Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 267 Excalibur Palace Sword Intent Autumn, Take Him...

Qin Chuan was a little puzzled when he saw that many people around the ancient temple were warriors, but he soon understood. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Xiao/Speak/Network Reading"

The ancient site that the man told himself was not known to him alone, and it seemed that the ancient site was not so easy to enter.

It's fine if it's not easy, otherwise it's still my turn to come.

Putting away the colorful dragon bird, Qin Chuan and Yuan Su went down. There were many people here, and there were even many flying monsters parked in the air, and the people above were also watching.

Qin Chuan and Yuan Su went to the easternmost direction. Everyone was standing on the long stone steps, and many people were talking about it.

"It's been half a year since this historic site was discovered, but it's a pity that no one can enter it."

"It's fine if you can't get in. It's good that everyone can't get it. It saves you from being envied by others." A middle-aged man laughed.

"That's true, but it is said that capable people will come here in the next few days, maybe this historic site will be breached."

"Skillful people? What kind of capable people can there be? There are so many people here, they can all be regarded as capable people in Xuanyu, but what happened, they are still standing here helpless."


Qin Chuan also looked at this huge ancient temple. It was majestic and exuded an aura like the sea, like a temple.

The age of the historic sites is very long, and generally accompanied by the historical site, there will be an opportunity, the size is unknown, but the opportunity is certain.

Therefore, as long as you find ancient monuments, you will try to enter them. If you are lucky, you will reach the sky in one step. From then on, you will become a man of the world, with money, beauty, and status. From then on, life will no longer be dull and colorful. That is the real enjoyment of life.


It's just that the formation is okay, but there is still coercion. After walking a few steps along the stone steps, you will feel the pressure of terror. If you can't walk three steps, your bones will creak.

This is the scariest thing!

Qin Chuan tried it once, but his divine pupil Xianwei was useless. He could walk a little longer than others, but it was useless to walk more than ten miles of stone steps. "i more and more complete"

Golden pupil!

Qin Chuan opened his golden pupils, and everything in the surrounding tens of miles completely appeared in his field of vision.

Even everything in the hall appeared in Qin Chuan's eyes.

A stone statue, a stone statue holding a long sword.

It looks very ordinary, but this stone statue is very extraordinary in Qin Chuan's eyes. The feeling of penetrating heaven and earth is extremely strong, as if he is the emperor.

This is the artistic conception of the Son of Heaven, Son of Heaven!

It turned out to be the inheritance of the Son of Heaven!

And on the stone platform in front is a golden book, very thin, but exudes a soft halo, domineering atmosphere, simple and precious, it looks extraordinary at first glance.

Heavenly Son Excalibur!

With four golden seal characters, Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. He tried to see how to get in. Everyone wants to inherit, and Qin Chuan is no exception.

He walked a few steps towards the scalp, but felt hopeless.

Suddenly at this moment, Qin Chuan saw a person walking towards the ancient palace alone.

He is not subject to coercion and restriction!

"Young Palace Master of Excalibur Palace!"

"Look, it seems that this opportunity is for him."

"Jian Yiqiu of the Divine Sword Palace, no wonder, it is said that he is one of the best existences in Xuanyu, but the Divine Sword Palace is a low-key person, so there are very few stories about him, but many people still know of his existence."


Qin Chuan doesn't care who he is now, Qin Chuan likes this inheritance very much, seeing that young man getting closer to the ancient temple.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, and a golden figure flashed out.


A golden light rushed directly towards the ancient temple. The Dragon Leopard Beast was not restricted by any means. It entered the ancient temple directly, and then returned with the golden book in its mouth without anyone noticing.

There was a smile on Qin Chuan's face, but it was a pity that the inheritance of the Son of Heaven could only be obtained by watching Jian Yiqiu helplessly.

Although Qin Chuan felt it was a pity, he was content with it. Obtaining the martial arts of the Son of Heaven Sword was quite a reward. He had two god-level inheritances in him, and he couldn't get all the inheritances. He couldn't force it. It's not without any gains once, maybe this Tianzi Shenjian is not much worse than the Tianzi's inheritance?

Sure enough, after entering the main hall, Jian Yiqiu was directly inherited, and it went smoothly. Qin Chuan saw it in his eyes, and felt that it was a pity, a pity.

Excalibur Palace?

Qin Chuan's heart moved, it seemed that this inheritance was prepared for this Jian Yiqiu, Qin Chuan looked at Jian Yiqiu, his eyes twitched, no wonder he could get this inheritance.

There is actually a sword spirit in his body.

After the inheritance of the Son of Heaven is completed, Jian Yiqiu can be said to have reached the sky in one step, and the fate of the whole person will also be changed because of the inheritance of the Son of Heaven.

But when he looked at Shitai, he was contemplating. Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that he knew about the existence of the Divine Sword of the Son of Heaven when he got the inheritance, but now it is gone.

This is definitely the worst thing in the ointment.

He sighed and walked out, just in the direction of Qin Chuan.

As he walked away, Jian Yiqiu became more and more puzzled, because the familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, he finally set his sights on Qin Chuan, and he also affirmed one thing, the martial arts of the Son of Heaven Sword was on him.

Although he doesn't understand, he can be sure that this is the ability brought by the inheritance, and half of the power of the emperor's inheritance lies in this emperor's sword.

Qin Chuan seemed to realize something, he also looked at Jian Yiqiu.

"Hand over the Divine Sword of the Son of Heaven!" Jian Yiqiu looked at Qin Chuan and said calmly.

Qin Chuan looked at Jian Yiqiu, and couldn't tell his age. He should be in his thirties, with an upright and handsome appearance, dressed in a snow-white sword uniform, and surrounded by a sense of agility.

Very strong!

Qin Chuan frowned. Although Jian Yiqiu was also in the ninth level of the alchemy realm, the gap between the alchemy realms could also be the gap between Haoyue and Luminescence.

Jian Yiqiu is Haoyue!

Of course Qin Chuan is also Haoyue!

Qin Chuan had a smile on his face: "That's mine!"

Jian Yiqiu frowned, looking at Qin Chuan with a condescending aura.


When he saw Yuan Su beside Qin Chuan, his eyes lit up. It is rare to see such a beautiful woman, and she is also that kind of lonely woman. Such a woman is absolutely attractive to Jian Yiqiu.

He is proud, but he prefers a proud woman who is worthy of his pursuit, a truly proud woman, like Yuan Su, who is aloof in her bones.

"I don't have time to waste here with you, hand over the Heavenly Son Divine Sword, it belongs to me." Jian Yiqiu said.

"A chance, whoever is destined to get it, who says it's yours?" Qin Chuan asked.

"You understand in your heart that you are robbing me of my good fortune and cannot stand on the way of heaven." Jian Yiqiu frowned even more.

"Cultivation is all about sailing against the current, peeking at yin and yang, and taking advantage of good fortune. Opportunities are obtained by fighting for them, not for anyone." Qin Chuan said coldly.

"In that case, you won't give it to me." Jian Yiqiu stared at Qin Chuan, pressing against Qin Chuan with a strong pressure.

Qin Chuan is only at the second level of the Alchemy Realm now, and in the eyes of Jian Yiqiu, he is completely vulnerable. He didn't do it directly because he didn't know what the relationship between Qin Chuan and Yuan Su was, but he also divided the importance. Okay, but the Tianzi Excalibur is worth hundreds of beauties. (Nine Realms God Emperor../24/24642/)--( Nine Realms God Emperor )

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