Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 929: Round 1, Mu Yuwu (...

The Tianhu family is a joke.

Qin Chuan's methods directly made other people in the Tianhu family dare not move, and they just watched Qin Chuan and Langyuan leave.

Langyuan turned to look at Qin Chuan. She didn't expect Qin Chuan to be so powerful. This man knew many things, including alchemy, medical skills, blacksmithing, talismans, formations, strong strength, and even his cooking skills were top-notch.

She really didn't know how Qin Chuan did it.

Qin Chuan looked at Langyuan with a smile: "Isn't he handsome?"

Langyuan smiled and nodded: "Very handsome!"

Qin Chuan leaned over and said, "Would you like a bite?"

Langyuan glanced at him angrily. This was a street, and there were people around. They continued to walk forward. They booked a room at a restaurant not far away. There were still several days before the Shifang Realm battlefield, so they still I have time to walk around and get familiar with Zhongxuan City.

Sometimes you can't just go with the flow of people and feel the bustle and bustle of the Zhongxuan world.

Sometimes I will fly through the air on a colorful dragon bird, and feel the perspective from the height and the perspective of looking down.

The following days were quiet, no one disturbed Qin Chuan, no one came to cause trouble.

The battlefield in the Shifang Realm is about to begin today.

Qinchuan and Langyuan also came early.

The two of them attracted a lot of attention when they arrived. After all, the most talked about topic during this period was about Qinchuan and Langyuan.

Qin Chuan will also look around. With his golden eyes, he can see where there are strong people and simply feel them.

"Qinchuan, over there are people from the Beitian Sect. They are truly the largest sect. Their strength is far ahead of other sects." Langyuan introduced Qin Chuan and said while looking in one direction.

Qin Chuan followed Langyuan's gaze and saw the most eye-catching location, because it was the cleanest and had seats.

These people all look like middle-aged men, and they even look younger than middle-aged men.

They have a strong aura, and that look, which is an indescribable confidence.

Qin Chuan could feel that they were also looking at him and Langyuan.

He is still a young man who kills the fairyland with one move. He will be damned if he is not noticed.

However, after Qin Chuan looked around now, he really wasn't too worried. The Earth Immortal Realm warriors in the Shifang Realm were all at the Earth Realm. Even the most powerful Beitian Sect seemed to be unable to surpass the sixth level of the Earth Immortal Realm.

The sixth level of the Earth Immortal Realm should be the most powerful one in the Shifang Realm.

This makes Qin Chuan more confident that he may be able to aspire to the world of ten directions.

The battlefield competition begins.

The elimination round has begun!

Two adjacent accounts compete, and the winner advances. If they fail, they have no chance. The top 20 players in the last Ten Directions battlefield did not have to compete in the knockout round.

Qin Chuan is number 351!

There are probably more than a thousand forces in total.

The battlefield is very large. After all, it is a five-on-five match at most. The battlefield is very large. Twenty teams are on stage at one time, and ten teams are fighting against ten teams.

So we soon arrived at Qinchuan's team.

This was the first scene. When others saw that there were only two people in Qin Chuan, they were all stunned.

Although it is a minimum of two people, the maximum cannot exceed five people.

But basically there are five people on the field, and no one has less than this number.

Qinchuan and Langyuan are two people, so many people are confused. They don't know whether there is no one in the holy mountain, or whether the other party is confident that there are only two people.

The opponent against the Holy Mountain was a small sect without Earth Immortal Realm warriors, so Qinchuan and Langyuan easily won the first game of the knockout round.

The elimination round is very fast, and half of the people can be eliminated in one round.

There will be a total of seven rounds, and in the end there will be twenty teams left, and then they will compete with the twenty teams that do not need to participate in the knockout round.

The first round is also the longest, taking a full day.

Qin Chuan and Langyuan left without staying longer.

There's not much to see in the fight right now.

One game a day, the knockout rounds take a week.

There are many people now, but the fighting time is short, and the winner is usually decided quickly.

Qin Chuan didn't see anyone from the Tianhu family, so he wondered if they were still participating in the competition?

The two of them walked out and met a group of people on the opposite side, probably dozens or close to a hundred people. In the middle was a man and woman, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, dressed luxuriously.

The man is very young, as powerful as jade, dressed in white, with eyes like stars, and has an indescribable charm.

The woman's figure is graceful and enchanting. Her figure is the ultimate, but it does not make people feel wanton. She is beautiful. Her smile is as bright as a flower, and combined with her figure, it is completely irresistible beauty.

There are two different kinds of beauty from Langyuan. For men, Langyuan is more appreciated from a distance, while the beauty of this woman comes directly to her face, giving her a feeling of being submerged.

The woman suddenly focused on Qin Chuan.

"Are you Qin Chuan?" The voice was full of magnetism, elegance and an indescribable femininity.

"Who are you?" Qin Chuan was confused.

"My name is Mu Yuwu, from Zhongxuan Sect." The woman said with a smile.

Qin Chuan could feel the strength of this woman, and there was no need for Langyuan to be weak. It seemed that she must have a high status in Zhongxuan Sect.

"What do you want from me?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I heard that you beat up the fat black man from Xuanzong in me," the woman said.


"This really should be fought, but it would be better if you could fight somewhere else. I lost face in Zhongxuanzong because of you, and I want to get it back today." The woman said directly.

"Why, did you find it on the battlefield in Shifang Realm?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I'm afraid you'll be defeated if you don't see me. Then wouldn't it be in vain for me to wait?" the woman said.

She speaks very nicely and has a hint of seduction.

Naturally charming.

Qinchuan's golden eyes could tell that this woman was more dangerous than imagined.

"You can get it back if you want, but what if you lose? If you win, if you get it back, what if you lose?" Qin Chuan asked.

"If you lose, how about I marry you?" Mu Yuwu looked at Qin Chuan.

The man next to him looked a little unnatural and looked at Qin Chuan bitterly.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I'm not interested in you."

Mu Yuwu wasn't angry either: "Then what do you think I'll do if I lose?"

"If you lose, don't appear in front of me in the future." Qin Chuan said.

Mu Yuwu was a little angry. She, the dignified eldest daughter of the Mu family of the Zhongxuan Sect and the young master of the Zhongxuan Sect, was so beautiful that she was rejected by others. This made him very unhappy.

"Okay, you and I will fight alone. There is a martial arts platform over there." Mu Yuwu said.


Qin Chuan and Mu Yuwu went to the martial arts platform not far away. The news got out somehow. Many people came from the battlefield and suddenly surrounded the place.

"Young Master Zhongxuanzong and Qin Chuan are fighting!"

"This excitement must be good-looking. It's much better than the knockout round. It's so exciting!"

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