsome. She had seen countless men with such conditions.

It's just that Qin Chuan is the first man she has seen who is shameless and shameless in front of her, but also has the right sense of proportion and is not afraid of being embarrassed at all.

Many of the people I met before were either submissive or pretending to be a gentleman. After all, her status was too high before.

Only Qin Chuan made her feel real, and the most important thing was his character towards her, which was even more important than his appearance and temperament.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Qin Chuan felt Yu Qing's hold on his neck tighten slightly, and his body pressed closer to him.

In the turbulent waves of blood around her, Qin Chuan felt that no matter how powerful she was, she was a woman after all, well, she was still a girl. Being capable didn't mean she wouldn't be afraid.

Yu Qing raised the corners of his mouth without opening his eyes: "I'm not afraid, it just feels good. No wonder women are looking for men."

Qin Chuan felt like black lines were forming on his brows...

"You don't know how good a man is yet, otherwise I will let you know how good a man is soon." Qin Chuan said expectantly.

"No, that's fine." Yu Qing raised the corners of his mouth and said lazily.

Seeing Yu Qing nestled in his arms, he was very peaceful, but even he was a little uncomfortable with this scene like a sea of ​​blood. The horror of this formation was not only the power, but also the terrifying scene. Anyone would do this. In any environment, there can be no fluctuations.

It's terrifying, with a feeling of doomsday, like a sea of ​​blood, with broken arms and limbs everywhere. Although this is an illusion and an amplification, it affects the mind.


Qin Chuan broke the formation directly, and the mountain of corpses in the blood sea was gone. It was still on the city wall, but there was blood everywhere, and many people were dead.

Some people not far away were still attacking, looking for opportunities to attack, but at this time Qin Chuan no longer gave them a chance.

Several treasure beasts and baby dragons attacked directly. For a while, these people fell down one after another, covering their hearts or necks and falling unwillingly.

The leader, a thin man in black, changed his face and was about to run away, but at this time, Baby Dragon's figure drew a golden halo.

The thin man fell slowly, with a hole in his heart. The figure of Baby Long had returned, without any blood on it, hanging on Qin Chuan, competing for position with Yu Qing.

Yu Qing looked at the baby dragon in a funny way. Yu Qing didn't know how terrifying this little thing was. She felt that she was no match at all. Also, she didn't know what kind of existence it was.

Very cute, good-looking, not dangerous at all, but so powerful and intelligent, like a child, very attached to Qin Chuan.

None of the people who came survived. As for who it was, Qin Chuan was not interested in knowing. Now his strength is not afraid of anyone. Under the God of War, no one can defeat him.

Even under the God of War, it would be difficult to defeat him, as long as there is such a heaven-defying existence as Baby Dragon.

As long as Qin Chuan sets foot in the realm of nothingness, he can walk sideways under the God of War.

The battle was over, but it was actually very short. Bei Wang and others arrived here, and Yu Qing opened her eyes to see a group of people watching her hug Qin Chuan...

I was too relaxed with my eyes closed before. I looked up at Qin Chuan. When I saw the playful look in my eyes, my face turned red and I hurriedly pushed Qin Chuan away.

"Are you injured?"

King Bei was obviously relieved. Although Qin Chuan was very powerful, assassination was special. The weak could defeat the strong in assassination, and it was difficult to defend.

"It's okay." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Brother, good job." Niu Ben said happily.

"The bloodthirsty assassination team has been dispatched. It seems that the dog jumped over the wall." Bei Wang looked at some corpses on the ground and said with a slightly complicated expression.

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