Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2513 is out, inquire about the Nine Heavens Xuannv Temple

I don’t know what other people’s benefits are, and we don’t know how to communicate about it. After all, this is also a kind of treasure. Even though I have obviously received a great opportunity, it still sounds like I have gained nothing.

Nowadays, many of us have expressions of surprise and cannot hide it. It seems that many people have benefited, but many have not. Those people are not happy.

You can't pretend to be happy or unhappy.

"Uncle, what did you get?" Murong Baobao said happily.

Qin Chuan knew from the look on this girl's face that she must have benefited, but he didn't find any benefit after looking at it.

"What did you get?"

Murong Baobao smiled: "Keep it secret!"

Qin Chuan smiled and did not ask further questions. To be honest, he was not too curious. Things here were about to end.

After getting out, Qin Chuan will leave here.

A group of people slowly walked back to the exit on the first floor. It was not open yet, but most people had already returned.

However, the few people who escaped from the Yangshe family were not among them. This is normal, but it is abnormal to appear here.

But this place will open when the time comes, and it will close in half a day, and it will be decades before it opens again.

So as long as they guard it for half a day, those people from the Yangshe family won't come out unless they really plan to stay in there for decades.

In fact, there are not many people who have stayed inside for decades. There are two choices: die outside or live inside. Whichever one you choose, there must be many people who choose to stay inside.

There are monsters and water here, and it seems to be another world, but there are no people. Survival is not difficult, and decades are not too long for a warrior, so it is acceptable.

So now the Murong family is guarding here, but it's really hard to say whether they can guard the Yangshe family. They have no idea. They always feel that they would not come to die even if they didn't come out.

But the Murong family must defend it, and it doesn’t matter if they are kept inside for decades. I don’t know how far the Murong family will develop in a few decades, but it will definitely be much better than now.



The door to the Tower of Babel opened, and Qin Chuan and the Murong family walked out together.

But suddenly Qin Chuan looked at a person, and with just one glance he was sure that this person was the one who escaped in the first place.

This person's strength has been hidden. This ability is really powerful. If it weren't for the familiar fluctuations at that moment, Qin Chuan would not even notice this person.

He was hiding, but the others couldn't hide their strength. They were not in the God of War realm, and Qin Chuan discovered it with this attention.

The ability of the Golden Eyes is not about seeing.

Qin Chuan saw Murong Baobao, and he also saw that the other party looked at this place with malicious eyes from time to time, including himself, and his eyes were selective and devouring.

"City Lord!" Qin Chuan said with a smile at this time.


"Those people are here, they have disguised themselves." Qin Chuan said in a low voice that only he and the city lord could hear.

"What?" The city lord stopped. When he stopped, everyone around him stopped. [~~iQi Literature…\u0026 free reading]

"Hold the exit and come out one by one." The city lord still has his prestige.

Walk out one by one.

Those people were actually very calm, after all, their faces had changed, but when the group of them arrived here, Qin Chuan gave him a look.

The masters of the Murong family took action together, and Qin Chuan did not forget to weaken it and use some special abilities.

not good!

The face of the person who was hiding the most in disguise changed. He was in the God of War realm. Seeing that the situation was unclear at this time, the Thirty-six Strategies were the best strategy and he retreated directly to the back.

"Do you, the Murong family, want to kill everyone? You are so cruel."

As soon as they met, one of them ran away, and the others were immediately submerged. Three of them died and several were seriously injured. The remaining one shouted and ran towards the depths.

"I will get him here, and you guys will take action here." Qin Chuan looked at the escaping man and said.

The reversal of yin and yang!


Qin Chuan instantly changed places with that person.

This person who was a little confused still didn't understand what was going on. The killer, the big killer, came directly to greet him without his life. In this situation where more than a dozen God of War realms were fighting together, they were basically beaten in seconds.

That person never expected that he had already run out. Although he said he wanted to stay here, it was better than death after all, but why did he suddenly come back...

When the dust settled and everything was over, Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you sir, a banquet has been prepared at home. I wonder if sir would like to honor you..." City Lord Murong sincerely invited.

Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment and nodded: "That's good work!"

"It should, it should." The city lord said happily.

The afterlife, this is the afterlife for the Murong family.

The banquet was very sumptuous, and the people in the City Lord's Mansion were very enthusiastic.

Qin Chuan always felt that it was better to talk about some things. The city lord currently gave Qin Chuan a good impression. He was generous, open-minded, and very honest.

"Actually, I was asked to come here this time." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

He looked at City Lord Murong.

The city lord was stunned, and then Qin Chuan spoke again: "Taotie Temple!"

After saying these four words, the city lord was no longer confused, but the expression on his face was a bit tangled.

Qin Chuan stopped talking. Some things just need to be settled.

Qin Chuan actually didn't want to know what misunderstanding there was between the old monk and the city lord. He was helping the old monk now, and the old monk helped him after all.

So he mentioned it and Qin Chuan didn't care.

"What are your plans, sir?" the city lord said with a smile as he drank a drink with Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan knew that a question that seemed to be an understatement was actually very important, and he did not hide it. He said with a smile: "I guess I will leave soon. I want to go to the Temple of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess. Has the City Lord heard of it?"

Qin Chuan had asked many people before. He originally thought that it would be easy to get information from such a powerful being, but he couldn't tell anyone at all.

The city lord looked at Qin Chuan with a strange expression on his face, but this expression made Qin Chuan happy because he knew that this expression was at least something he had heard of.

"That's just a legend." The city lord said seriously.

Qin Chuan originally had high hopes, but now he has no hope, because he is sure that the city lord doesn't know either.

"It's not a legend, my wife is in Jiutian Xuannv Temple." Qin Chuan said seriously.

This time it was the city lord's turn to be in a daze. Seeing that Qin Chuan's expression was not a joke, he frowned and felt a little confused.

"Mr. Qin, only a few people here have heard of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess Temple, and some of the legends at that time said it once existed, but it no longer exists." The city lord also said seriously.

"Then I wonder if the city lord knows where the Jiutian Xuannv Temple is?" Qin Chuan asked hopefully. Even if it is a legend, it should have a place name.

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