Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 310 The top 10 disciples of the outer sect, Bi...

[The last picture of the fifth level of the imperial level was written as the fifth level of the alchemy level. I made a mistake and corrected it]

Mr. Canglan didn't want himself to join the inner sect of Yuntian Sect, he knew that someone like himself would definitely join the Yuntian Sect one day, he was cheating himself, and let himself stay in the outer sect forever.

It's a pity that he didn't know that his career would not stop at Yuntianzong, even if he was in the outer sect, it didn't matter, but Qin Chuan knew that the conflict between himself and Mr. Canglan had really begun.

"Brother Qin Chuan, what's the matter with you?" Qin Ye asked curiously when he noticed Qin Chuan was in a daze.

"It's okay, the outer sect is not bad, we brothers are together, so why be afraid of his inner sect disciples." Qin Chuan laughed.

"Yes, I don't accept their inner disciples, what's so great about occupying good resources." Tang Ba said unconvinced.

"Biyutan, only the top ten brothers and sisters in the outer gate can use it, and the rest have no chance to use it." Ximen said angrily.

"Jiyutan?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"This is the resource of Yuntianzong. On the top of Jasper Mountain, there are two Jasper Pools. One was originally for the outer sect, but now it has been forcibly seized by the inner sect disciples, and the outer sect disciples are not allowed to use it. You are annoying It's not annoying, we haven't used it once, it is said that the first time it is used, it will cleanse the muscles and bones, cleanse the mind, let the strength break through a small realm, and the effect will become weaker after washing, but there are still great benefits." Ximen Nothing to say.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up: "Why don't you go wash today?"

"Where there are inner disciples controlling, we went to ask for trouble." Tang Ba said weakly.

"Such a good thing, I have to go and see it. This inner disciple is too domineering. Even if I don't take it back, I have to use it at least." Qin Chuan heard that he could break through a small realm, so he had to go.

Qin Ye thought for a while and said, "How about waiting for the brothers and sisters from the outer sect to come back and invite them to go together?"

"They, they are in the top ten of the outer sect, but they actually don't like the others in the outer sect. Let them take us there, why not go by ourselves." Tang Ba said.

"Go by yourself, go, I want to see how you get there yourself." A voice came.

Ten people came from a distance, and their figures were a little bit embarrassed. The leader was a man of no age, with a rough appearance and a fierce aura. It was he who spoke at this time, and looked at Tang Ba with a sneer.

"Wang Meng,

I will go sooner or later. "Tang Ba gritted his teeth and said.

"Hmph, trash!" The man spat out two words in disdain.

At this time, Qin Chuan looked at the ten people opposite. Among them, there was a woman who was the most eye-catching, with a tall figure and good skin, but there was a big scar on her face, which passed between her eyebrows and across the right half of her face. All the way to the chin, it looks like an earthworm, which makes people look a little scary.

She was wearing a black samurai uniform, and her figure was as bumpy as a devil. If you only look at her figure, she is absolutely incomparably sexy, but if you look at her face, she might scare many men to pee.

Because the woman's eyes are as cold as knives, coupled with that terrifying scar, it can directly make people feel chills in their hearts.

"Wang Meng, that's enough, everyone is an outer disciple, what are you doing?" the woman said coldly at this time.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, why are you being polite to them?" Wang Meng said dissatisfied.

"In the eyes of the inner sect, you are also trash." Qin Chuan said at this time.

Hearing Qin Chuan's words, Wang Meng looked at Qin Chuan with a gloomy expression, but he couldn't see who Qin Chuan was after looking for a long time. He frowned and asked, "Boy, who are you?"

"I'm an outer disciple who just joined today!" Qin Chuan said.

"I thought it was something sacred, but it turned out to be just a waste, a waste at the fifth level of the yellow level, waste." Wang Meng said with a disdainful sneer.

"You talk about this trash, that trash, as if you are a genius." Qin Chuan also laughed.

"Boy, are you so arrogant when you first came to the outer sect of Yuntianzong? Why do you want to fight me?" Wang Meng looked at Qin Chuan and sneered.

"Wang Meng, well, don't bully the newcomer." The woman said again.

"Sister Bing, you've seen it too. It's not me who bullies him, but he wants to bully me." Wang Meng said with a pitiful face.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!" The woman took the lead to leave after speaking.

Wang Meng looked at Qin Chuan with a sneer, and left with a playful smile.

Qin Chuan didn't take it seriously, just smiled and looked at the others: "I'm going to Biyutan, is there anyone going with me?"

"I'll go with you!" Tang Ba said loudly.

"Of course I'm going too!" Qin Ye laughed.

"Brother, everyone said that we will go together in the future, so naturally we will go together. No matter what we do, as long as you open your mouth, brother, we will definitely go." Brother Ximen patted his chest and said decisively.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Okay, since this is the case, let's go together!"

In this way, five people went to Biyutan, the distance is not far, but there are guards there, and the outer disciples don't let you use it, they are bullying you openly.

This is an isolated hill.

Jasper Mountain!

As soon as I climbed up, I felt the abundant spiritual energy, and there was a trace of cold air in it.

The place on the top of the mountain is not very big, but it is not small either. At this time, there are two large pools on the top of the mountain, with a distance of tens of meters.


The water in the pool is running water, which seems to be constantly flowing.

At this time, there were more than a dozen disciples gathered around, yelling something.

"big big big……"

"Little little..."

"Fuck, what a loser!"


At this time, there was no one in the Jade Pool. Qin Chuan and his group interrupted the inner disciples who were gambling. They looked up and found that they were outer disciples with strange expressions on their faces.

One of the sunny and handsome young men came out: "Tang Ba, this is the first time you have come here, and every time you get beaten up, your nose is bruised and your face is swollen. How come you haven't been beaten for a few days, and your skin is itchy again?"

"You guys go back, don't make fun of yourself, you should give up on this Biyutan!" said a young man next to him.

"This Jade Lake originally belonged to our outer sect, and you're unreasonable for taking over the magpie's nest?" Tang Ba said angrily.

"Haha, did you hear that, this Biyutan belongs to his outer door, you are all outsiders, why don't you know yourself, what is the outer door, what is the inner door, the so-called outer door is the person outside the door, in fact You can't be regarded as members of the Yuntian Sect, you are still outside the Yuntian Sect's gate, and you dare to compete with us for the Jade Lake, it's ridiculous." The sunny and handsome young man laughed.

"Okay, today the outer door uses Jade Pool, whoever stops us to fight directly." Qin Chuan didn't bother to say more here at this time, and walked directly towards Jade Pool.

"Hehe, boy, you are very arrogant, hit me, hit me, hit me hard, just hit me in the face..."


The person who spoke was a fairly good-looking young man. He raised his head and gave Qin Chuan a disdainful look. It was definitely contempt. This was the first sentence he said. It's hot, and it seems like it's still hot.

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