Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 313 The Art of Tonghuang, Yuntianzong's...

After soaking in the Jade Pool, the group returned to the outer gate. This time, the reputation of Qin Chuan and others was spread. Both the inner and outer gates knew about it. It was also rumored that Qin Chuan was the man Bei Xueyi once loved. Now Qin Chuan joined Yuntianzong just to get Bei Xueyi back...

This kind of thing spread the fastest, and it was so embellished that Qin Chuan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and it made him feel as if it was real.

For a while Qin Chuan became the most popular person, but Mr. Canglan was very upset. Now he wished to tear Qin Chuan's body to pieces.

He is proud and arrogant, and ordinary vulgar fans look down on him, but Bei Xueyi and Ba Qingcheng are the only ones that make his heart flutter. He is very favored in Yuntianzong, so he personally found a deputy lord of the inner sect, and asked him to match He, Bei Xueyi, and the deputy head of the sect were kind to Bei Xueyi, and there was a lot of detours in their words, not to mention that Mr. Canglan is indeed a rare genius, no matter his appearance or family background, his character is very hidden. it is good.

In this way, Bei Xueyi agreed to get engaged, but it was just an engagement.


Qin Chuan broke through a small realm and was very satisfied. He was in the sixth level of the Huang level, and now he is living comfortably in the outer sect.

Today, Bu Fan found Qin Chuan and came to thank Qin Chuan. Bu Fan has reached the ninth level of the prefecture level and broke through smoothly. He is very happy, so he came to thank Qin Chuan.

The strongest of Yuntianzong is the ninth level of the prefecture level, but there can be a big gap among the nine levels of the prefecture level, it depends on the actual combat ability such as talent, aptitude, skills, martial arts, treasures, etc.

There is also the strength of the ninth level of the prefecture level. After reaching the ninth level, it will accumulate and accumulate, and the strength can continue to improve, but it has always been the ninth level of the prefecture level. Need an opportunity or Tongtian Pill!

The Tongtian Pill is too rare to find a way out, and such things as chance cannot be forced.

Therefore, when you reach the ninth level of prefecture level, you will stop, slowly consolidate yourself, allow yourself to settle, and make yourself the best in the ninth level of prefecture level.

"Qin Chuan, I really want to thank you. Let me think about how to thank you?" Bu Fan thought seriously.

"Elder Bu, you are being polite, there is really no need." Qin Chuan smiled and poured him wine.

This wine is also brewed by Qin Chuan himself, and Fan's eyes shine when he drinks it. This kind of wine strengthens the body, cleanses the bones and refreshes the mind, and is extremely delicious. People who are good at wine can definitely go bankrupt and buy a glass.

"You are now at the yellow level,

Although the sky is a genius, it still takes a lot of time to break through the mysterious level. This is for you. It is a skill that allows you to break through quickly. It is only valid for the yellow level to the mysterious level. Entering the mysterious level, this is a tasteless up. "Bu Fan took out a golden title page and handed it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan didn't refuse, and took it.

The art of clearing yellow!

Then there is a record of martial arts. This is a martial art that breaks through various small barriers of the Huang class and advances quickly. Many miraculous things, with the background of a great power, must have a lot of inheritance. This is the capital of walking in the front, becoming a strong man, and becoming a great power.

This is the technique of Tonghuang, so will there be the technique of Tongxuan?

Qin Chuan remembered what was recorded in it, and the value of this thing is not low, and then returned to Bu Fan: "Thank you, Elder Bu!"

"You boy, still be polite to me, Qin Chuan, Yun Tianzong's disadvantages are getting more and more serious, the internal and external sects are at odds, the contradictions are deep, and some forces around are eyeing you, you have to prepare early." Bu Fan gently Said.

"Prepare early?" Qin Chuan was taken aback.

"Well, Yun Tianzong may be destroyed at any time." Bu Fan sighed.

Qin Chuan was startled, this is Tianyu, he can barely protect himself now, but if he can destroy Yun Tianzong, how strong is he, can he still protect himself?

"Why?" Qin Chuan asked puzzled.

"Yuntianzong has an enemy, the Yueyang family, and the woman of the inner sect lord belongs to the Yueyang family, but the woman of the Yueyang family is uneasy, and messing around with a disciple of the lord, was caught by the lord, and both of them were beaten to death on the spot In this way, they formed a grudge with the Yueyang family. The two sides have often had conflicts over the years. There have been many casualties. There may be a big war at any time. Yuntianzong is slightly inferior in strength, and it is said that the Yueyang family has found a good helper , This is very likely to be a disaster for Yun Tianzong." Bu Fan said with a sigh.

After listening to it, Qin Chuan also sighed. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen. The master of Yuntianzong's inner sect was humiliated, and the Yueyang family was also humiliated, and they were beaten to death. It would be fine if the Yueyang family was just an ordinary family. However, the two parties are still married and formed an alliance. Since it is a marriage, you actually killed someone from the Yueyang family. This marriage is no longer there, and the alliance is naturally no longer there, and they turned against each other.

"Prepare early, Elder Bu, how do you prepare?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"Leaving Yuntianzong, Yuntianzong has actually dismissed many disciples now." Bu Fan said.

"Perhaps things are not that bad." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"hope so!"

When Bu Fan left, Qin Chuan gave him two altars of wine, and Fan was very happy when he gave in.


Qin Chuan was also upset about Yun Tianzong's affairs. If he came here, would he destroy the sect?

While thinking about it, a person came from the outer door, a woman of peerless beauty.

Bei Xueyi!

The outer disciples took her to find Qin Chuan. Seeing Bei Xueyi coming, Qin Chuan walked over with a happy face, "Sister Bei, I thought you wouldn't come to see me."

"Let's go, I'll wash the dust for you!" Bei Xueyi said.

"Aren't you afraid that that flirty and shameless man will come and make trouble for no reason?" Qin Chuan laughed.

Bei Xueyi knew who he was talking about, and looked at him speechlessly: "You guys can't make people worry, you were so bad when you were young, and now it seems to be even worse."

Bei Xueyi knew something about Qin Chuan, and heard a lot about him these days, even about the Canglan battlefield. She was surprised by Qin Chuan's ability, and unconsciously became curious about Qin Chuan , and she thought that when he was in Panshi Town, he was only so old that he could give himself acupuncture, let his strength break through, and lay a foundation for himself, so that he could go to South Sea City and then walk out.

It can be said that without Qin Chuan, I would not be able to get to where I am now!

"I don't have the privileges I had when I was a child now, tsk tsk, how wonderful it was back then, I could hug, kiss, and hug my thigh..."

"Bastard, that's enough." Bei Xueyi said angrily.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Thinking about it now, I'm really happy, and it's also very far away."

"Hmph, you're still ashamed to say, so young but so lecherous, I've never seen such a lecherous child." Bei Xueyi said angrily.

Qin Chuan could only chuckle.

"Where is Panshi Town okay?" Bei Xueyi said softly.

"Didn't you go back and have a look for so many years?" Qin Chuan asked.

"The road of a warrior is lonely, especially those of us who came from a small place. Maybe we will never go back. It is best to bring something home every once in a while, but a letter." Bei Xueyi said with a smile.

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