Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 280 Cold Ecstasy, Beauty's Misfortune...

Lu Liangtian is dead, just like that!

Lan Nuo was dumbfounded, looking at Lu Liangtian who fell under the sword in disbelief, that bastard who made her hate her to the bone, wishing she could pull his skin and cramps, he killed him himself.

She soon felt a pleasant surprise in her heart. She avenged her sister and won the breath of the Holy League.

She looked back at Qin Chuan, she thought of the magical power before, it was the god of the formation, and she was proficient in the three steps and the three swords, she naturally knew that this was the most magical god of the formation, and she seemed to be the same as the formation before. The gods are enlightened.

She didn't even need to think about it to know that this was Qin Chuan's formation god. She felt more and more miraculous about Qin Chuan. Chuan is extremely mysterious.

This made her full of curiosity and deep gratitude to Qin Chuan.

The matter of the Lu family is nothing to be afraid of, but the Lu family seems to have some strength behind it, which seems to be very powerful, but the friction between the Lu family and the Holy League, a mid-level force, the powerful forces are generally embarrassed to intervene, and generally it is around the same " Ranking" will compete with each other.

So there is no need to worry too much about the forces behind the Lu family.

The matter has passed, and the Holy League has returned to calm.

Qin Chuan still lives peacefully in the medical hall as before. A patient prescribes a prescription, two female disciples fetch medicine, and Jian Yiqiu is in charge of purchasing medicinal materials for the medical hall.

The former female disciple was very kind to Qin Chuan. She brought water to Qin Chuan, and the food would be prepared and served, or she could go directly to Thyme to pack and bring it over.

Qin Chuan asked her not to be so polite, but the girl insisted on it.

Qin Chuan simply left it to her. If it wasn't for Qin Chuan this time, the girl's fate would have been tragic. Qin Chuan can be said to be her savior.

And there is another news, that is, the Canglan battlefield will start in two months.

Every time Qin Chuan heard about Canglan Battlefield, he was a little excited. This is a huge battlefield, and there are tens of thousands of people who participated in the battle. Of course, it is a round-robin match. Every time, it is a competition between two teams, not alone. ...

And this is a real battlefield, life and death are at your own risk, but you can stop at any time, once you admit defeat, the opponent must stop.

Canglan Battlefield decides the allocation of resources for the next year.

two months

Qin Chuan decided to study the substitute talisman first, so that he would have an extra life in the battlefield.

Before you know it, a week has passed.

Qin Chuan went out in the evening and was going to take a walk. The substitute talisman seal he studied today has made progress, and he has made a lot of breakthroughs. If this continues for at most a month, he can deduce it successfully.

As soon as he went out, he saw the eldest princess walking over.

"Let's go together?" the eldest princess said softly.

Qin Chuan nodded.

The two walked along the street, which was very quiet, and the people who came in and out were all from the Holy League. Although Qin Chuan came to the Holy League, he still knew very little about the Holy League, but he still knew a little about the situation of the eldest princess.

Her strength is at the ninth level of the Alchemy Realm, and many people below are not convinced by her, but with the presence of Lan Nuo, and the fact that the princess is a rare beauty, she barely sat down.

The main object of dissatisfaction is some elders. These elders are at the yellow level. In their eyes, even the ninth level of the alchemy state cannot be seen.

The distance between the Dandan Realm and the Huang level is very long, and there are countless people who have been blocked by the Huang level for a lifetime.

"What are your plans? Could it be that you have been in the Holy League all the time, or do you want to grow together with the Holy League and get out of Canglan City?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"Hmph, I have this idea, but you have to help me." The eldest princess said.

"How can I help you?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"Qin Chuan, don't you think we are destined?" The eldest princess said softly.

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment: "Fate is not that magical!"

"You hate me so much?" The eldest princess looked at Qin Chuan.

"How come, you are so beautiful, it's too late to like it."

"Liar, you see, I don't feel that way, and I even want to escape." The eldest princess looked at Qin Chuan a little disappointed.

She seemed aggrieved.

She is really wronged. She doesn't know when it started. She likes Qin Chuan a little bit. She is an indifferent person. She is very indifferent in her bones, and even the relationship between men and women is very indifferent. Now only Qin Chuan is by her side and won't vomit or feel Disgusting, she didn't long for a man very much, and she didn't think about committing herself to that man now.

But she didn't want to miss Qin Chuan this time. If she missed Qin Chuan again this time and found Qin Chuan later, it would be basically impossible.

Qin Chuan rubbed his head: "Miss, what exactly do you want?"

"Don't avoid me on purpose. I don't have any thoughts about you now, but when I have thoughts about you, you have to let me find you. I want to know what it's like to be a woman." The eldest princess moved her head closer to Qin Chuan's ear Said.

The voice was very low, as sweet as fairy music, with a faint fragrance, the fairy sound lingered around his bones, and Qin Chuan directly tensed his body.

This woman is an extraordinary goblin, she is the queen, he is a cold beauty, but he has a cold temptation, this kind of words from her mouth, every word goes straight to the heart, to the depths of the brain, just like There was thunder on the ground, but the bones were numb, and the back was cool, from the tailbone to the brain.

Refreshing, refreshing, refreshed, and the bone erosion is nothing more than that, this is the highest spiritual enjoyment, this is divine friendship, spiritual satisfaction, this is another peak.

She is a fairy, but she is also a fairy, a cold woman!

Qin Chuan had the urge to hug her, but at this moment a discordant voice sounded.

"Holy Lord, how decent is it for you to kiss me and me with a man on the street?"

The eldest princess took a step back slowly, and Qin Chuan looked at the speaker at this time.

This is a middle-aged man, dressed in snow-white clothes, good-looking, and tall and straight. At this time, he looked at the eldest princess with an indescribable look, as if possessive, but not like it, but it had a sense of aggression.

Qin Chuan clearly saw the meaning of the other party, that is, greed, jealousy, and possession.

It can be seen from the clothes that this man is an elder of the Holy League.

"When is it your turn to take care of my affairs?" The eldest princess frowned displeased.

"Haha, it doesn't matter to me, but you are the Holy Master of the Holy League, and your words and deeds represent the Holy League. The Holy Master of the Holy League has always represented purity. The previous Holy Master was defiled and killed. , You have already shamed the Holy League, do you want to shame the Holy League too?" The man looked at the Eldest Princess aggressively.

"Fuck, you old bastard, can't you just keep your dog eyes back when you talk, do you think others can't see the obscene thoughts in your dog eyes?" Qin Chuan couldn't help it, and cursed.

The man only looked at Qin Chuan at this time, and the disgust in his eyes was very strong. Seeing the closeness between the eldest princess and Qin Chuan made him extremely jealous, and even thought of killing Qin Chuan. Jealousy can kill of.

A beauty is a disaster, this is a beauty, a disaster of innocence is like this.

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