Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 307 Entering Sky City, Cloud Sky Sect...

The effect of the substitute talisman jade pendant in the middle appeared, but facing Qin Chuan's Seven Star Lianzhu Sword, it was just one more sword!

This sword stunned the rest of them, even Lan Nuo was stunned.

Qin Chuan himself was also very satisfied. This was the first time he used the Qixing Sword's moves in such an outrageous manner in actual combat.

The remaining one ran away directly, and Qin Chuan directly drew out the mysterious heavy bow.


One arrow after another!

The prefecture-level powerful warrior who had lost his fighting spirit was useless at this time, and was shot and killed five hundred meters away by Qin Chuan.

Earth-level warriors are much weaker in actual combat, but they are the only ones who can kill as easily as Qin Chuan. However, Qin Chuan has two god-level inheritances, as well as Dragon Spirit, Formation God Table, Divine Beast Formation Eye Stone, and The Supreme Treasure Golden Buddha...

It's not surprising that I can do this, but I'm a little sorry for these powerful opportunities if I can't.

Agitated by these people, Qin Chuan simply went back with Lan Nuo.


The New Year's bell rang, the fireworks were brilliant, and countless fireworks rushed into the sky. There were also many fireworks here in the Holy League. Qin Chuan, Lan Nuo, Jian Yiqiu, Xiaopang, and other Holy League disciples set off fireworks.

The fireworks are brilliant, and it is another year!

Qin Chuan felt a little melancholy in his heart, and he didn't know where he always felt a little bit lonely and lonely.

He has relatives, friends, and beauty, but he doesn't know why he feels a little bit lonely. Could it be that Ba Qingcheng left?

Or is Master Chu Qingzhu not around, or Su Ho can't be found?

Qin Chuan watched the bright fireworks, silently fascinated, the fireworks are beautiful, but they are very short, and so is life, the more beautiful the life, the shorter the life, and the more beautiful the woman, the more rough it is.

Where is Zhaoxing now? She is outside alone, and she doesn't know if she is doing well now.

Concubine Qian has been away for a long time...

Bei Xueyi may be in Tianyu, but Tianyu is vast, I don't know where she is now,

Sighing in my heart, cherish the people in front of me and not leave regrets for myself. The other thing is to improve my strength. With strength, it will be much easier to find them.

Lan Nuo stood beside Qin Chuan: "I want to make a fortune!"

"Well, what about you, why don't you go home during the Chinese New Year?" Qin Chuan said.

"I don't have a home anymore, the Holy League is my home." Lan Nuo smiled.

Qin Chuan thought that her sister was gone, and she seemed to be a hard-working woman, and said softly, "I'm sorry!"

"What's wrong with that? I've been dependent on my sister since I was a child. I also want to thank you. I'm very happy for letting me kill the enemy for my sister." Lan Nuo laughed.

She was laughing, but Qin Chuan saw the disappointment in her eyes.

Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder: "Sacred League is your home, we are your relatives, I will always support you, if anyone bullies you, tell me, I won't even recognize his parents if I beat you for you Come out to him."

Lan Nuo smiled and looked at Qin Chuan: "This is what you said, it means what you say!"

"Of course!" Qin Chuan smiled.

The gentle smile warmed Lan Nuo's heart, she felt very relaxed at this moment, Xiaopang also laughed at this moment: "Sister Lan, I will always be in the Holy League, anyone who wants to bully you must step on me dead body."

Lan Nuo slapped Xiaopang on the forehead: "Don't say these unlucky words, it's Chinese New Year, everyone is happy!"

The new year is over!

Half a month later, Lan Nuo happily found Qin Chuan: "I broke through!"

Seven Star Sword, Seven Star Step!

Moreover, she has good attainments in formations, as long as she continues like this, she will definitely have an important position here in Tianyu.

Lan Nuo made a breakthrough, and Qin Chuan felt that it was time for him to leave.

For the next month, Qin Chuan spent almost all of his time on Lan Nuo, almost force-feeding him, and taught him a lot of things. If the Holy League wants to gain a foothold in Canglan City, it needs to be tempered, and now its strength is almost the same. It's time to experience the wind and rain.

Qin Chuan was about to leave, but Lan Nuo, Jian Yiqiu and Xiaopang sent Qin Chuan far away.

"Go back. If I have time, I'll come back and have a drink with everyone." Qin Chuan said with a smile.


Qin Chuan walked out of Canglan City, and went to the big sect behind the five giant cities including Canglan City, Yuntianzong.

Canglan City and other five cities form an arc branch in the south of Yuntianzong, and Yuntianzong is the barrier of the five cities.

Yuntianzong is located in Yuntian City!

Yuntian City is much larger than Canglan City, and the atmosphere in it is gentler and more beautiful.

This is the aura belonging to the secondary forces!

Secondary forces! Overlord Dynasty is a first-class strength! But the gap is not a tiny bit!

As soon as Qin Chuan entered, he felt a breeze blowing on his face, comfortable and natural, and in a good mood...

The breath of the secondary forces is really good. The city wall buildings here are becoming more and more stable and tough. This is the foundation, and this is the sense of belonging.

This is also the effect of the stability factor here, a turbulent force, a force without a sense of security, in this environment, it is impossible to form a sense of belonging.

The more developed the city is, the more it takes care of the safety of the people below. Warriors cannot take the initiative to attack ordinary people, and warriors cannot fight against Chiyu...

There are strict regulations on these, and the punishment is also very severe.

Qin Chuan gradually calmed down when he walked into Yuntian City. This is the outer city wall of Yuntian City. As soon as he entered, it was a bustling scene. This is the prosperous and prosperous world, a scene of living and working in peace and prosperity.

The ruler of Yuntian City is Yuntianzong, and there are many forces in Yuntiancheng, but they all obey the orders of Yuntianzong. These forces have to hand over a certain amount of harvest to Yuntianzong every year, and the most precious resources of Yuntiancheng are all Yun Tianzong controls.

In Tianyu, you must join a certain force, otherwise it will be very dangerous, and only by joining a big force can you grow faster.

A few days later, Qin Chuan arrived at Yuntianzong.

Sky Peak!

The great sect must be built on a mountain, and there is spiritual energy hidden in the mountain, so to build a "mountain gate", those who have the ability will choose famous mountains, spiritual mountains, mountains and water, and there must be spiritual veins at the foot of the mountain.

Along the long mountain road, Qin Chuan walked up to Yuntianzong.

The aura of Dazongmen is different. There is a huge square and stone houses in the middle of the mountain. Here is a huge mountain peak that has been flattened in half. The place is very large, there are many stone houses, and there are many people. Where is there in the mountain pass? A large stone tablet with several vigorous and powerful characters written on it.

The outer sect of Yuntian Sect!

This place is like a small world of its own, the outer sect has sect masters, elders, library, everything, no different from any sect, but this is only the outer sect of Yuntian Sect, it is independent in name.

Looking up, there are many stone temples on the top of the mountain, which are sacred and solemn, and from here you can see a huge stone tablet with the same five characters written on it, which is more vigorous and powerful, majestic, and has a kind of kingship artistic conception.

The inner sect of Yuntian Sect!

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