Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 806 Shenlong 9 absorbs crystal stones

The surrounding trees and vines withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What is restraint? This is restraint. If the wood element ability cannot use powerful wood element combat skills, the combat effectiveness will drop to the lowest level.

In the end, nature failed, leaving behind two green crystal stones, exuding powerful vitality.

No one else wanted it, so Qin Chuan put it away...

The seventh floor!

This is a golden world. Everything here seems to be made of gold, resplendent and shining, giving people an extremely hard feeling.

King Kong God of War!

Qin Chuan was stunned. He originally thought it was just a metallic God of War, but he didn't expect it to be a Vajra God of War.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

King Kong fighting spirit!

The other party also used the King Kong Fighting Intent, and the other party's weapon was a golden halberd. It was shining with golden light, and the crescent moon at the tip was extremely sharp. The golden light exuded the most powerful aura, as if nothing in the world could be broken without it.

He was wearing a golden battle armor, very similar to the one on Qin Chuan.

The battle begins.

Fire overcomes gold!

Qin Chuan directly used fire to fight against the God of War. This was just a real illusory formation condensed from a little bit of the essence of the God of War and the Demon God. It was a spiritual object, and its strength was less than one percent of the God of War, but it was still the strongest in the Nirvana realm. A tricky existence.

Both the God of War and the Demon God have superb methods, and those who come here are all in the low-level realm of Nirvana. Besides, this is determined based on the strength of the person who comes in. It depends on the person with the highest strength in the team. It should be higher than the person with the highest level. The infinite counterattack of a small-level cannon fodder female supporting role.

So it’s not that the stronger the person who comes in, the easier it will be to get through, but the stronger the person, the harder it will be.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that lower is better, because the God of War here will not be lower than the Nirvana realm.

Bang bang...

Qin Chuan received the inheritance of King Kong War God, and naturally knew the methods of King Kong War God, so the battle was not difficult. Moreover, Qinchuan's fire restrained King Kong War God, and Qinchuan's fire was very powerful.



This time I won very calmly.

Almost no special means were used, making Yunpeng and others feel as if they were in a dream, and everything in front of them was unreal.

Qin Chuan smiled and handed the two golden stones to Yunpeng and the inheritor of the Golden Pig God of War.

"Thank you!" Yunpeng smiled happily, but only took one piece.


Suddenly, haloes of light fell.

The first person to break through the Tower of Gods and Demons will be rewarded, a mysterious reward.

Only Liefeng had no halo.

Only five people can receive rewards...


Qin Chuan was stunned.


The ninth level of the emperor level.

Of course the reward is not this, but the inheritance of King Kong War God, which has been improved.

Inheritance is also divided into levels, just like the levels of skills, so is inheritance, just like Qin Chuan's Haoran Hegemony, now his Haoran Hegemony is at the third level.

The current King Kong War God inheritance has reached the second level.

The strength has improved a lot, and various abilities have also greatly increased. For example, the fighting spirit of King Kong and some of the combat skills of King Kong God of War have been greatly improved.

Not only Qin Chuan, but also Yunpeng, Long Dahai, Buddha and Jinzhu have all risen to a higher level. The inheritance of the God of War has also risen to a higher level. Everyone's face is full of surprises, but Liefeng is the only one who is envious.

Six people can only get five. God and Demon Tower, God of War has broken through five here, and Demon God's inheritance has also had five. Of course, the premise is that you must break through.


The group of people had already arrived outside the tower. In the middle, several other people took action. Among them, Long Dahai was injured. Liefeng never made a move from beginning to end. Perhaps it was for this reason that he was not among the five people.

Gale was unhappy. Such an opportunity in the Tower of Gods and Demons was rare in a thousand years, but he missed it in vain.

Others didn't know how to comfort him. Everyone had crystal stones, but he was of the wind element, and he didn't. In the end, he didn't have the inheritance. Could it be because Liefeng was of the wind element?

Everything in the world is basically within the Five Elements. Even wind, thunder, darkness, light, etc., strictly belong to the Five Elements. There are very few things that are not truly within the Five Elements...

"It's getting late. There's a mountain ahead. Let's rest here today and enter the Ares Mountain tomorrow." Yunpeng said.

Qin Chuan set up a formation and then entered the cabin.

Taking out two flame crystals, Qin Chuan directly began to read the full text of Yin Yang Fire Entertainment and Korean Entertainment.

Second level!

The third level realm.

With the experience of the Earth Dragon Flame Fire Seed, the progress of the Yin Yang Fire Seed was extremely smooth.

The improvement of yin and yang fire surprised Qin Chuan, because his realm of yin and yang avenue has improved a lot. The power of yin and yang fire at the third level is not inferior to the current earth dragon flame fire.

The yin and yang fire seeds enhance one's own yin and yang divine power, and can be used in combination with the earth dragon flame fire seeds in the future. That power...

Qin Chuan tried to use water-attributed crystals and found that the water-attributed Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill on the Nine Divine Dragons could actually be absorbed...

Qin Chuan did not hesitate, and then directly let it be absorbed.

Well, the power of the Five Elements and Water Element has increased.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up.

The strength has also increased a bit.

The other water attribute is also absorbed.


A halo of light, accompanied by a deep dragon's roar, sounded in Qin Chuan's body.

This is?

When Qin Chuan looked at the water attribute Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill again, he found that it was a little different from before. It seemed to contain more powerful energy.

The water attribute Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill is now the second level water element Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill.

The two water attribute crystals actually increased the level of Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill.

Qin Chuan did not hesitate and absorbed the two wood-type ones.

Similarly, Mu Xing Zulong Jinhuang Dan has also reached the second level.

The fire-attribute flame crystals were upgraded to Yin-Yang fire by Qin Chuan, and the other four were given to others.

Originally Qin Chuan thought it was useless, but he gave it to others and Qin Chuan did not regret it.

I tried the ice crystal gems under the water dragon pond and found that it didn't work. Only crystal stones that were more than ten thousand years old seemed to work.

Entering Ares Mountain the next day!

The mountains are densely covered with natural and natural treasures, but there are also dangerous monsters, poisonous beasts, poisonous weeds, and poisonous gases. What you can find depends on your luck.

The dragon leopard beast and the precious beast diamond rat were both released by Qin Chuan.

Whether there are any good things in this Ares Mountain depends on your own luck.

Qin Chuan was unhurried, his golden eyes shrouded his surroundings, and he could know in advance if there was any danger.

Continuously moving forward, the day passed, and except for some medicinal herbs, I found nothing.

It was still the same the next day and the third day.

But don't worry about leaving. When the time is up, you will be automatically sent out by the Gods and Demons Battlefield.

Unknowingly, it has been ten days since I entered the battlefield of gods and demons.

Qin Chuan felt that he had gained a lot from his visit this time, so he was very calm and would not be disappointed even if he got nothing in the next few days.

Now they have entered a very deep position in the station, which is already considered a dangerous area.

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