Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 934: Everyone has their own mentality and makes a breakthrough...

The six people were chatting and drinking, but they all seemed to have their own agendas.

Qin Chuan didn't. These people were passers-by in his life, and Langyuan was incompatible with these people. Most people didn't know what to say in front of Langyuan.

Qin Chuan was okay. After all, a lot of things happened with Langyuan. Everywhere on his body was looked at and touched by her hands...

The two of them also slept on the same couch for a long time. Although nothing happened, for some women, maybe they will only get along with one person like this in their life.

Qin Chuan helped Langyuan when she was most helpless and saved her, which changed her life and the entire holy mountain. So later on, even if Qin Chuan could never move, she would still be willing to take care of Qin Chuan.

At that moment, Qin Chuan was moved. No matter how shameless he was, he must pursue such a good woman.

But although this woman is attached to Qin Chuan, she doesn't seem to have much affection for men and women...

It doesn't matter to Qin Chuan, as long as she can be happy and happy.

The six people dispersed after eating. It couldn't be said to be very happy, but it couldn't be said to be very depressing, but everyone knew it.

Mu Yuwu had her own plans, Feng Xuan also had his own goals, Master Pan was a little depressed and resentful, and Qin Chuan was more just going through the motions.

"That woman likes you!" Langyuan and Qin Chuan said after they came out.

Qin Chuan knew that she was talking about Mu Yuwu, but he still asked: "That one?"

"Who else could it be? Waiting for you every day, isn't it a great sense of accomplishment? That woman is very beautiful, she should be your men's favorite type!" Langyuan said.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I still like Sister Yuan the best."


"No, you are an unreachable existence in a man's heart. Anyone who can take you off will wake up with a smile in his dreams." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Poor talk." Langyuan looked at Qin Chuan angrily.

Qin Chuan was immediately dumbfounded. This woman's expression could mesmerize people to death. Even her indifferent eyes had a hint of sparkle. Her beauty was astonishing. It was the kind that penetrates directly into your brain and sticks out, imprinting on your soul. of.

Langyuan saw Qin Chuan approaching her stupidly,

His face turned red, and he stretched out his white bare hand and tapped Qin Chuan on the forehead: "What are you going to do..."

Qin Chuan smiled and held the snow jade-like plain hand. Langyuan struggled twice, but Qin Chuan didn't let go, so she let Qin Chuan hold it.

What's more, the relationship between the two is a bit strange. It can be said that they are very familiar, almost comparable to lovers, but it seems like there is nothing.

But there was a situation where Langyuan kissed Qin Chuan on the face before.

Thinking about Qin Chuan, he got a little excited and shamelessly moved his face towards her...

This is on the street. Although there are not many people, there are still people.

Langyuan lowered her head slightly: "I'll kiss you when you go back..."

Qin Chuan smiled, waiting for these words, pulling Langyuan and rushing towards the restaurant.

Langyuan: "..."

As soon as he arrived in the room, Qin Chuan couldn't wait to put his face towards her.

Seeing Qin Chuan's impatient look, Langyuan was also amused and blushed on his face.

The soft, gentle feeling that goes straight to the heart makes Qin Chuan indescribably beautiful.

Langyuan's heart was actually beating very fast. This was the second time she kissed a man, and she took the initiative. Qin Chuan had never kissed her before.

Langyuan felt strange that he and he had reached this level without knowing it.

Seeing Qin Chuan's intoxicated look, Langyuan blushed even more. She was hugged by Qin Chuan around her bare waist, and the two embraced each other gently. Langyuan's figure was also so graceful that she was so graceful that her tall and tall parts were proudly touching each other. Qin Chuan's heart.

Qin Chuan opened his eyes and lowered his head slightly. Looking at the woman close at hand, he felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, as well as a strong impulse and heartbeat.

Langyuan saw Qin Chuan's eyes slightly panicked, and gently lowered her eyelashes. They were long, dark and dense, like two small fans. As her eyelashes trembled, Qin Chuan felt that his heart was also moving.

"Asshole, don't go too far." Langyuan said softly.

"I don't go too far, I don't go too far. You kissed me and I didn't move..." Qin Chuan said quickly.

"Scoundrel!" Langyuan buried her face in Qin Chuan's arms, very quietly.

Qin Chuan also felt that he was slowly calming down. Some women just thought about it and hugged each other gently, as if they owned the whole world.

"Qinchuan!" Langyuan whispered softly.

Her cold and elegant voice, speaking so lazily, sounds good, really sounds good, and it is a pleasure to listen to her speak.

If you can hear her say some love words, or even make some bold words or sounds, it will definitely*.


"Do you think we will still be like this in a few decades?" Langyuan said softly.

She hugged Qin Chuan without caring about physical contact.

Qin Chuan said with a smile: "Of course, maybe we will even have children by then."

Langyuan trembled slightly, raised her head and blushed: "It's a beautiful idea, but I won't give you a child."

"Sister Yuan!"

"Yeah!" Langyuan responded lazily.

After dinner, the two of them went out for a walk. It was late at night, and Qinchuan and Langyuan had always been in the same room.

Langyuan lay next to Qinchuan.

The two of them were innocent, but they were sleeping in the same bed, covered with a thin quilt.

Those who have cultivated for a hundred years can cross the same boat, and those who have cultivated for a thousand years can sleep together.

Qin Chuan looked at the quiet woman, feeling very quiet in his heart. He turned his head and looked at her. She was so beautiful that she could not lose control of her. This was a state of mind.

Langyuan opened her eyes and looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "When do you want to see it?"

"I don't understand." Qin Chuan said with a wry smile.

"What can't you understand?" Langyuan was stunned.

"For so many days, I have been surrounded by a stunningly beautiful woman beside you, and I have done nothing..." Qin Chuan admired himself just thinking about it.

"What are you going to do?" Langyuan said angrily.

"I want to love you!" Qin Chuan said softly.

Langyuan turned sideways to face Qin Chuan. At this time, her face turned red and she lowered her head slightly: "Qin Chuan, I'm not ready!"

Qin Chuan smiled and hugged her gently: "I'm kidding you, it's still a long time, I will slowly make you fall in love with me, and then you will cry and scream for me to love you."

"Asshole, you know how to talk nonsense." Langyuan angrily punched Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan hugged her and calmed down.

Langyuan whispered in his ear: "Don't go too far, I can't lose my virginity..."

Qin Chuan naturally understood and hugged this fairy-like woman excitedly. This was a fairy-like woman. Qin Chuan almost chewed her...

Qin Chuan's yin and yang hands were displayed vividly.

Langyuan felt like a boat on the sea, with ups and downs, ups and downs, and felt like his soul was out of body several times, and his whole person was ethereal.

At this moment she had an indescribable charm.

This is true gentleness like water.

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