Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 799 Entering the Tower of Gods and Demons and Fighting for the Gate

The huge God and Demon Tower looks like it reaches straight into the sky at first glance. It looks bigger than the original Tiandu Tower.

There is a mysterious halo and runes flashing on the God and Demon Tower, exuding mysterious power, and it is sacred and demonic.

Half of the Tower of Gods and Demons is snow-white, and half is pitch black, as if the two halves were put together. Legend has it that part of the essence of the body of the Demon God and the God of War formed the Tower of Gods and Demons when they fought.

Although the place could not be considered a huge crowd at this time, there were still thousands of people gathered together, making it look densely packed.

Young Master Canglan and Lang Jingfeng are still very eye-catching, so you can see them without looking for them.

There are only a limited number of people who have the inheritance of the God of War and the inheritance of the God of War. It is also beneficial for others to enter the God of God and Demon Tower. Legend has it that if you are lucky, you can get the inheritance of the God of War or the God of Demon. After all, this God of War and Demon God Tower is the transformation of part of the essence of the God of War and the God of Demon.

As if sensing something, Lang Jingfeng and Master Canglan both looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan looked around, scanning the surroundings calmly with his golden eyes.

"Qin Chuan, where are the people from Beixue Ice Palace?" Yun Peng said to Qin Chuan, looking in one direction.

There is a group of men and women, handsome men and women, all dressed in white, exuding pure cold power.

These people are very powerful. They are led by a man and a woman who look very young, but they feel very mature. The man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is voluptuous and beautiful. They are not inferior to Yunpeng in the slightest and exude a cold aura. , very attractive.

Men are born to be challengers, especially strong and confident men. Many strong men just like ice beauties and women with a cold temperament. They seem to feel that it is a challenge, or they want to see what is under the coldness. What does a beautiful face look like when she smiles? How amazing is it? Or maybe you want to know what it feels like to be under such a cold beauty Cheng Huan.

Beixuebing Palace is the largest sect, so its strength is certainly high.

"Where is the Tianyao Sect? The person who heads it is no less impressive than the Holy Son of the Demon Sect. The Young Master Tianyao is said to have inherited the Diamond Dragon Snake. He is powerful, capricious, and cold and vicious." Yunpeng said.

Qin Chuan followed Yunpeng's gaze and saw a young man wearing brocade clothes.

The young man seems to be very young, but Qin Chuan can still tell that this is just his appearance. His actual age should be as high as a hundred years. He is really powerful and handsome, but his eyes are slender and cold.

From time to time, he would send out vicious glances, like a poisonous snake.

No one from the Five Elements Sect comes, they don’t participate in these things.

The Demon Sect is composed of Young Master Canglan and his party, while the God of War Sect is composed of Lang Jingfeng, Yunpeng and others.

"Where are the people from Ruyi Palace? They are very low-key and rarely argue with others, but they are powerful. Many people once wanted to beat the people from Ruyi Palace. After all, Ruyi Palace has superior yin and yang skills, which many people covet. , and the beauties in Ruyi Palace are the most enchanting, so they had a wrong idea, but in the end they were miserable and almost wiped out the family. From then on, no one would easily pursue the idea of ​​Ruyi Palace." Yunpeng said.

Yunpeng looked at Qin Chuan as he spoke, his calm eyes still as calm as water.

The ten people Qin Chuan looked at, five men and five women, were no different from the men and women in Beixue Ice Palace, and they were even more charming. This was a woman among women. She looked more beautiful, with one look and one look. , every movement exudes a strong sense of femininity.

I don’t know how many people looked at it with their eyes full of envy. If they could marry a woman from Ruyi Palace in this life, it would really be a life worth living.

"Every man hopes to marry a woman from Ruyi Palace, do you want to?" Yun Peng asked lightly.

She asked this very calmly, but her eyes were still calm.

"I already have a wife." Qin Chuan said.

Yunpeng was not talking, but looked in another direction: "That's Buddhism over there. He is the tallest. The great monk standing in the front is said to have received the inheritance of Dali Buddha. He is very famous, strong and powerful, and Buddhism He has good intentions, so he rarely fights with others."

"Then why do you still come to the Tower of Gods and Demons?" Qin Chuan asked.

"They are just here to practice." Yunpeng said.

"Over there is the Beast Taming Sect, and over there is the Sword Forest. The Dragon and Tiger Demon Sect is an affiliate of the Tianyao Sect, and it stands where the Tianyao Sect is." Yunpeng said.

This is a good score. The people in Jianlin all wear sword uniforms and hold long swords in their hands. They also have a unique charm. Although they are ranked low, no one dares to underestimate Jianlin. It is said that there are three thousand sword arrays in the size of Jianlin. , the power is terrifying.

The Beast Taming Sect is also very mysterious. The background of such a sect is even more difficult to estimate, because you cannot accurately know whether it has terrifying beast taming.

At this time, the door of the Tower of Gods and Demons opened. It was such a big door, with a halo flowing like water and mist. It was also covered with runes. The people in front walked directly into the door.

"Let's go too!" Yunpeng said to the others.

Six people followed the crowd into the God and Demon Tower.

After entering the Gods and Demons Tower, five more gates appeared in front of everyone, with fluorescent gates. These five gates lead to the Gods and Demons Tower on the next floor. You can enter once in half an hour, and up to a hundred people can enter at one time.

So when you come in, everyone stands in the hall. Only those with strong strength can go in first. Others have to wait for half an hour, and then another group of people will go in. The weaker the strength, the longer the wait. Many people actually I just came to watch the fun and had no intention of breaking into the God and Demon Tower.

"Old rules, I will occupy one of the Northern Snow Ice Palaces. If you are not satisfied, you can come and compete." The handsome and prosperous man came out and said with a smile.

No one spoke, so the people of Beixue Ice Palace stood at the first gorgeous doorway.

"The second door is occupied by my Heavenly Demon Sect." Young Master Tianyao led people directly to the second door.

No one spoke either.

"The third door is occupied by my demon door." Mr. Canglan stood up and said.

Still no one objected to stop it.

"The fourth gate is occupied by the God of War Gate." It was Lang Jingfeng who spoke.

Lang Jingfeng and others stood at the fourth door.

Qin Chuan and others also walked over.

"Isn't there another door? You can go over there." The speaker was the inheritor of the Fox God of War.

She looked at Yunpeng with hostility in her eyes, and Qin Chuan. She even hated Qin Chuan.

Everyone was at odds, but they tried their best to look harmonious to outsiders. Qin Chuan did not expect that the other party was not afraid at all.

It seemed that they didn't take the words of the leader of the God of War Sect to heart at all when they arrived.

Qin Chuan thought about it for a while, and it was the same. The Rat King God of War inherited great strength and was even better than the sect master in all aspects. These people were supported by the Rat King, so they were naturally not afraid.

"Yunpeng, since Hu'er doesn't like you here, then go over there. There is another door over there, just take it down." Lang Jingfeng said softly.

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