Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 814: Big Sect, Demon Saint Sect, Master 3

"My third brother is enough alone. No one in the south of Tianlong Mountain can stop him." Fifth Master said confidently.

Ziye, the master of the Demon Sect, wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

Qin Chuan and others were still in the Five Elements Sect, and each day passed peacefully as they practiced here. However, as time passed, everyone felt depressed, and the feeling was that a storm was coming.

On this day, the master of Kanli came to Qin Chuan with a bad expression.

Qin Chuan saw Kan Li's expression was wrong and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"The Tianyao Sect and the Demon Sect are preparing to take the southern part of Tianlong Mountain into their own hands, and the Five Elements Sect, Beixue Ice Palace and Ruyi Palace are preparing to control all realms." Sect Master Kanli said.

"Do they have this strength?" Qin Chuan said in surprise.

"Maybe they don't, but the leader of the Tianyao Sect is the fifth master of the Demon Saint Sect, and the biological brother of the leader of the Demon Saint Sect." Kan Li said with a wry smile.

"Demon Saint Sect? Isn't it the sect here?" Qin Chuan asked.

"To the north of Tianlong Mountain, there is a large sect that surpasses the existence south of Tianlong Mountain." Sect Master Kanli said with a sigh.

"How strong?" Qin Chuan asked with a frown.

He also felt that things seemed to be unoptimistic.

"I don't know, but they are definitely existences that are superior to the south of Tianlong Mountain. Normally, they would not come here, and this place would not be noticed by the Demon Saint Sect. It is very strange." Said Master Kanli.

"What should we do this time?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I hope we can unite more people to fight against the Demon Saint Sect together," said Sect Master Kanli.

"Who should we unite with?" Qin Chuan thought for a while. It seemed that except for Beixue Ice Palace, the people here had nothing to contact and were not strong enough.

"Buddhism!" said the leader of Kanli Sect.

Qin Chuan was stunned.

"Buddhism is the oldest tradition here, but it has nothing to do with the world, but everyone knows that Buddhism is very hidden. If Buddhism can stand out, there may be a little chance."

"Since Buddhism has nothing to do with the world,

So it seems difficult to invite Buddhists. Qin Chuan said.

"Well, because this time they are mainly dealing with Beixue Ice Palace, Ruyi Palace, God of War Sect and Five Elements Sect. God of War Sect is gone, Buddhism is independent of the world, and the remaining ones are weak and cannot become a climate, so we have to invite Buddhism and monks are merciful. If we don't ask for help, we can only cooperate with Beixue Ice Palace, but this way we have almost no chance of winning." Kanli said.

"Is the Demon Saint Sect really that strong? How many people will they come this time?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Someone should come. It is said that it is for personal reasons. By the way, he will help the master of the Tianyao Sect to control the south of Tianlong Mountain." Kan Li said.

"A person? Beyond the realm of Nirvana?" Qin Chuan asked in surprise.

"That's not true. The Nirvana realm is not so easy to surpass. The highest Nirvana realm south of Tianlong Mountain is the sixth level. In an area north of Tianlong Mountain, the strength of the strong people ranges from the seventh level to the Nirvana realm. As for the Nirvana realm, It seems that those who transcend the Nirvana realm are very rare. Not to mention the third master of the Demon Saint Sect, even the entire Demon Saint Sect has no existence beyond the Nirvana realm." Kanli Sect Master shook his head and said.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up: "Well, then we are not without the strength to fight. If someone comes here and is so rampant, we are really looking for death!"

Sect Master Kanli was stunned, looked at Qin Chuan, his eyes lit up: "Can you handle it?"

"I don't know, but my formation can at least stop them. I'm confident about this." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Kanli's eyes lit up and he felt relaxed. He looked at Qin Chuan and said, "Then do you want to ask Buddhism for help?"

"Forget it, there's no need to ask for help, let's rely on ourselves, brother, let's set up the formation together." Qin Chuan was already determined.

Since he has not surpassed the Nirvana realm, Qin Chuan is not afraid of them. Let alone one person coming, even if the Demon Saint Sect comes, Qin Chuan can also deal with it.

Maybe others would definitely be doomed when they encounter the Demon Saint Sect, but Qin Chuan is different. With powerful formations and super strength, he is not afraid of the Urban Wolf King even if the existence of the Nirvana Realm is coming.

Kanli followed Qin Chuan in setting up the formation. It was mainly Qin Chuan who set up the formation. Kanli would watch on the side and Qin Chuan would talk more than once.

Kanli is also a master of formations, so he understood it as soon as Qin Chuan told him, and his eyes were very bright. After just one formation, Kanli felt that he had learned too much.

It is said that a great teacher makes a great disciple, and a strong teacher is very important.

Needless to say, Qin Chuan's attainments in formations were obvious. This formation alone could make the Five Elements Sect's survivability much stronger.

In addition, Qinchuan's strength is mainly due to his physical constitution and the divine beast array eye stone.

However, Kanli also has treasures in the formation. Although he is not as good as the Divine Beast Formation Eye Stone, his level of things is not low. Also, without the Haoran Hegemony, the gap is completely widened, several times as much.

Qinchuan also has the Five Elements Immortal Flag.

It took almost a day to set up the formation, which was already very fast.

"Qinchuan, the third master of Tianyao Sect has arrived. It is said that they are going to Beixue Ice Palace tomorrow." Kanli said the first thing he said when he came to Qinchuan on the third day.

Qin Chuan thought of that woman. If nothing happened between the two of them, it means nothing happened. If it happened, it would be a big deal.

Qin Chuan admitted that he could not live among thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching him, nor could he be such a ruthless and unjust person. He didn't know what he should do now.

He thought of those fragments and was a little obsessed for a moment. He knew that he could not forget her, but he would not fall in love with her just like that.

Although it is very simple for a man to love a woman, especially a beautiful woman.

But that's not love. Real love is like family affection. You can leave everything, even life, for love, just like your own home. Love is the kind that cannot be let go, so Qin Chuan feels that he has not yet reached the level of love for her.

Qin Chuan is a traditional man, and after such an accident, he regarded her as his own woman from the bottom of his heart.

So this idea made it impossible for him to treat her as a passerby.

"Qinchuan, do we want to help Beixue Ice Palace?" Kan Li asked.

"Well, let me go and take a look. You are here." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

Kanli looked at Qin Chuan and finally nodded: "Don't take risks. If it doesn't work, just retreat. It would be best if we can get Beixue Ice Palace to come with us."

Qin Chuan smiled: "Don't worry, I know!"

It's silvery white, there's ice and snow everywhere, and snowflakes are flying in the air.

It is very beautiful. It is said that snowflakes are flying here all year round, and there are icebergs and snow at your feet.

The North Snow Ice Palace is here.

But today a group of people came to Beixue Ice Palace.

The leader was a man who looked extremely energetic.

He is well-proportioned, handsome, mature, and has a special charm when he walks with the stride of a dragon and a tiger without losing grace.

Dressed in white, he is very eye-catching in this snowy world.

The two others are the master of the Tianyao Sect and the master of the Demon Sect.

The two people followed the man who looked the youngest, led by that man.

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