Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 239, Jielongdan, Longyun, He...

Qin Chuan cooked a very sumptuous meal, which can even be said to be the most serious and hardest time Qin Chuan has cooked.

Li Che'er, Lin Jin, a few little guys and Li Che'er's grandma.

Coupled with Qin Chuan and Qin Nian, it was extremely lively. After knowing that Qin Nian was Qin Chuan's biological sister, Li Che'er was also very happy. Qin Chuan was their benefactor, and Qin Chuan's relatives were their relatives.

Qin Nian was very happy, and suddenly felt that this place was very kind and warm, and he didn't feel so uncomfortable here.

Qin Chuan picked up vegetables for Qin Nian, Qin Nian smiled, besides his mother, this was the first person to pick up vegetables for him.

She was very happy and calm.

After a meal, Qin Chuan took Qin Nian to the back yard.

The Dahuang Medical Hall also has a large courtyard, pavilions, rockery, small bridges and pavilions, a small garden, a circle of bungalows, and the courtyard is very spacious.

Qin Nian is now only at the perfect state of a martial arts master. Qin Chuan gave her a gift today, which is to make him a great martial arts master.

The process went smoothly, and then I taught her formation steps and formation techniques.

Qin Chuan was originally just on a whim, but he did not expect that Qin Nian's understanding of formations is amazing, and the progress is also very fast, which can almost be described as fast.

Formation genius!

This surprised Qin Chuan, so she spent most of her time here teaching Qin Nian how to learn formations, giving advice on her cultivation, and even using acupuncture to help her stabilize her foundation, strengthen her foundation and cultivate her vitality. Dan.

In half a month, Qin Nian's cultivation has improved a lot. After all, Qin Chuan made her a martial artist of the great master of martial arts.

Qin Chuan has always been worried that the Fengxue family and the Helian family will definitely come, and the time will not be too long. The other party does not know his identity. If they report what happened to the Fengxue family And the Helian family will definitely drive them crazy.

When his mother left and met his father Qin Feng, Fengxue Wuhen hated him deeply, so he let Lie Yanran abolish his father, made his life worse than death, made him suffer the pain of separation, and made his mother suffer from the relationship with men and children. The pain of separation.

The Qin Nian who got married this time almost relived everything that happened twenty years ago, how could the Fengxue and Helian families not be furious.

Qin Chuan must be fully prepared.

Dragon Leopard Beast!

Qin Chuan gritted his teeth and definitely let the dragon leopard try again. If the dragon leopard breaks through, then he will have the confidence to protect himself. As for setting foot on Fengxue's house, it will be just around the corner.

Qin Chuan also set up a formation here in the Great Wilderness Medical Hall. If there is any accident, he can directly enter the formation.

Calling out the Dragon Leopard Beast, Qin Chuan directly fed it the Carp Leaping Dragon Pill, and at the same time gave it two droplets of chaos to cast the golden pupil, Qin Chuan was going to see if he could help it at a critical moment.

Qin Chuan had a certain amount of experience in breaking through the alchemy realm, mainly relying on the fire of the Nine Nether Earth.

The Dragon Leopard Beast that swallowed the Carp Leaping Dragon Pellet and the Chaos Liquid Droplet was shining golden, its small body was crawling, and bursts of hidden coercion spread in all directions.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, his aura was very strong, and it seemed that there was a lot of hope for a breakthrough.

As time passed, Qin Chuan's Golden Eyes kept paying attention to the changes in the body of the Dragon Leopard.

Time passed by little by little!

One hour, two hours...

The barrier was extremely stable, and just when Qin Chuan was about to help it, the barrier loosened a bit.


There was a deep and childish roar, and then the barrier began to become looser and looser.

As long as it is loose, it is basically done. As for when it will break through, it is only a matter of time.

Another hour passed in a flash!

Qin Chuan just stood there, looking at the Dragon Leopard Beast, without showing any impatience.


The golden light on the Dragon Leopard Beast's body shone brightly, and even at that moment it was a bit dazzling.


The deep roar, with four or five points of the dragon chant charm, the small body is a little bigger, about three feet in length, giving people a majestic feeling, this is the momentum, the small horns on the head are more and more shiny, the size has not changed, the whole body However, his momentum has changed, concealed coercion.

Break through!

Qin Chuan saw something like a golden dragon ball in its body.

Golden Dragon Pill.

According to the legend, the Dragon Leopard Beast is the pill-forming realm of the Dragon Pill, exuding a strong dragon aura.

The most obvious appearance is that there are four golden cloud-like things under the feet. The small clouds are like a ball of air. At this time, they are standing in the air, and they will only appear when they are in the air. This is Long Yun.

Long Congyun, the dragon has no wings to fly.

There are four small dragon clouds under the dragon leopard beast's feet, and the current dragon leopard beast can fly after it has formed the alchemy state.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see this little dragon cloud. It is attached to the soles of the dragon leopard beast. Yun is like Qin Chuan's protective god cloud to the dragon leopard beast, it will not consume anything, while the dragon cloud of the dragon leopard beast exists forever, and Qin Chuan's protective god cloud will only appear automatically when it is attacked , or Qin Chuan took the initiative to cast it.

Needless to say, the speed and sharpness of the dragon leopard beast breaking through the alchemy state, coupled with the dragon cloud, the dragon cloud can increase the speed of the dragon leopard beast a lot, this little thing can be said to be invincible now, it is the alchemy existential nightmare.

The precious beast is regarded as the most precious treasure in the world, and it is also the dragon leopard beast that ranks high among the precious beasts.

Qin Chuan smiled, he was no longer so flustered, and now he has several trump cards.

Another week has passed, and on this day, Qin Chuan walked out of the Great Wilderness Medical Hall, and with Qin Nian, a huge group of birds flew in the distance, all of which were demon birds of the Transcendent Realm, and even one of them was the first level of the Alchemy Realm. of monster birds.

Golden Flame Bird.

Shenjun, beautiful, like a golden flame, Qin Chuan casually abolished an existence of the extraordinary nine-level realm, this time there must be a master of the alchemy realm, not even one.

"Qin Nian, you are here as expected, come back with me." The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, handsome and imposing, standing on the back of Jin Yanniao, looking at Qin Nian coldly.

Qin Nian's body trembled, at this time Qin Chuan patted her junior: "Who is he?"

"Mother called her big brother." Qin Nian said.

People from Helian's family, this time it's people from Helian's family.

"I won't go back." Qin Nian said.

"You are still not from the Helian family. You dare to resist the marriage made by the elders. You go back with me obediently. I will not pursue anything." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"I won't go back, even if I die." Qin Nian said stubbornly.

"The Helian family raised you up, the Helian family gave you status, and the Helian family gave you a supreme honor. You have to obey the arrangement of the Helian family. I'll say it again, go back. The Helian family absolutely Things won't change." The man said coldly.

"The bullshit of the Helian family, the supreme honor of the bullshit, her name is Qin Nian, she is not from the Helian family, if you dare to say one more word, believe it or not, I will beat you down." The family didn't feel anything anymore. He said that no one made his father suffer, not even his mother's family. He would not let Feng Xue's family off. It seems that some members of the Helian family also need to learn a lesson.

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