Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 795: Shuilongtan, neither enemies nor...

When I first met Shen San, a food cultivator, he was forced to pass it on to me, and I would find someone to pass it on to in the future, as long as it was not lost.

Qin Chuan saw that the character of the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War was indeed more suitable.

He smiled and said, "Brother Jin, I have something that will definitely allow you to get the most beautiful woman to be your wife with your cooking skills."

After finishing the meal, Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Witch World Warlock" read the full text.

"Brother, you can just call me Old Pig. What is so magical?" the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War smiled.

Qin Chuan directly threw the Five Elements Immortal Kitchen recipe to the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War.

The inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War couldn't take his eyes away after seeing this. He was so mesmerized that he reluctantly closed his eyes after a while. He put the Five Elements Immortal Chef recipe on the table and pushed it in front of Qin Chuan. .

"Brother, this is too expensive, I can't afford it." The inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War had longing in his eyes, but he firmly refused.

"This Five Elements Immortal Chef recipe book was given to me by someone. I was the same as you are now. You listen to my request before rejecting it." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan.

"I give you this, there is only one requirement. After you learn it well, or in the future, in short, this recipe cannot be lost. Just find someone who you feel is the most suitable to pass it on. You must be able to do this, this recipe It's yours, and there's no burden on it, it's your mission." Qin Chuan smiled.

In fact, such a request is no different from no request at all. This made the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War a little puzzled, but he seemed to understand it. He looked at Qin Chuan and said seriously: "Is this true?"

"Really!" Qin Chuan said seriously.

"Ah, it's true, it's true. A pie really fell from the sky, and it fell on my old pig. Well, it's the pie you gave me, Brother Qin." The inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War said happily.

"You have to work hard. You will be responsible for improving everyone's food in the future." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, keep it with me. Apart from practicing, my only hobby is eating, cooking, and making all kinds of delicious food..."

The true name of the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War is not known, but later everyone called him Lao Zhu, or Golden Pig. The name of the successor of the Gale God of War was also the first two characters, which was called Li Feng or Madman.

the next day,

Twelve people, but they are two teams, one is headed by the inheritor of the Golden Roc God of War, and the other is led by Lang Jingfeng.

Entering the teleportation array, this is the teleportation array of the God of War gate, leading directly to the battlefield of gods and demons.

It is said that some of the big forces in this area have entered this time, such as the Tianyao Sect, Jianlin, Ruyi Palace, Beixue Ice Palace, etc., not to mention the God of War Sect and the Demon Sect.

The halo flashed, and in the blink of an eye, everyone appeared on the battlefield of gods and demons.

This is an extremely empty place. The sky and the earth are a little red. There are mountains and forests in the distance, and you can even vaguely see the shadow of the palace.

"Qin Chuan, we meet again." Lang Jingfeng walked not far from Qin Chuan and said.

There was a smile on his face, which was a kind of fun, a kind of teasing, and a hint of coldness.

Qin Chuan also smiled and looked at Lang Jingfeng: "Yes, I'm glad to see you. We can have fun again like before."

"Yeah, the days are long, take your time, let's go!" Lang Jingfeng said with a smile, gave Qin Chuan a meaningful smile and left.

The battlefield of gods and demons is full of dangers. When an emperor-level being comes here, he is not seeking death. He doesn't have to do it himself. He can be killed by someone else. Then no one can blame him. Lang Jingfeng Thinking grimly.

"Qin Chuan, follow me, remember, don't leave me too far here." Yun Peng said softly, thinking of Qin Chuan.

The inheritor of Jinpeng God of War is named Yunpeng, a very domineering name.

"Yeah, Red Alert 18 said.

Six people, Lang Jingfeng and others have already left.

Qin Chuan felt the surroundings, felt the breath of heaven and earth, and found that the aura here was more abundant than the outside. The vegetation here was very dense, and there was a medicinal herb not far away, and it was very valuable.

Qin Chuan went directly to pick it.

Yunpeng was next to Qin Chuan. When he saw Qin Chuan's movements, he quickly reached out and took Qin Chuan's hand.

The plain hands were warm and the tentacles were smooth, like mutton fat and warm jade, like the warmest warm jade, which made Qin Chuan's heart tremble.

"What are you doing? What I said before was in vain." Yunpeng's face was calm, but people familiar with her already knew that she was angry.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "I know something about refining medicine, and this poisonous flower is one of the important herbs."

"You knew it was a poisonous weed but you still touched it with your hands." Yun Peng said.

"Thank you, I'm fine. Although I'm emperor-level, I'm not that fragile." Qin Chuan said with a smile, and gently broke away Yunpeng's hand.

Yunpeng seemed to realize now that he was holding Qin Chuan's hand, and suddenly a blush appeared on his face for some reason.

Liefeng saw it not far away, and sighed secretly in his heart. The feeling was very uncomfortable, and he was stunned for a while.

"Madman, don't force anything in the world. Let it go slowly. When you let it go, free your hands and you will get more." Buddha said softly when he saw Li Feng's expression.

Yunpeng didn't care so much before. She was in a hurry, but now she was even more angry and looked at Qin Chuan speechlessly.

She is an unsmiling, even a bit dull, stunning beauty.

There is a hint of indifference in her eyes, and her biggest characteristic is that she is as calm as water, but she is very beautiful, with the most unique feminine flavor, and her speaking voice is very magnetic and feminine.

She is not the kind who doesn't like fireworks, but she still feels inaccessible.

"Okay, let's go to Shuilongtan first!" Yunpeng said softly.

Qin Chuan has collected the poisonous flowers into the mustard seeds.

Yunpeng was not as calm as she appeared. She had never been in contact with any man, but she unexpectedly took the initiative to hold a man's hand, and in the end the man broke away.

The more I thought about it, the worse it felt. I couldn't help but look at Qin Chuan, who was taking a wrong step next to me, feeling a little annoyed and helpless.

Soon Shuilongtan arrived.

This is a huge water pool, probably like a small lake. The main reason is that this large water pool feels bottomless. At this time, some people have appeared here.

Qin Chuan was stunned when he saw these people.

People from the magic sect.

Because Qin Chuan saw an acquaintance, Mr. Canglan.

And the other party seemed to feel Qin Chuan immediately.

Both sides now feel as if the other's ghost is still around. At first, Mr. Canglan said he would go to the Chaos Realm to have fun in the future, but he didn't expect to meet him again so soon.

"Tsk tsk, Qin Chuan, what a coincidence!" Master Canglan looked at Qin Chuan with a sneer.

Mr. Canglan has been in bad shape ever since he met Qin Chuan. He was driven into a demon. The two women he liked flew away because of Qin Chuan. He was even beaten several times by Qin Chuan and used his blood to escape.

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