Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 284 Candidates for Canglan Battlefield, Half-Great...

"As long as you are in the Holy League, I will always be by your side. "Recommend Baidu/Qi-Zi*Xiao/Shuo/Web Reading""

Qin Chuan smiled and didn't say anything. The two of them walked into the hall. Where Ba Qingcheng was already, he seemed to be thinking about something. When he saw Qin Chuan and Lan Nuo, he said hello, and the three of them sat down.

"Qin Chuan, sister, let's discuss the number of players in Canglan Battlefield today, and who will play in the battle." Ba Qingcheng said.

"Each faction has the most battles and few people? How many people come to power each time?" Qin Chuan asked.

He didn't know anything about the Canglan battlefield.

"The forces in the midstream and the lower ranks can only fight with ten people. The two groups are five-member teams. The bigger the power, the more people will fight. The front can fight with as many as five groups. Twenty-five people, beast taming, Mounts and monsters are not included in this number." Ba Qingcheng said.

"Up to five people at a time, the four? Can three people?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Yes, even alone." Ba Qingcheng said.

"What are the rules of the competition?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Life and death are conceited. If there is a substitute talisman jade pendant, as long as the jade pendant is broken, or the protective ability is exerted, you can take the initiative to request to withdraw, and you can continue to fight."

Qin Chuan nodded. The Canglan battlefield was cruel, but it seemed necessary to have something like a substitute talisman and jade pendant.

"Those big forces can carve stand-in talisman jade pendants by themselves, so they will agree in advance that as long as the jade pendant is broken, they are not allowed to be attacked again. This can not only practice actual combat, but also reduce the casualties of the strong." Ba Qingcheng said.

"Before going to the Canglan battlefield, I will give you a gift, and I promise you will like it." Qin Chuan smiled.

"What gift, tell us!" Lan Nuo said.

"It's been a few days, I can only guarantee that you like it." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Hmph, stingy, well, let's decide who will play!" Ba Qingcheng said at this time.

"We are fighting in two groups, one group is the five elders of the Holy League, and the other group is five young people, but there are not enough candidates." Ba Qingcheng said.

"Five young people, three here, plus Jian Yiqiu, he is still good, and he can break through if he is lucky these days.

"Qin Chuan laughed.

"There is still a young man missing." Ba Qingcheng said.

"Could it be that the Holy League can't find another suitable person? How did you participate last year?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"Originally there was a very good one, but unfortunately he was injured and his cultivation base was gone. He was originally a genius, but it's a pity..." Ba Qingcheng sighed at this point.

"Where is this person now?" Qin Chuan asked.

"In the Holy League, without cultivation, rest here."

"Then let's go and have a look, my medical skills are not bad, let's try it?" Qin Chuan said.

Ba Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up and he nodded.

The three of them walked inward until they reached a quiet small courtyard at the innermost part.

"Little Fatty!" Lan Nuo softly shouted.

Dong dong dong, heavy footsteps came, and then the door opened, Qin Chuan was taken aback.

Such a big fat man, called Xiaopang...

He is 2.5 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide. Standing like a wall, he looks very solid. He has a big, bald head, which is very white, with small eyes. He has a simple and honest smile on his face, giving people A very cordial feeling.

"Sister Lan, Sister Qingcheng!" Xiaopang greeted with a smile.

Qin Chuan looked at the big fat man and smiled happily.

This is actually a semi-gluttonous physique, which is many times better than that of the fat girl in Tianyuanzong.

"Qin Chuan, what's wrong with you?" Ba Qingcheng saw Qin Chuan staring at Xiaopang in a daze.

"He is indeed a genius!" Qin Chuan said.

"Who is this big brother?" Xiaopang looked at Qin Chuan.

"My name is Qin Chuan. I heard from your sister Qingcheng that your cultivation base was abolished in the Canglan Battlefield last year. Let me come and see you."


"You don't have to thank me, you can thank me after I am cured." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Qin Chuan has already seen the reason, a very important hidden meridian was interrupted, and the Dan Qi in Dantian also dissipated, Qin Chuan still has a way to deal with this situation.

Xiaopang's huge body was tense, and he looked at Qin Chuan: "You mean you can help me restore my cultivation?"

"Three points of hope, do you want to try?" Qin Chuan trailed off.

"If you want, you have to try for one point." Xiaopang said happily.

Qin Chuan smiled. This guy is very optimistic and has a good attitude. If he was another person, he might not know if he could survive. Ba Qingcheng looked at Qin Chuan secretly, blinking his beautiful eyes, and winking at Qin Chuan again.

Qin Chuan knew what she meant, so he couldn't let himself speak big words, don't give people hope, and let people down.

Qin Chuan also blinked at Ba Qingcheng.

Then Ba Qingcheng blushed speechlessly, this bastard...

Xiaopang seemed to be impatient. After all, he was not very old, just like Qin Chuan, only two months younger, and stretched out his huge arms as soon as he entered the room.

"No, since you are in such a hurry, let's start directly. This time, you will be asked to participate in the Canglan Battlefield." Qin Chuan laughed.

Tianyan Acupuncture!

Surpassing Xiaotianyan Acupuncture, but not as good as Datianyan Acupuncture. At present, Qin Chuan's ability is not yet able to perform Datianyan Acupuncture.


Qin Chuan took out the chaotic liquid drop and a piece of Long Taisui for Xiaopang to eat.

The energy of heaven and earth is gathered through Tianyan Acupuncture and moxibustion to repair that section of meridians, which is based on foreign objects and the previous chaotic droplets and Long Taisui.

Two hours later, perform five-element acupuncture!

Let his body generate and restrain each other, and slowly resume functioning, and then help him gather Qi and re-gather his dantian. The "dan" that had no breath at all began to "live" by the warmth of the dan qi.

Another hour and a half!


A strange breath emanated from the chubby body.


The bed where Xiaopang was lying, and everything around him were shattered. Qin Chuan had the God Cloud to protect him, and besides, he had a domineering physique, so he was not afraid of these things at all.



Xiaopang yelled, releasing the year's depression in the heart of the releaser. After shouting dozens of times, he seemed to realize something. He looked at Qin Chuan and said gratefully: "From now on, you will be my brother, dear brother. Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do whatever you want, if you frown, you're a son of a bitch."

Qin Chuan didn't expect that this guy was still a bloody man, so he patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "It's all right, you just stabilize it these few days, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"Okay, listen to brother!" Xiaopang smiled honestly.

Qin Chuan also smiled. It seems that a younger brother with a half-gluttonous physique is not bad...


Five candidates have been confirmed!

Ba Qingcheng was also very happy, walking slowly with Qin Chuan.

"How far is your medical skill?" Ba Qingcheng asked curiously.

Qin Chuan's current Nine Paths of Medicine has reached two holy qi, coupled with the Buddha's radiance and awe-inspiring righteousness, it is really not difficult to cure these. He himself does not know what level of medical skills he has reached, but he is better than many so-called genius doctors A lot.

"I don't know, how come it's much better than some genius doctors here!" Qin Chuan laughed.

"I believe this, even the genius doctors here can't restore Xiaopang, but you can easily cure it." Ba Qingcheng said.

"I know a lot, such as impotence and premature ejaculation, infertility, dysmenorrhea..."

Ba Qingcheng turned his head and left.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I'll go back to the medical hall first!"

"Well, big hooligan!" Ba Qingcheng replied. (Nine Realms God Emperor../24/24642/)--( Nine Realms God Emperor )

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