Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 327 Sacred One Strike, Yueyang Like a Pine...


Qin Chuan's speed reached a new level, and the golden sword in his hand swept out one by one.

The color of gold and silver is mixed, with a trace of the power of heaven.

This is a kind of initial force for the harmony between heaven and earth, implying the way of yin and yang.

Cooperating with the divine power, this sword is swept out violently, even the earth-level warriors feel the pressure, not to mention Honghu and Bei Xueyi are also there.

The opponent on the opposite side lost the formation and was weakened and slowed down again, while the strength of Honghu and Bei Xueyi increased greatly.

One increase and one decrease, and the increase and decrease are very different, and the strength of the two sides has been pulled apart at once.

Holy hit!

Qin Chuan waved his hand directly, and a snow-white halo, like a single whip, was drawn directly towards a strong man from the Yueyang family.


A crisp halo came instantly, and with that crisp sound, that snow-white whip shadow hit the opponent directly.

The strong man was dumbfounded and fell down slowly.

The holy blow actually instantly killed this person!

Qin Chuan knew that the Holy Strike would be very powerful. After all, the Holy Strike was a terrifying attack condensed with pure holy power, and ordinary attacks that only contained holy power were already so terrifying, let alone a pure Holy Strike. This blow was absolutely terrifying, but seeing the result was still shocking.

But after this blow was used, the sacred breath of the body was no longer enough to launch another holy blow.

The sacred breath is slowly recovering, self-recovery, looking at the situation, I think it will take about a quarter of an hour to use it.

There is no such a long time for the strong to fight, so it seems that this holy strike can only be used once.

But Qin Chuan is very satisfied. Even if he can't use the holy strike continuously, the general attack still contains the holy power. In Qin Chuan's bones, it will not disappear and be consumed. It is more like a passive ability, just like the wind of the golden dragon and bear on the earth.

Only using a holy strike will consume the holy energy in the body.

After breaking through to the four holy qi,

The holy air in Qin Chuan's body also became holy air.

But now it is Honghu who is really killing the Quartet. Although he can't say that he is like a tiger at this time, he is not bad. The strength of the five-element formation of the Holy Buddha is too terrifying, but the opponent's strength is greatly reduced at this time.

Puff puff...

There was hatred in Honghu's heart, and the hatred was overwhelming. It was not for Yueyang Rusong and Qing Changfeng who framed his father, grandpa would not kill his father, nor would he let himself fall into such a fate.

The woman I love the most will not die...

kill kill...

Yueyang Rusong was frightened at this moment, and even had the idea of ​​retreating, but at this moment Bei Xueyi waved his long sword.

Water cloud vortex!

A large vortex appeared directly around, making people feel as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and the speed slowed down again.


The earth golden dragon bear was on the ground, and an earth golden dragon thorn rose up directly.

This time, the Yueyang family, who were in the vortex of water and clouds, couldn't even hide.

The earth golden dragon thorn of the earth golden dragon bear is extremely sharp. This is the ability of the earth king, and it contains dragon power. More than a dozen weak ones were directly pierced by this blow.

Although the Earth Golden Dragon Bear is not high in realm, he is a monster with high bloodline, and this is the only attack ability, its power should not be underestimated, coupled with the increase in the status of the earth and the gods of the formation, the strength of the people in the Yueyang family is at the bottom Yes, after being weakened, it was directly penetrated.

Those that were not penetrated were pushed into the air.

And Qin Chuan has already prepared the big yin and yang handprints!

Shot directly from the sky.

There is no problem with the hardness and sharpness of Dadi Jinlongxiong's Dadi Jinlong thorn. Although these people were pushed up, most of them took advantage of their strength to lift up and did not suffer too much damage, but at this time they were greeted by Qin Chuan's big yin and yang. handprint.

The faces of the people who had tasted it once before changed, because they were under the extremely sharp and hard golden dragon thorns of the earth. If they were photographed, they would definitely be dead.


There was a huge roar, and the sand and stones soared into the sky. At least half of the people were killed by this big yin and yang handprint.

The way of yin and yang is the realm of ascending the hall and entering the house.

At this time, add the effect of divine power.

This blow carried the majesty of heaven and earth, and the majesty of heaven rolled down.

The awe-inspiring and domineering body, the awe-inspiring righteousness blended into it, made it even more fierce and domineering.

Dragon Leopard Beast!

Honghu went in first!

Qin Chuan also went in, the Seven Star Sword, the Seven Star Yin and Yang Steps to Cross the World!

Honghu directly entangled Yueyang Rusong.

Honghu hated this person to the extreme, and he shot mercilessly, instantly forcing Yueyang Rusong into a dangerous situation.

"Honghu, the Tan family will come soon, as long as you let us go, I will let the Tan family let you go, and we will write it off from then on." Yueyang Rusong said with a pale face.

He didn't expect the situation to be like this. When he came here before, it was a sure thing, and he didn't think about any accidents at all, so he didn't come with the Tan family.

But the result turned out to be one-sided, and the three opponents actually defeated a hundred of them, unable to resist.

Three people become tigers!

The three of them can be so terrifying, as long as they are strong enough, the three of them can be so against the sky.

Not to mention that people like Yueyang Rusong were shocked and couldn't accept it. Even Honghu and Bei Xueyi were a little confused. They had already prepared for the worst, but the result was completely opposite. This battle was so fun, especially It's Honghu, that's 36,000 pores are refreshing, refreshing to the bone.

"Yueyang is like a pine tree, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, it's useless, you must die today!" Honghu said coldly.


The stand-in talisman and jade pendant shattered.

Yueyang Rusong broke out in cold sweat continuously, and shouted loudly: "I am her father, if you kill me, aren't you afraid that she will be sad?"

Honghu was stunned, staring at Yueyang Rusong and said: "She is your daughter, have you ever thought about her being sad, you are not worthy to be her father."


Honghu shot out with a sword.

The blood red sword energy was as red as if it was about to drip water.

Yueyang Rusong was directly incinerated by this sword and dissipated in the air.

Once Yueyang Rusong died, the remaining people had no fighting spirit, and directly dropped their weapons and begged for mercy.

At this time, there were less than twenty people left, Honghu didn't kill any more, but waved them away.

Honghu held the knife and looked at the sky in a daze. He seemed to see that beautiful smiling face. She was smiling at herself, but Honghu wanted to cry.

"Why are you so stupid, why are you doing this to me..."

"My happiest thing is to meet you and be with you. For me, one day is a lifetime, and a lifetime is a lifetime. Honghu, I love you, I love you very much. Life is not about the length of life. Love and hate are enough. , don't be sad, I am very happy and happy, you are my whole life, I am content..."

Honghu thought about her words, unable to recover for a long time, maybe she saw it more thoroughly than himself, but it was really difficult, very difficult for him to forget her...

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