Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 299 Qin Chuan's Dragon Spirit, Huang Rank Dragon...

Level five formation!

Qin Chuan didn't expect that he would let the formation break through just to calm down.

Qin Chuan sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. This time, he didn't see the splitting process, but only saw five golden flowers.

Wuhua God!

Feel it carefully, smile happily, and double your own strength.

Qin Chuan is very satisfied with the addition of an array god. This position is so important and its value is immeasurable.

Perhaps because of this formation, Qin Chuan's heart calmed down instead, like a bowl of water completely calmed down, now it's all right, and he can start to absorb this Dragon Soul Orb.

Kowloon Divine Power!

Qin Chuan held the Dragon Soul Orb with one hand, and then began to activate the absorption, a huge and pure energy entered his body.

Dragon Qi, um, and other energies?

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't care much at this time, so he quickly absorbed it.

The pure dragon power also has an unclear breath entering the body and entering the brain.

Under Qin Chuan's accidental discovery, that strange breath was absorbed by the little Buddha, leaving nothing behind.

The little golden Buddha looked more and more vigorous, and even more majestic.

Jindan Zaidan is also constantly getting bigger and richer.

The pure dragon energy continuously tempered the body, and the basic hidden meridians were also opened up.


Qin Chuan's eyes were filled with joy, and he felt vast energy pouring into his body from heaven and earth, and the golden core doubled in size. That's not counting. Under Qin Chuan's surprised eyes, there was actually a small sliver of energy clinging to the golden core. ……dragon.

It looks like the size of a little finger, lifelike, still and nuanced, golden like a jade carving, coiled on the golden core, exuding the supreme dragon power.

This this……

Qin Chuan was stunned, the fifth level of Nine Dragons Divine Power!

In the realm of five dragons, such an existence unexpectedly appeared.

Golden pupil!

Look at this, Long Ling!

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, he was overjoyed, sword spirit, sword spirit, etc., but there are still terrifying existences, higher-level existences, beast spirits, and among the beast spirits, dragon spirits are definitely the supreme existence.

Be it sword spirits or beast spirits, they are mostly auxiliary abilities. They are inseparable from the body, but they are extremely powerful. I really don't know how far this kind of existence can grow.

Well, Qin Chuan took a look, the Dragon Soul Orb in his hand was still about one-third of the size, and when he was about to put it away, he saw the Dragon Leopard looking eagerly at it.

Qin Chuan had no choice but to throw the little thing's big crystal eyes to it.

At this time, Qin Chuan noticed his realm, the ninth level of alchemy realm!

Didn't break through to the yellow rank?

Qin Chuan was a little disappointed, but he got the Dragon Spirit, and it seemed that the Supreme Treasure Golden Buddha also got a lot of benefits.

At the ninth level of alchemy realm, after a while, you can try to break through, and then you will be able to break through to the yellow level.

Qin Chuan's Nine Dragons Divine Power Breakthrough, his strength has also increased too much, the awe-inspiring righteousness in his body has increased several times, and along with the rise, the Buddha's light and precious energy has greatly increased.

*Stronger, the power of this *has reached a terrifying level, ten thousand tons of power!

This is the basic physical power, this is the foundation, this power makes Qin Chuan's strength more stable and more violent.

At this time, the Dragon Leopard Beast is shining golden, it does not have a dragon spirit, but it itself is a dragon core.

Yellow class!

Qin Chuan did not expect that the Dragon Soul Orb would have such a great effect on the Dragon Leopard Beast, and it would reach the level of Yellow. The size of the little thing remained the same, only the charm had changed. Just looking at the appearance, it was still a beautiful dragon. Leopard beast, but only Qin Chuan knew how terrifying this little guy was.

At the alchemy state, he can kill those in the high and heavy realms of the Xuan level. Now at the Huang level, he doesn't know if he can threaten the prefecture level against Qin Chuan at the prefecture level, but there should be no problem with killing the existence of the Xuan level in seconds.

This made Qin Chuan calm down a bit, and after a while, he would be able to break through to the Huang level.

What's more, even now, Qin Chuan is much stronger than before, and the formation has also broken through.

Withdrawing the formation, Qin Chuan walked out.

As soon as I walked outside, I saw a group of people walking in.

The leader is Shengxue in white clothes, extremely handsome, and in Qin Chuan's eyes, he is an extremely coquettish existence.

Master Canglan.

"I said, I don't like you, so don't come..." After Ba Qingcheng finished speaking, he suddenly saw Qin Chuan, his eyes lit up, but he walked towards Qin Chuan cautiously.

"Miss Qingcheng, I really like you, I know it's a bit abrupt, we can start as friends first." Mr. Canglan smiled confidently and gracefully.

But he is self-confident, the number one son, women who like him can line up dozens of miles...

His voice is gentle, magnetic, and spotless. This man is handsome enough to rival a woman.

"Qin Chuan!" Ba Qingcheng whispered, and then hugged his arm.

Qin Chuan smiled, fondly rubbing his nose against Ba Qingcheng's Qiong's nose.

Ba Qingcheng blushed, but she didn't avoid it, but she was so ashamed that she buried her face in his arms, after all, there were so many people watching.

Seeing the intimacy between the two, Mr. Canglan became angry and even trembled. He wished he could replace Qin Chuan now.

At this moment, Qin Chuan looked at Mr. Canglan with a smile.

"Master Canglan, right? Qingcheng is my woman. If there is nothing wrong, please go back, and don't bother her again." Qin Chuan said calmly.

Young Master Canglan's face was a bit ugly, the man in Canglan City was not polite and respectful when he saw him, when was he driven out like this.

"Boy, why are you talking to Mr. Canglan? What are you? When Mr. Canglan talks, it's your turn to intervene." A young man beside Mr. Canglan stood up and said loudly.

"It's your turn to talk here, so what are you?" Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows.

"You, okay, boy, don't think that you are great just because you have entered the top 15 of the mid-range forces. In my eyes, you are nothing. I have something to inform you today." The young man said with an ugly face.

Qin Chuan didn't speak, but just looked at him calmly.

"Okay, I won't give you general knowledge, leave Miss Qingcheng, and give you a place in the Yuntianzong, how about it, isn't it a surprise, it's cheaper for you." The young man said, as if he still felt a little distressed.

Yun Tianzong's quota?

Qin Chuan still knows a little about this. Behind the five giant cities including Canglan City, there is a big force called Yuntianzong. In the eyes of Yuntianzong, the strongest strength of Canglan City is also vulnerable. It is a step to the sky, even an ordinary disciple is very detached.

Master Canglan is a disciple of Yuntianzong, and he seems to have a good status in Yuntianzong, as if he is a deacon.

This quota is very precious, and it can even be said that its value is inestimable. After all, the benefits of joining the Yuntian Sect are too great. It is backed by a big tree, and you can learn better martial arts and martial arts, and enjoy precious cultivation resources...

But Qin Chuan also knew that the strong preyed on the weak, especially in the sect, and he didn't feel how precious this quota was.

"Have you said enough? Let's go, don't beg for nothing." Qin Chuan said with a frown.

The young man was taken aback by Qin Chuan's rejection. He originally thought that the condition was superior enough, and even felt that Qin Chuan could obediently leave Ba Qingcheng without this condition, but he didn't expect that this condition did not make Qin Chuan hesitate at all.

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