Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2507: Powerful Treasure Dragon Beast, Stealing Treasures

"Retreat, retreat!" The city lord's expression changed again and again, and he took action at the same time.

Tongyun hand!

Two huge hand seals were condensed and hit the charging dragon beast, while also retreating quickly.


Murong City Lord's attack was just to block them for a while and buy them time to retreat. As long as they retreated to a safe area, they would be fine.


Baolongmon passed directly through the hand prints, as if they didn't exist, and rushed towards the crowd faster as if it had passed through the shadow.

Tyrannosaurus Archery!

Qin Chuan had already taken out the mysterious heavy bow and used the tyrannosaurus arrow method to lock the treasure dragon beast and shoot out with an arrow.


Well, it hit!

Qin Chuan was stunned, but this was the Treasure Dragon Beast in the God of War realm. Even though the Tyrannosaurus' arrow technique was powerful, it was really nothing to the Treasure Dragon Beast, and it didn't even cause any injuries.

Treasure beast!

When Qin Chuan saw the treasure dragon beast, he knew it was a treasure beast, or a treasure beast of the God of War realm, a treasure beast of dragon bloodline, God of War realm, it was terrifying just thinking about it.

It can't be defeated at all. This is a treasured beast in the God of War realm. It seems that City Lord Murong has reached a low point in his realm. It is estimated that even the existence of the God of War realm will be difficult to harm it.

Treasure beasts are so terrifying. Just think about how powerful Qinchuan's treasure beasts are in the Void Realm. There is a huge difference between the God of War Realm and the Void Realm.

The treasure beast's breakthrough was difficult. If Qin Chuan's treasure beast hadn't been forced by the divine weapon to force him to tame the monster that was always three small realms higher than hers, it is estimated that his treasure beast would be no less than two realms behind him now. realm.

The treasure beast is uniquely endowed by nature, but there are gains and losses. The only disadvantage may be that the strength increases slowly, but the treasure beast is too strong after all, especially when the life-saving ability is one or two big differences, if it can really escape unharmed, It is estimated that only the treasure beast has the ability.


The Baolong Beast slammed into the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation.


Qin Chuan was stunned.

It actually blocked...

Qin Chuan was extremely surprised. This was a blow from a treasured beast in the God of War realm, and it was very sharp. Treasured beasts rarely had any special attacks and relied on their unrivaled physical body.

Those powerful minions were like a miraculous existence. Qin Chuan thought that this treasure dragon beast could tear apart his Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation. 【~~iQi Literature~! The novel is better and updated faster]

But it didn't happen. The gods and Buddhas were solemn, but there were strong fluctuations and even cracks where they were attacked. The conservative dragon's attack was still very sharp.

However, it was only then that Qin Chuan discovered that his Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation had actually undergone great changes. This was partly due to his own strength improvement, and the other reason was the Divine Dragon Bone.

However, there are cracks in the formation, and it is estimated that it will withstand the inevitable collapse of the formation twice more.

"Go back, go back!"

Baolongmon didn't knock it away once, and then hit it again.

The red light flashed so fast that Qin Chuan felt hair on his back.

The two most powerful points of the treasure beast are that it is super powerful in resisting attacks, and the other is that it is super fast. The terrifying speed combined with the terrifying resistance to attacks can be said to be almost indestructible.



There have been quite a few cracks in the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation, and it will definitely be easily knocked open if it happens again.

But at this time, everyone has been pushed to the edge of that safety line.


The Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha disappeared.

Baolongmon fell to the ground. At this time, everyone had retreated outside the safety line. Baolongmon was originally extremely irritable, but now it immediately regained its composure...

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, now even City Lord Murong didn't dare to provoke the treasure dragon beast, and underestimated the strength of the treasure dragon beast.

If it weren't for Qin Chuan's powerful formation this time, I don't know how many people would have been lost this time.

It’s scary to think about it.

At this time, Qin Chuan noticed that his precious beast had entered the cave.

The treasure beast can feel the breath of the treasure, so as long as there is a treasure here, it will naturally be found, and the treasure beast's mastery of the five elements will not be hindered at all.

In particular, there are generally no restrictions on treasures hidden by non-human beings, but one thing is that you can feel whether your treasure is still there.


The roar of the treasure dragon beast brought Qin Chuan back to his senses, his expression changed, and the treasure dragon beast was already rushing back like lightning.

Qin Chuan was also worried and quickly ordered several treasure beasts and baby dragons to escape.

Although several treasure beasts are very strong, after all, they are facing treasure beasts in the God of War realm.

It's not that treasure beasts can't be killed, but relatively speaking there are not many who almost want to trap treasure beasts. For example, artifacts, treasure beasts in the God of War realm can destroy it.

Needless to say, the material of the artifact is natural. As long as it can be regarded as an artifact, if it is lower, it will be absolutely difficult to be destroyed. This is the most basic characteristic.

For example, artifact-level weapons are not only sharp, they can easily destroy other weapons, and they can cut iron like mud. This is not a characteristic that can be said to be worthy of mention.

If the treasure beast is really a nemesis, he will probably go with him. For example, a treasure beast in the God of War realm can kill a treasure beast in the void realm, so Qin Chuan will be very worried.


Qin Chuan saw several treasure beasts running away, and the treasure dragon beast chased them, but the baby dragon was behind them and would fight with the treasure dragon.

Baolongmon seems to be a little afraid of the baby dragon.

Dragon blood.

Qin Chuan understood that the baby dragon's dragon bloodline was too powerful. Dragon bloodline had the ability to intimidate all beasts, and it also had a deterrent effect on this impure dragon bloodline.

However, to what extent it can be frightened depends on the strength of both parties. If the baby dragon is also in the God of War realm, then it can directly frighten the treasure dragon beast to the ground and not dare to resist.

However, the baby dragon is only in the realm of nothingness. The God of War realm doesn’t pay attention to the realm of nothingness at all. No matter what bloodline it is, it can’t be shocked.

But the baby dragon has the blood of a divine dragon, so it can still be a bit of a deterrent. In addition, during a fight, the sharpness of the baby dragon can actually threaten the treasure dragon beast.

So Baolongmon still has scruples.

But the baby dragon is still at a disadvantage and has been knocked away by the treasure dragon beast several times, but the baby dragon can withstand such blows...

Beings in the Void Realm who were beaten by the God of War Realm can withstand it, which also shows how powerful the treasure beast is and how scary the baby dragon is. After all, the baby dragon is an existence that surpasses the treasure beast.

Any drama?

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. Although he couldn't get rid of this treasured beast in the God of War realm, he could get away the treasures it collected.

Qin Chuan observed for a while, and even communicated with the baby dragon to see if he could entangle the treasure dragon beast. If he could, he could let his treasure beast steal the treasure.

Qin Chuan was a little excited.

However, I don’t know if the idea of ​​the baby dragon I got can entangle the treasure dragon beast.

The baby dragon can protect itself in front of the treasure dragon beast, but it will be difficult for other treasure beasts. Once angered, the treasure dragon beast will go crazy and target other treasure beasts. If the baby dragon cannot hold the treasure dragon beast, Then other treasure beasts will be in danger.

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