Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 811: Level 4, Haoran Hegemony

"Of course you can keep your word. By the way, does this place south of Tianlong Mountain have close contact with other major outside forces?" Qin Chuan said.

Now he is not worried about the forces in this area, that is, south of Tianlong Mountain.

"No, but although there is no close connection, there are still some connections. For example, there are War God Sect, Demon Sect, Tianyao Sect, Shengyao Sect and so on in other places." The woman said.

"Well, I forgot, you are the overlord of this generation, you really know a lot." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I'm not a bully." The woman choked at Qin Chuan's words and gave Qin Chuan an unusual look.

It has to be said that women roll their eyes, cross their eyes, and glare. As long as they are beautiful women, they will have a unique feminine look.

"You live up to your name. Anyone south of Tianlong Mountain who can offend you or dare to offend you will be beaten to death and dumped in the wilderness the next day." Qin Chuan said with a smile.


The two people walked into the room, and Qin Chuan set up a formation to prevent anyone from disturbing them.

Qin Chuan didn't help her to get rid of the cold, and that was impossible. What Qin Chuan wanted to do was to balance the yin and yang in her body.

Now in the Nirvana realm, coupled with the Yin-Yang Avenue that has completed the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, Qin Chuan still has this confidence, otherwise, he would never be able to do it.

"To heal you, I need to touch your hand. I wonder if you can accept it?" Qin Chuan said with a slight frown.

He knew the character of such a woman. Even if they just touched each other, this would be a big problem.

The woman frowned slightly. She thought about this situation and was silent for a while: "Is it just her hands?"

"Ah, do you still want me to touch other places? This is a bit difficult..."

The woman felt that there were black lines on her brows and glared at Qin Chuan angrily.

Qin Chuan quickly stopped: "Come on, give me your hands."

The woman lowered her long eyes slightly, and her dark and slender eyelashes blinked slightly. At that moment, Qin Chuan's heart trembled. This woman's lethality is too powerful, especially now. She is weak and beautiful. This is a woman among women. The woman slowly stretched out her snow-white jade hands.

Like mutton fat and warm jade,

It exudes crystal luster, a faint fragrance, and trembles slightly.

Qin Chuan found that his heart was beating very fast and his face was a little red.

He stretched out his hands and stood opposite her, holding her bare hands.

The woman's body trembled and she instinctively jerked back.

Qin Chuan let go.

The woman sighed softly and stretched out her hands again.

Qin Chuan shook his hand.

The woman pulled back again.

Qin Chuan's head felt heavy, and a seductive blush appeared on the woman's face. He was already more feminine than those women, and her current beauty was deeply and clearly engraved in Qin Chuan's mind. Same.

It was so beautiful. Qin Chuan had never thought that a woman's shy and attractive expression could reach this level. He felt that it would be difficult for him to forget her alluring expression today...

Perhaps now only the spotless and otherworldly Chu Master Qingzhu can rival him.

"Have you ever held hands with a man?" Qin Chuan asked knowingly.

The woman said nothing and stretched out her hand again.

This time Qin Chuan grabbed her hard to prevent her from breaking away, and then the yin and yang divine power circulated, the power of pure yang, the yin and yang avenue.


Qin Chuan was shocked, what a strong physique, what a powerful yin power. Qin Chuan suddenly lost control now, and the yin and yang energy automatically guided both sides and circulated.

Yin and Yang are harmonious!

This is the cultivation of the yin and yang of consciousness, this is a real illusion, and this is a real physical feeling.

Qin Chuan did not expect that such a situation would happen...

In the consciousness space, there is a couch, a snow quilt, and a comfortable couch.

There is also a peerless allure that is as enchanting as a poppy flower.

In his mind, everything happened naturally. This was not what Qin Chuan thought.

In reality, he is still innocent and spotless.

But mentally and consciously, this seems to be a clear memory, and both people know it. Even to a certain extent, this can be regarded as true or false, and it is difficult to distinguish the Wizard's Throne.


A familiar breakthrough appeared in Qin Chuan's body.

This is a physical breakthrough.

The fourth level of awe-inspiring hegemony.

And this time the conscious harmony of yin and yang has upgraded the woman's physique. Not only has it upgraded, but it has also broken through, and the yin and yang have been balanced. It is absolutely completely better.

She was dumbfounded. She had never thought of such a situation, but she knew that Qin Chuan could not be blamed for this, because it was a physical resonance and could not be controlled by humans.

"I'm sorry." Qin Chuan sighed and said softly.

The woman said nothing.

"If something unexpected happens, I can return this to you." Qin Chuan took off the golden sword.

"No, you are not sorry for me. I can feel that my body is better. Anyway, I still want to thank you. I'm leaving!" After the woman said that, she turned and left. She was leaving everything behind and forgetting everything. This is A deal.

Qin Chuan wanted to say something, but didn't say it. He watched her leave and disappear.

Qin Chuan returned to the small courtyard and shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

On this damn Yin-Yang Avenue, if you meet a woman who is most suitable for your physique, there is a high chance of an accident happening.

This may be the ability that men dream of. Qin Chuan doesn't know whether he should be happy or happy now...

Qin Chuan's physique has been upgraded to the fourth level of Haoran's hegemonic body. This ability is his foundation and the source of everything. Therefore, Qin Chuan is very happy about this breakthrough in ability.

The first level of Nirvana realm has been stabilized.

The power of the Nirvana realm is earth-shaking compared to before. Now coupled with Haoran's hegemonic breakthrough, Qin Chuan feels that he can crush the Nirvana realm now...

Well, Qin Chuan thought of his own monster, called it out, and smiled happily when he saw it.

They are all in the first level of Nirvana.

Of course, except for the Formation Devouring Beast.

They are both in the Nirvana state. Two treasure beasts. Although the Earth Golden Dragon Bear is not a treasure beast, in Qin Chuan's view, its effect is no less than that of the treasure beasts.

The Dragon Leopard Beast and the Treasure Beast Diamond Rat have not changed, especially the Treasure Beast Diamond Rat, which seems to be smaller again...

It was originally the size of a fist, but now it seems to be smaller again, but it looks weird, because such a small thing gives people a mountain-like weight, and its sharp breath seems to cut through the air.

The Earth Golden Dragon Bear looks taller and more powerful, like a diamond. The huge head is just like a huge dragon head, but there are no dragon horns.

Another boulder, three-eyed snow jade mink!

This little thing was not big, but it exuded a cold and dangerous aura, especially the third eye. The danger emanating between opening and closing shocked Qin Chuan.

The little thing is very beautiful, very magical, with snow-white feathers, spotless, as fluffy as a snowball.

The reminder of the nine-life pig has not changed. It is a one-foot-sized, pink piggy, and has reached the first level of nirvana.

Qin Chuan shook his head. This little thing slept on all fours after eating. He only ate and slept.

The colorful dragon bird is more of a Qinchuan mount.

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