Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2510 Tongtiantai, Guardian Warrior

In the morning, the group moved forward again. Without the Yangshe family, the Murong family felt as if a huge mountain had been lifted off their bodies, and they felt relaxed.

However, there are still several people from the Yangshe family who have escaped, so it is best to get rid of the escaped people at the exit before leaving.

Qin Chuan doesn't have much feeling about the behavior of cutting grass and roots. For example, if it doesn't harm his family, Qin Chuan doesn't approve of cutting grass and roots sometimes.

Of course, Qin Chuan also knew that this kind of kindness to women was not advisable, but he still couldn't do that kind of behavior of killing women, children and young children.

But today, it is okay to kill the masters of the Yangshe family who escaped in the Babel Tower. After all, they have reached this level. If they are let go, it will also be a trouble for the Murong family.

After all, there are strong men in the God of War realm.

As for how to deal with the Yangshe family outside, Qin Chuan will not interfere. The world is like this, and no one can pity anyone.

If you pity the other person today, maybe tomorrow when you die, you will not be worthy of others' pity, and no one will pity you, because the pitiful person must be hateful.

As for innocence, no one is innocent. People from the Yangshe family, even those who seem innocent, but how did everything you enjoy and own come from, so if you enjoy what you shouldn’t enjoy, then you will The world is fair if you lose what you shouldn't lose.

Qin Chuan doesn't have to worry much about the next thing. He can basically wait to go out and continue to find out where the Jiutian Xuannv Temple is.

The treasure dragon beast had no choice but to give up this opportunity. The treasure dragon beast in the God of War realm is still too terrifying to stop the treasure dragon beast. If it is really attacked, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition, there are opportunities, well, it is the big opportunity of the Babel Tower, which is much more powerful than the opportunity of adding a small realm.

The Tower of Babel in the Tower of Babel.

This opportunity is the biggest known opportunity in the Tower of Babel, but the place where the Tower of Babel appears is not fixed, and it is not known whether it will appear or not.

Tongtiantai is a kind of inheritance treasure opportunity. Depending on your understanding and luck, you may get nothing, or you may get only an unusable Kung Fu and Taoist method.

If you are lucky, you can even reach the sky in one step, change your destiny, and rise to success. Therefore, this is the biggest opportunity. The masters of the Murong family and the Yangshe family are all aiming for this opportunity.

The place where Tongtiantai appears is not fixed, nor is the time.

Randomly, but with a lot of information and some information left by their families, the Murong family and the Yangshe family found certain patterns and could lock the scope in a certain area.

So now they are constantly appearing in these locations, but with the emergence of Tongtiantai, there are also dangers, and the guardian generals guarding Tongtiantai.

So I dare not disperse people to these points separately, so I can only gather them together. Otherwise, leave two people at each location. Once they appear, notify them immediately. This is the best way, but because there are relatively many locations, the people are too scattered. , prone to big problems. 【~ # iQi Literature! ...The novel is better and updated faster]

What's more, several people from the Yangshe family ran away, including two who were in the God of War realm.

Don't be careless.

However, Qin Chuan left a treasure beast at each location, but because there were many locations, a few treasure beasts were not enough, but he left some to narrow the range.

Qin Chuan did not hide it, but told City Lord Murong that now he only needed to search in the remaining locations.

After knowing that Qin Chuan left behind a few monsters, Murong City Lord hesitated and wanted to say something. At this time, Qin Chuan said with a smile: "Don't worry, City Lord, my monsters are good at concealment and detection."

Murong City Lord smiled thoughtfully and nodded: "That's great, this way we can save a lot of time, good thing, little brother, you have helped my Murong family a lot."

What follows is a boring ride on a bird, constantly wandering to several locations, not knowing when it will appear, just searching without any clue.

The time in the Tower of Babel is limited, but searching without rest is not an option.

But Qin Chuan soon realized that things were not what he thought.

Three days!

It was the first three days, the three days before entering the Tower of Babel. If the Tower of Babel appeared in these three days, it would have appeared. If it hadn't been for the Tower of Babel this time, there would not have been this opportunity.

The opportunity of Tongtiantai is also random. Whether it appears or not depends on God's will, so this opportunity is very precious.

Not to mention that you can't meet it, even if you do, whether you can get it or not is still a question. Opportunity is a good opportunity, but the possibility of getting nothing accounts for most of it.

At noon, a whole day passed.

Three days have passed and one day has passed. Everyone was still calm, and Qin Chuan didn't feel anything at all. After all, this kind of unreliable opportunity should be kept calm. If I get it, I will be lucky, and if I lose it, I will die.

Don't have too much hope, as the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, but if it happens, then you must fight for it.

Two days passed.

There is still the last day. If you don't show up, then this trip to the Babel Tower will mean that the Babel Tower did not show up.

But it should happen according to the rules. This rule has always been correct. There is still one day, and there is still hope.

Another half day passed.

It's morning now.

If it does not appear in another two hours, it means it will not appear.

We have been searching for more than two and a half days. Everyone's spirits are still good, but they are a little disappointed inside and hope is gradually fading.

In the past records, in fact, there were many occurrences in the last hour and the last quarter of an hour within one stick of incense, but there were more occurrences on the first day. Therefore, it is said to be sooner rather than later. The earlier it appears, the more at ease it will be. .

What's more, the opening time of the Tower of Babel is limited. The later it is opened, the shorter the time left for you to realize your feelings. In short, the earlier it appears, the better, and the later it is, the worse.

"It seems that our visit this time was in vain." Before the last hour, City Lord Murong shook his head helplessly.


As soon as he finished saying this, Qin Chuan spoke.

"Appeared?" City Lord Murong asked in surprise.

"Where is it at seven o'clock?" Qin Chuan said. He had just received a message from the treasure beast. Of course, he saw the Tongtian Tower through the treasure beast's vision.


The group of people was extremely excited and went quickly.

Although I saw Tongtiantai through the treasure beast's vision, I was still shocked when I arrived there.

The white jade platform, which is about a hundred meters long and wide, is suspended in the air, with a shimmering light and a powerful sacred aura, which is awe-inspiring.

Divine object!

This is the Tongtian Terrace, which covers the sky and the sun, is solemn and sacred, and is spotless. However, at this time, there are eight people in front of the White Jade Terrace.

Guardian warrior!

The eight people in the God of War realm are not living people, but a kind of energy condensation. If you want to go up to the Tongtian Tower, you must deal with these eight guardian generals.

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