Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2478: The collision of ice and fire, killing the God of War realm?

Once it was weakened, the leader of the Yanyang Sect was stunned.

I was really confused. Qin Chuan's magical power was not enough to weaken the opponent to the realm of nothingness, but a 20% reduction in all his strength was really terrifying.

A direct loss of one-fifth of the strength is one-fifth of the overall strength. It is really unimaginable. One-fifth is already a huge amount.

The Lord of Mingyue Palace's eyes lit up, and his own fighting power increased greatly, while on the other side, everyone, he could clearly feel that in just such a moment, the strength of everyone on the other side dropped directly.

This is God Bless the Moon Palace!

However, the Lord of Mingyue Palace is not a good man and a woman of faith. This kind of thing is not a coincidence. Moreover, the formation and formation divine position are Qin Chuan's abilities, so it is easy to guess that the person who weakened the opponent's strength must also be Qin Chuan.

The Lord of Mingyue Palace was very excited at this time, really excited. This was simply a lucky star sent to him by God. You must know that the original situation was very passive and could be said to be unsolvable.

But now it's better, from going against the trend to going with the trend, now the Lord of Mingyue Palace feels that his side should have the upper hand at this time.


The opportunity could not be missed, and the Lord of Mingyue Palace took the lead.

Qin Chuan summoned the Earth Golden Dragon Elephant, as well as other monsters and treasure beasts. Although the Earth Golden Dragon Elephant's field control ability had little interference with the strength of the Yanyang Sect Master, others were not so lucky.

After being manipulated by Qin Chuan and his monsters, his strength plummeted, and the most important thing was his heart.

Qin Chuan's targets are naturally some strong men in the void realm.

In fact, many people have also seen Qin Chuan and Yu Qing, and feel that these young men and women are easy to bully, and there is such a beautiful woman. If they kill Qin Chuan, that woman can take over, take some advantage, or even more.

Qin Chuan looked at these ill-intentioned people with a sneer on his face, and he held Yu Qing's hands in Jiugongbu.

Diamond Dragon Claw!


There was a loud roar of the dragon, and a huge dragon claw that was thick, powerful, and indestructible roared out, tearing apart the air, and even seemed to tear apart the space.

Qinchuan is now in the realm of nothingness, and the power of the Diamond Dragon Claw has suddenly undergone subtle changes, and its power has greatly increased. Compared with before, it is incomparable.


Instant kill!

A warrior in the Void Realm was instantly killed by Qin Chuan because of his carelessness.

It goes without saying that Qin Chuan's Diamond Dragon Claw is powerful. The most important thing is that this blow has been unknowingly integrated with the Dragon Strike.

To be precise, the Divine Dragon Strike is integrated into the Diamond Dragon Claw. [... iQi Literature... the novels are better and updated faster]

The Diamond Dragon Claw is the indestructible type. The Dragon Strike is more powerful because of its overbearing power to break. One is sharp and hard, like a sword and a divine weapon. The Dragon Strike is the divine power and thrust. The fusion of the two can almost be said to be a divine skill.

This attack breaking ability is really too violent, and more than that, Qin Chuan has tried to integrate the general trend of the world.

The general trend of the world is a state. As long as this state is activated, each attack will increase. Therefore, there is no need to specialize in fusion. As long as the general trend of the world is used, any attack can be integrated.

What Qin Chuan just wants to do is to make the connection between attacks more coherent, the kind of integration between the output of various moves.


The rhythm of the battle!

This is the key. If the rhythm is right, you can crush the opponent, and you can defeat the strong with the weak. But if the rhythm is messed up or wrong, then it is very likely that you are stronger than the opponent, but you just can't beat the opponent.

Palace Master Mingyue, Master Yanyang and others fought together.

A strong man in the God of War realm can cause mountains to collapse with the wave of his hand. His violent output makes Qin Chuan speechless. It is so terrifying. This is a strong man in the God of War realm...

"Master Mingyue Palace, you still have to die!"

At this time, Yanyang Sect Master's whole body was already covered in flames. Yanyang Sect Master seemed to be burning. The fire around him made him look like the God of War who came out of hellfire.

The Lord of Mingyue Palace looked serious at this time, and at some point, a full moon appeared above his head.

Of course, this was not a real moon, but it was very realistic. It was right above his head. He knew it was fake, but it still looked real.

This Yue Yue was extremely bright, exuding sacred power, shrouding the Lord of Mingyue Palace, and a bone-chilling cold aura began to fill the air.

Ice, fire!

The aura of the Lord of the Mingyue Palace became stronger and stronger. With a flash of his hand, a snow-white spear appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Mingyue Palace.

The snow-white jade spear has an inconspicuous ice dragon on it.


As the spear appeared, faint dragon roars continued to appear, and the spear seemed to come alive.

This ice spear seemed to have life, as if it were alive.

Ice Dragon!

Qin Chuan saw an ice dragon emerging from the spear and directly surrounding the body of the Mingyue Palace Master. This snow-white ice dragon was so big, circling and spreading.


It’s freezing cold!

Xiao Sha!


This is a dragon. Qin Chuan also looked a little dazed. It was really shocking. It existed like a real dragon, but as long as it had anything to do with dragons, it was a sacred existence.

Fire python!

The raging fire around the Yanyang Sect Master seemed to be fluttering, and finally became weaker and weaker, but a huge fire python appeared around the Yanyang Sect Master.

This fire python is no smaller than the ice dragon of the Lord of the Mingyue Palace. It looks more evil, evil fire, and exudes a frightening aura.



Then there was the terrifying collision, as if the world was shattered, the thousand-meter-long ice dragon and the fire python collided.

Ice and fire collide.

The sky and the earth were filled with patches of white and red light. Many people closed their eyes unconsciously, feeling like they would go blind if they didn't close their eyes.

The confrontation in the God of War Realm, the aura was too terrifying, Qin Chuan kept an eye on where he was, while chasing down the Void Realm warriors of the Yanyang Sect.

The battle began, and it was not as bad as imagined. It was a melee, a chaotic battle, two strong men in the God of War realm fighting in the sky, and below was the battle between the void realm.

Qin Chuan, a few of the God of War Realm in Mingyue Palace, didn't know that three strong men of the God of War Realm came from the Yanyang Sect today, but the leader of the Yanyang Sect was the most powerful.

The other two are a bit awkward...

Because after being weakened by Qin Chuan, his strength has become erratic, often fluctuating between the void realm and the God of War realm.

It clearly felt like he was still in the realm of the God of War, but when he struck out with his palm, he was in the realm of nothingness.

Qin Chuan has been paying attention to these two people. Does he think he will "kill gods" today?

If these two people are not weakened, they will be in the God of War realm. Needless to say, the status of the God of War realm is natural. If these two God of War realms fall, the status of Yanyang Sect will directly change.

If two God of War realms are lost, it will be a fatal blow to the Yanyang Sect. Even if these two people die, then the absolute advantage between the Yanyang Sect and Mingyue Palace will change from the previous absolute advantage to a disadvantage. This is The importance of being strong in the God of War realm.

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