Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2500: Another God of War, Lao Xi, who protects the descendants of the Yangshe family

Murong Zhan's attitude came from the heart, and Qin Chuan's kindness could be said to be overwhelming. Although Qin Chuan was not in the God of War realm, today's result was completely due to Qin Chuan.

It is truly a desperate reversal. It can be said that the Murong family has turned things around now, unless the Yangshe family will kill all the descendants of the Murong family at all costs.

Qin Chuan smiled casually, "It's easy, so you don't have to worry about it."

Murong Baobao's eyes were filled with laughter at this time. He didn't know when he was holding one of Wang Xu's arms and calling him an uncle.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. We must return to our family, otherwise our safety will be in question." Murong Zhan said at this time.

The middle-aged God of War man looked at Qin Chuan with bright eyes. This was simply a lucky star, a super lucky star. If such a person stayed in the Murong family, then the Murong family would definitely be able to reach a higher level in the future.

Qin Chuan's ability is really too powerful. He already knows a lot now, such as weakening the opponent's strength, weakening it a lot.

Also, since he has increased his strength, Qin Chuan gave him the formation god status, otherwise it would be difficult to kill the opponent's strong God of War realm.

At the same time, the two descendants of the Yangshe family who had escaped rushed to a valley. At this time, the valley was full of people from the Yangshe family. At this time, they seemed a little excited, as if they had encountered something good.

"Father, father!" One of the young men ran over in embarrassment, shouted and threw himself on the ground.

They were dusty, extremely embarrassed, and frightened. However, the two of them didn't know what was going on on the battlefield, but they knew it would definitely be bad for their family.

"What's the matter? How can you be so flustered? Aren't you with them?" A middle-aged man from the Yangshe family said with a cold face.

The young man in front of him is his own son. He is a bit incompetent, but he has good talent, but he doesn't work very hard. He comes here to gain some experience.

He didn't think much about it, thinking that his useless son had run out again.

"Father, it's not good, brother and the others are in danger, they are in danger." The young man said with a frightened face.

"There's danger, what's going on?"

Now the man couldn't be calm anymore, and neither could the others. They all looked nervous at this time. After all, this was related to the future of the Yangshe family.

The young man explained everything in detail,

They said that Qin Chuan could instantly kill the Void Realm, and even the strong men in the God of War Realm told them to run away, and they used the treasure in an instant.

Others are in critical condition.

At this time, the people of the Yangshe family could no longer calm down. The man's face was ashen and he only said: "Lead the way!"

In fact, there was a group of people not far away from this group of people. These people were members of the Murong family of the City Lord's Mansion.

The two sides will not go too far apart, because no one is afraid that the two sides will attack each other's juniors.

Don't talk about morality and shamelessness. At this time, everything is fake. There are only results. Only killing the other party is right.

The Murong family didn't understand, but they saw something bad seemed to be going on with the Yangshe family.

Although I don't know what's going on, seeing the Yangshe family in such a panic can be a bad thing. What's bad for the Yangshe family is definitely a good thing for the Murong family.

Anyway, we can't leave too far, so the Murong family must follow. What's more, they can't follow the direction of the Yangshe family. This is going back, which is the direction of the family's younger generations.

It didn't take long before a group of people appeared.

Naturally, they are the descendants of Qin Chuan and the Murong family, as well as the God of War realm.

In fact, the men of the Yangshe family are not too worried, because with the two strong God of War realms left behind, even if something happens, there is no problem in protecting themselves.

So although I was panicking, I didn't feel that anything bad would happen. Now I saw that the descendants of the Murong family and the strong man in the God of War realm were all intact, but I was relieved.

Because even if something bad happens, such as a war, since the Murong family is so intact, in principle, there can be no problems with the Yangshe family.

But there's a problem.

I just can't get in touch with the descendants of the Yangshe family.

Although there is distance, they are all connected through secret methods, but sometimes it is normal to be unable to contact them, but in this situation, it is a bit bad to be unable to contact them.

The people of the Murong family were naturally happy to see the younger generation of their own family, and they quickly gathered together, but they didn't say anything, but there were many things hidden in their eyes.

"Master, the third master is dead." At this time, a man's face changed greatly and he spoke.

Everyone in the Yangshe family, including the head of the family, was shocked by this opening.

problem occurs.

Something big happened!

Lao Tang is one of the two gods of war who protect the younger generations of the Yangshe family. This person is the first line of defense. If this person is here, then the younger generations of the Yangshe family will definitely be fine.

But now that Lao Tang is dead, there is only one result: all the younger generations of the Yangshe family are dead.


"Where is Lao Xi?" The head of the Yangshe family looked very pale and asked in a panic.


The person who answered the question is a strong man in the God of War realm of the Yangshe family. He has a magical power that can sense the life and death of some people in the family.

I hadn't noticed it before, but now that I was close to the place where the incident occurred, I felt it all of a sudden, but the result was too scary and unacceptable.

When the head of the Yangshe family heard that Lao Xi was still alive, he felt a little relieved, or he had a glimmer of hope. After all, there was still a strong man in the God of War realm alive, and the people of the Murong family were all intact. It must be okay, it must be okay.

"The eldest young master is dead!" The strong man in the God of War realm hesitated and said.

The head of the Yangshe family couldn't calm down anymore. Although his son had a bad image, his talent and strength were outstanding. Even if he couldn't become the head of the family in the future, he would still be the one who would carry the weight.

The leader of the next generation, the iconic figure of the Yangshe family, has even become a super powerful being who protects the Yangshe family. After all, after leaving this time, he will be a strong man in the God of War realm.

The young God of War realm.

But now he is dead.

"Say, who else is dead? Who else?" The Yangshe Family Master's face turned pale at this time. He knew that the elder who answered his question already knew the result.

"Except for Lao Xi, they are all dead." He answered with great difficulty.

The owner of the sheep house almost sat down on the ground, his face turned pale.

"Where's Lao Xi?"

As soon as I said this, a person from a distance happily ran towards me.

A middle-aged man, strong, neatly dressed, with WeChat on his face, confident and fast, his face was very excited after seeing the people from the Yangshe family.

"Where are Whale and the others?" the man asked.

The man was Lao Xi, a strong man in the God of War realm. He left secretly and came across a small treasure somewhere. It was not bad, and I was quite satisfied with the harvest.

Then I came back to look for the Sheephouse Whale, but when I came here, I happened to meet the owner of the house and the others. Well, why did their faces look wrong? What happened.

"Jing'er is dead." The head of the Yangshe family said calmly, looking at this old Xi.

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