Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2457 Mingyue Palace

Yu Qing had known about Qin Chuan's rogue character for a long time, and this guy didn't care about the opinions of irrelevant people.

But Yu Qing looked at him with a smile and said: "But if you rank well in the Mingyue Palace competition, you can get in touch with the upper level earlier, and you can also reduce the time to enter the inner gate, and even get an exceptional promotion."

Qin Chuan was stunned. Because of his strength, although he was eager to go to the Nine Heavens Land to find Master Chu Qingzhu, his current strength was still a bit weak.

So it's not particularly urgent. You can wait for your strength to improve, so you can waste some time here. After all, there is no good solution.

But it would be good to get in touch with that level earlier and prepare earlier.

So Qin Chuan thought about it and looked at Yu Qing, and found that Yu Qing was looking at him playfully, with a rare and charming expression.

Qin Chuan directly held her in his arms, their foreheads touching each other, and she could smell her breath. The fresh fragrance made Qin Chuan feel uneasy.

Yu Qing blushed slightly, her long eyelashes trembling, she didn't dare to look into Wang Xu's eyes, her evasive eyes were indescribably cute at this moment.

"Kiss me!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"No kiss!" Yu Qing said angrily.

"Do you kiss me or should I kiss you?" Qin Chuan reached out and lifted her chin.

Yu Qing wanted to reach out and open Qin Chuan's hand: "Asshole!"

Qin Chuan smiled and slowly moved closer. Yu Qing was a little panicked. He wanted to hide but was hugged by Qin Chuan. Instead of being panicked, he instinctively stretched out his hand to cover Qin Chuan's mouth.

Qin Chuan licked the palm of her hand directly, and Yu Qing immediately retreated and opened her hand reflexively.

He gave Qin Chuan an angry look: "You bastard, what are you going to do..."

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

Seeing her flustered and uneasy look, Qin Chuan felt particularly accomplished and happy, and slowly poked his head.

This time Yu Qing closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling nervously.

This was not the first time that Qin Chuan kissed her, but every time this woman was in a panic, even if she responded awkwardly, her heart was still in chaos every time.


Qin Chuan looked at Yu Qing funny.

"Don't look at it, you're a dirty guy." Yu Qing said angrily.

Her face was pink, and she was really beautiful at this time. What Qin Chuan saw was that she was ambitious and indescribably satisfied.

Perhaps this is what men strive for.

"The love between men and women is the avenue of heaven and earth. It is the most sacred and not dirty. It is the origin of all things and the foundation for the inheritance of all things." Qin Chuan said happily.

"Here's nonsense." Yu Qing replied in a low voice.

Before you know it, a week has passed and the game in Mingyue Palace has begun.

The outer city and the outer city, the inner city and the inner city.

Qin Chuan is now a famous figure in the outer city, and he was also a popular candidate for a while. Many people are curious about what level this young man can reach.

Originally, Qin Chuan was not planning to participate, as he really had no interest in this kind of competition, but this competition could take him further towards the Land of Nine Heavens, so he decided to take part and give it a try.

The competition is very free. The first three days are the free period. No matter who you play, no matter how many games you play, as long as you can win three games, you can enter the next round. If you don't win three games, you will be eliminated.

In fact, many people will not participate in such a competition.

There are also some who originally had that level of strength, but after failing to win ten games and being injured by a master, there was no way to advance to the next round.

There is also a rule. If no one challenges you while standing on the martial arts stage for two quarters of an hour, you will automatically advance to the next round.

Perhaps because of the last rule, no one came up to challenge the person who came on stage for a quarter of an hour.

As long as it lasts for another quarter of an hour, it will advance.

The man on the stage was a man, one of the top three figures in the outer city, a more powerful being than Zhuge Yunlang.

Night Wolf!

A young-looking man, dressed in Tsing Yi, with bare hands, very handsome, and unruly, stood there calmly.

"Ye Lang is up there. No one dares to challenge him. This is just a preliminary round. Not to mention that no one in the outer city can be sure of defeating him. Even if they could, they wouldn't collide now."

Qin Chuan felt that he had to go up. If he wanted to win the game and cause a sensation, then the person in front of him was a good choice.

Yu Qing saw Qin Chuan's plan and said, "If you go up, be careful. What makes this man so powerful is his hands."

Qin Chuan smiled and nodded: "Are you worried about me?"

"Am I worried that you are weird?" Yu Qing looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan nodded after thinking about it: "You are my woman, so it shouldn't be strange."

Smiling, he let go of her hand and walked towards the martial arts platform.

"Ye Lang, go down, no one will challenge you, it's a waste of time!"

"That's right, the rules should actually be changed. In the preliminary round, those strong players will advance directly. This is a complete waste of time. Each master will have two quarters of an hour."

"I really don't understand who made this rule. They are mentally ill."

"You are finished. The rules set by the palace master are here. You should also say that the palace master is mentally ill."

"Well, look, it seems that someone is walking towards the martial arts platform."

"Isn't that Qin Chuan, the one who beat Zhuge Yunlang and others?"

"This is a good show. This Qin Chuan is really not low-key at all."

"If I want to have that strength, I won't be low-key either. A strong person doesn't need to be low-key. Being low-key is for self-protection."

"Go up, go up!"

Qin Chuan stood on the martial arts stage. Ye Lang was still a little surprised. He naturally knew about Qin Chuan's existence. He was a strong man after all. Everyone would avoid him and would not fight to the death in the preliminary round.

Yelang didn't know what Qin Chuan was going to do, and looked at Qin Chuan with a frown. He actually didn't want to confront Qin Chuan so early.

But now that Qinchuan is coming, there is only one battle.

Yelang is also a straightforward person. He didn't say anything. As soon as Qin Chuan came on stage, Yelang rushed directly to Qin Chuan: "Let's start!"

This is considered a greeting, not a sneak attack.

Qin Chuan originally thought that he would be ridiculed and talk to the other party, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a straightforward person.

Corroding wolf claws!

The handsome man stretched out a huge wolf claw, feeling the terrifying rotten air.

Qin Chuan frowned, the technique this person practiced was not the right way either.

But to a certain extent, all roads lead to Rome, evil deeds are also merits, and their existence is reasonable. In a world where the weak eat the strong, being strong is the way to go.

Diamond Dragon Claw!

Qin Chuan took action. Haoran's righteousness restrained this evil skill, and coupled with Zhigang Zhiyang's Diamond Dragon Claw, it was still very powerful.


Qin Chuan's physical body is very strong. Even if he is inferior to his opponent in terms of realm, Qin Chuan feels that he has no pressure to deal with him.

The general trend of the world!

Qin Chuan only had the Vajra Dragon Claws and his unique footwork, and he kept clashing with wild wolves.

The wild wolf has a cruel smile on his face. His corrosive wolf claws are an ever-deepening combat skill. They will slowly drive the rotten air into the opponent's body bit by bit. When the opponent notices it, It's too late.

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