Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2531 Shura eats the soul and fights Yin and Yang

Although the winner has not been decided yet, in Si Yang's heart he has already been defeated, at least that's what he thinks. It's not that he thinks he can't beat Qin Chuan.

But if he couldn't defeat Qin Chuan easily, he was defeated. He had always been invincible, and his attacks were all shocking. No one at the same level could resist his attacks, at least not so easily.

But Qin Chuan did catch the Eighth Level of Nothingness perfectly, and it looked very relaxed, as if there was no pressure at all, so it made Si Yang very uncomfortable.

Since we are fighting, we must win. Qin Chuan cannot lose, and he cannot lose. He is confident that he will be undefeated in a fight with anyone in the God of War realm.

Shura Soul Eater!

Si Yang looked serious at this time. No matter how good Qin Chuan is, you will trample Qin Chuan today. Not only will he be trampled down, but he will be trampled to death. Such people are not allowed to live in the world.

The black Shura knife carries a terrifying shadow, shrouded in a bone-chilling cold aura, and penetrates into the body pervasively, as if it wants to suck the soul out of the body.


This attack? Qin Chuan frowned slightly. It was strange in the whole world that this kind of attack could actually attack the ghost.

Yin and yang, Qin Chuan has a more thorough understanding of yin and yang because he has the super realm of yin and yang. There are some yin cultivation in this world.

There are even some people who are born with dark eyes and can see some special things. Besides, Qin Chuan is all reborn, with the memories of his previous life, so what else is impossible.

So Qin Chuan never underestimates anyone in this world. Maybe one day an ordinary person awakens the memory of his past life, maybe the memory of a powerful person, and then he will suddenly soar to the sky.

Although the probability of this kind of thing is small, it happens every day. After all, the Nine Realms World is vast and boundless. The number of people is like dust in the sky and the earth, like the stars. It appears every day, but it is still not worth mentioning to the entire world.

Bang bang!

The battle continued, and Qin Chuan and Si Yang were fighting faster and faster, but Si Yang had a strange feeling, as if he was getting more and more uncomfortable and irritable.

Qin Chuan's world trend has made his attacks more and more powerful. Not only that, but mainly Qin Chuan's ability to fight Yin and Yang is also very terrifying.

Fighting yin and yang and combining it with the general trend of the world, Siyang's painful feeling became very obvious over time.

I thought it was an illusion before.

I felt very uncomfortable, thinking that I was irritated and unhappy because I couldn't take down Qin Chuan for a while, but it was an illusion that I felt unhappy.

But now he knows that this is not an illusion, this is real discomfort, and it has reached an unbearable level. He is confused, restless, and in a daze.

In fact, to a certain extent, the power of Si Yang's body is actually yin and yang, which can also be said to be yin and yang. Although it is said to be the fusion of Yuanli and spiritual power, it can also be said to be yin and yang, a type of yin and yang.

Qin Chuan's attack on yin and yang directly disrupted the balance of yin and yang, which is unbearable for anyone. After all, yin and yang complement each other, and the balance of yin and yang is the prerequisite for survival.

If only yang does not arise, yin will not grow. If either yin or yang is missing, life will disappear. Therefore, once the balance of yin and yang is disturbed, the body will become weak and painful to a certain extent.

Si Yang was in pain now, and even his attacks were getting weaker. Si Yang was also aware of this problem, because he found that his mental power had become much weaker, and his attacks caused by the imbalance were greatly reduced.

These are still secondary. The main reason is the physical discomfort and discomfort. This is becoming more and more unbearable. Qin Chuan's every attack can make it worse.


Si Yang didn't want to lose and kept thinking of ways, but the battle was over. He was hit by Qin Chuan and got up from the ground in embarrassment.

His face was pale, and he had actually suffered some injuries, which were not serious, but he was definitely not in a good condition to continue fighting.

Si Yang looked at Qin Chuan. To be honest, he had thoughts of killing people at this time. He had never suffered such a big setback in his life. It had always been smooth sailing.

He is extremely talented and has the blessing of his elders. He has always been unstoppable and has reached this day with unstoppable momentum. In the eyes of others, he is the favored son of heaven and the genius among geniuses.

He has become accustomed to this kind of life. He is not afraid of anyone, he is the best, but he also has capital and a strong physique. This cannot be envied, it is natural.

He was such a person who grew up strong and smooth, but today he was hit hard.

In fact, his elders have also worried about this, because it is not good for warriors, especially when they are young and at a low level, not to encounter setbacks.

It's too smooth, but the realm is not stable enough. This mainly involves the state of mind. For example, now, the first real attack failed, causing cracks in Si Yang's state of mind.

His previous understanding has changed now. It's not that he can't accept failure, but he didn't expect to fail, and he didn't expect to fail today. To put it bluntly, he was not ready.

Now that I have failed, my state of mind has begun to break. In fact, every break is a reorganization, just like rebirth. Once it is over, the benefits are great, great.

This is why the sooner you fail, the better, because the state of mind at that time is easy to repair. Those warriors who have been a loser from a low level, once they become strong, they are really like unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

We all know that failure trains people, but no one is willing to fail, because it costs a lot, both tangible and intangible. For example, if you fail in a certain time, you will lose your most beloved woman. If you fail in a certain time, you will lose your face. Leaving an ugly scar...

Besides, deliberately failing or creating failure does not actually have any effect on tempering your mood. Failure can actually only be fate.

Because if you are lucky and fail, you can still live. If you are not lucky, you will be dead if you fail.

Therefore, a strong person who is still alive after failure, especially the kind of person who has been able to reach the level of strength despite repeated defeats, is not only lucky, but also an extremely smart person.

If Si Yang's elders knew that Si Yang was defeated at this time, they might not only not be angry, but they might even thank Qin Chuan.

Because Si Yang is already half-step into the God of War realm. Unless he fails, he will have no chance. Although this failure will be a huge blow, once he gets over it, it will definitely help him beyond imagination.

"I lost!"

After a long time, Si Yang slowly said that Si Yang was not a good person and Qin Chuan had no good impression of such people, but after all, he couldn't afford to offend him now. It would be nice if he could solve the problem.

What's more, Qin Chuan doesn't think he is a savior. If he meets someone like Si Yang, he will kill him. The existence of many people and many things is reasonable, just like darkness and light, good and bad. If one of them is gone, then the other One party ceases to exist, has no need to exist, and cannot exist.

So, just put an end to the immediate trouble.

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