Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 817 A charming smile (14th update...

If you like a woman, you must like her voice. .しw0. Or if you like a woman's voice, you will gradually like this woman.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Qin Chuan shook his head. After meeting this "Third Master", Qin Chuan calmed down and had a clearer understanding of his own strength.

The woman walked to Qin Chuan's side, very quiet. She felt very complicated at this time.

She originally planned to avoid Qin Chuan and never see her again.

Regardless of the last accident, Qin Chuan had already saved her once, and this time he would save her again.

Life-saving grace is greater than heaven. No matter it is a good person or a bad person, as long as you are a human being, you will be grateful to the person who saved your life. Thank you very much and trust...

To a certain extent, life-saving grace is to give new life, just like parents.

Everyone, as long as they still have a conscience, will be kind to their parents and trust them unconditionally. This is a kind of nature and innate.

So does the savior.

A small courtyard, very elegant and small, a two-story pavilion. It is cold outside, but you feel warm as soon as you enter the small building.

This is the living room, spotless, with animal skin rugs on the floor. If you step on it with bare feet, it will definitely be very comfortable.

The woman took off her boots and wore snow-white stockings, but she could still see the shape of her slender feet, which were perfect to the extreme.

Qin Chuan also took off his shoes and walked in.

Acupuncture treatment, there was no acupuncture last time, this time it was acupuncture, but the beautiful pictures from the last time appeared in my mind from time to time.

Not only Qin Chuan, but also women will think of it.

Occasionally, the two people's eyes would meet, and naturally they could tell something.

The woman felt ashamed for a moment and did not dare to open her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

The pale face is as jade-like, with a beautiful and poignant feeling, which makes people feel distressed when looking at it.

Although the woman closed her eyes, she could still feel Qin Chuan's gaze, which made her a little confused. She was flustered, but she also had a special feeling.

For those who saved lives twice,

She trusts him very much, and even unconsciously feels that this is the person she trusts the most.

She had a rough life and could not feel warmth and care. Even in the last period of her life, she could only face and fight for herself.

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine." Qin Chuan said softly.

Then start stitching.

Unknowingly, the star needles went down one by one, and the woman slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were the most beautiful, or the most attractive. They had the fairy charm of Master Chu Qingzhu, but they were a little lighter. , but also has the charming aura of Li Yan, and a touch of coquettishness like a poppy.

Mysterious and beautiful, all those women would pale in front of her.

Looking at Qin Chuan who was serious at this time, she also calmed down. There was a trace of heat in her body, which was very comfortable. Sometimes it would become cool. When she passed through a hot place, the pain disappeared directly.

It wasn't until dark that Qin Chuan stopped taking the injections, and the woman had basically recovered.

"You rest, I'll make something to eat." Qin Chuan said.

"Qin Chuan, I'm not hungry, so don't bother." the woman said.

"I'm injured, I need to recover, I have to eat."

Qin Chuan smiled and covered her with a quilt.

Soon an alluring fragrance wafted out of the room. Qin Chuan was making medicinal food, which was particularly effective for injured people.

Qin Chuan walked in carrying a bowl of medicinal food.

A crystal-clear medicinal meal, a bowl of porridge, but the appearance is very beautiful, the taste is also full of expectations, and the smell is comfortable.

Taking a small table, the woman started cooking, leaning on a thick pillow behind her back, and placed the porridge on the small table in front of her.

The woman thanked her, picked up the spoon, and began to eat slowly.

After taking a bite, the woman's eyes lit up and she looked at Qin Chuan: "It's delicious!"

"Then you should get well soon. You can't eat too much now. When you get better, I will cook whatever you want to eat and make sure it's delicious." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The woman trembled slightly, nodded, lowered her head and began to eat slowly.

No one has ever spoken to her like this, or it’s been an unknown amount of time since she heard it. The last time she heard it was when she was a child...

Her heart felt warm.

The colder the person, the more likely he is to need care and concern. People are inherently full of emotions, and everyone needs care.

It is because of care that you will not feel lonely, you will feel the beauty of the world, you will not feel cold, and you will know that the world is warm.

The coldness of the person may have something to do with her life experience, the exercises she practices, and her physique, but it must also have something to do with the care she feels.

After the woman finished eating, she raised her head. Qin Chuan helped her put away the bowl and walked to the kitchen.

The woman kept looking at Qin Chuan's figure quietly.

Qin Chuan, who came back, helped her take down the table and let her lie down.

"Go to sleep and when you wake up, you will be completely fine. If I don't leave, I will stay with you. No one can hurt you." Qin Chuan said softly.

The woman nodded and slowly closed her eyes.

Qin Chuan was sitting cross-legged on the animal skin carpet.

The next day, when it was just light outside, the woman opened her eyes, stood up gently, walked to Qin Chuan who was sitting, and put a thin blanket on him.

This may be the first time in her life, the first time she has done this for a man.

She didn't even think much about it.

At this time, Qin Chuan opened his eyes and looked at the woman with a smile: "Morning!"

Although the two of them were in some special circumstances, they were still in the same room for one night.

The woman seemed to have realized this problem only now, her face turned a little red and she nodded: "Good morning, thank you Qin Chuan!"

Her words actually meant a lot, and it wasn't just Qin Chuan who helped her heal her injuries.

"You've thanked me many times. It wasn't like this before, but why are you showing off now?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

His smile was gentle, and the woman felt a feeling that she had never felt before, as if this place had become home.

She was startled by this idea. At this time, Qin Chuan said: "Go out and do some exercise. You should be fine."

"Well, I'm fully recovered, thank you..."

He smiled before he finished saying thank you. Maybe he did say a little too much.

Her smile was so beautiful that Qin Chuan was a little stunned and froze for a while.

The woman saw Qin Chuan staring at her, his eyes were still very clear, but she still felt something different.


Her voice was a little helpless, but not angry, and even had a hint of girlish carelessness.

Qin Chuan came back to his senses in embarrassment and blushed: "Well, I couldn't help it. I didn't think about that."

He quickly said that he really didn't think about those scenes.

But sometimes it's like this. The more you say no, the worse it gets. No, the woman just glanced at Qin Chuan and walked out with a blushing face.

... (..)(Nine Domains Divine Emperor)

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