Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 939: The Haoran Hegemony of the Sixth Level

At this moment, Mu Yuwu was the real goddess, the goddess of flowers, attracting the attention of countless people.

She suddenly looked at Qin Chuan, or she looked in the direction of Qin Chuan, and Qin Chuan was naturally looking at her at this time.

The two people's eyes suddenly met.

There are many people here in Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan can feel that she is definitely looking at him, and her eyes are clearly in contact with each other.


That smile suddenly spread out, and it felt like the ice and snow were melting. It was a warm and warm smile. No matter who it was, everyone would feel very comfortable and happy under such a smile.

Qin Chuan also has to admit that this woman is really beautiful, but there are too many beauties. Even if they are given to you, you can't accept them.

The end is about to begin.

Xiyun Sect, the fourth ranked Xiyun Sect is challenging the previous one, Donglong Sect.

Donglong Sect ranked third, and both sides stood on the martial arts stage. The younger generation of these two sects is not as good as that of Beitian Sect, Nandi Sect, Zhongxuan Sect and Chaos Sect. The people on the stage are all middle-aged, and they are still There are two old men.

But the battle was quite lively.

As soon as the battle began, both sides launched a violent attack.

It didn't take long. Donglong Sect narrowly won, but Xiyun Sect failed in the challenge and was no longer qualified to challenge again.

The Donglong Sect suffered heavy losses. Three people were seriously injured and two were slightly injured, so they gave up the opportunity to challenge.

The Nandi Sect has no chance to challenge, the Zhongxuan Sect is second, but has already challenged, and the Beitian Sect, which remains in first place, has to ask the other party if they want to challenge according to the rules.

If Beitian Sect challenged him, he could only challenge those whose rankings were not as good as his, which was thankless and meaningless, so Beitian Sect did not challenge as usual.

The day passed and the first round of qualifying was over.

Tomorrow is round two and it will end tomorrow.

Qinchuan and Langyuan left.

But not far away, he saw Mu Yuwu standing there, looking at them with a smile.

Now that we are friends,

Of course it's easy to say.

Qin Chuan nodded to her and said hello before leaving.

"Qin Chuan, I have something to ask you." Mu Yuwu said softly.

Langyuan looked at Qin Chuan: "I'll go back first."

Langyuan and Mu Yuwu smiled, nodded and left.

"Qin Chuan, come with me!" Mu Yuwu took Qin Chuan away.

Qin Chuan followed Mu Yuwu to a small village courtyard.

This is Mu Yuwu's personal small village. Not many outsiders know that there are not many people here, but there are restrictions here, and ordinary people cannot enter.

There is a faint aroma as soon as you enter.

Qin Chuan didn't ask her what she wanted from him. She would naturally tell him after a while.

Mu Yuwu walked in front, calmly, but deep in her eyes was complicated.

"Qin Chuan, when are you going to leave?" Mu Yuwu asked as she walked.

"I will leave after the battlefield in Shifang Realm is over." Qin Chuan said casually. This was his intention all along.

"Will your wife leave with you?" Mu Yuwu said while making tea.

It's very relaxing, the room is very elegant, the fragrance is delicate, and it's indescribably comfortable.

Qin Chuan sat on the comfortable couch. There was nothing else here.

While the woman was making tea, a snow-white bead with blood-red color quietly entered the teapot.

Melts instantly.

There was a little struggle in her eyes, and there was a hint of softness in her eyes when she looked back at Qin Chuan.

The tea is ready!

Mu Yuwu poured a glass for both Qin Chuan and herself.

With the light fragrance and constant breathing, Qin Chuan felt relaxed and drank a cup of tea slowly. Well, he felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. Mu Yuwu also drank tea and chatted with Qin Chuan.

She was more beautiful than a sedan chair, and Qin Chuan found that he couldn't resist her charm.

He doesn't know what he would think if he knew that this woman gave him tea made from ten thousand years of red thread fruit.

This fruit is also known as the love fruit. It is said that two men and women will fall in love for life after drinking tea made from this fruit.

But it doesn't seem that mysterious, because this is the most gentle love fruit in the world that no one can understand. After drinking red thread fruit tea, you won't feel anything wrong, but you just can't control your passion.

"I have something to do, so I'm going back first. I'll treat you another day." Qin Chuan stood up and left.

Because he found that he couldn't control it, he felt that this woman had done something to her, and he wanted to go back.

"Qin Chuan, is there something else I haven't told you?"

Mu Yuwu suddenly hugged Qin Chuan from behind.

Qin Chuan shuddered all of a sudden. He had never been so impulsive before. He gritted his teeth slightly. He was already sure that the woman had done something.

"What did you put in the tea?" Qin Chuan said this with difficulty.

"Red thread fruit, ten thousand years of red thread fruit, Qin Chuan, am I beautiful?" Mu Yuwu said softly.

"Tell me, what are you doing for?" Qin Chuan's face was ugly. He was not just pretending. He would feel uneasy when encountering this situation or an unknown situation.

After all, this is a powerful woman who is flirtatious and could kill herself at some point.

The word "sex" has a knife on his head. He is not so narcissistic that he would be drugged by such a beautiful woman just to sleep with him...

So there must be some purpose here.

"Qin Chuan, I have my own reasons. I won't harm you. I can tell you that I need your physique. Please help me!" Mu Yuwu said softly.

There was indescribable helplessness in her tone.

"You can tell me anything. We are friends. I will help you if I can." Qin Chuan said.

"It's too late now. There is no antidote for Red Thread Fruit. If you go back to find your wife, I will die. I will not find another man. Will you let me die?" Mu Yuwu said softly.

Well, this time Qin Chuan was forced to a dead end.

There was no way out. Besides, Langyuan couldn't lose her virginity. She had already said that she couldn't lose her virginity. He couldn't hurt her no matter what.

Sighing, Qin Chuan took action!

Women are beautiful, women like flowers.

As enchanting as jade, she is the goddess of flowers in the hearts of countless people, but she uses this method just to make herself have a relationship with her.

He doesn't like himself, but needs his own physique, and he doesn't like her either.

So everything is simple.

No kissing, very direct.

Yin and Yang merge, and heaven and earth are in harmony.

The woman gritted her teeth tightly, her face turned pale, and the pure yin and yang energy circulated.


The second level of the Earthly Immortal Realm!


Haoran Ba ​​Ti also broke through, but Qin Chuan was still stunned, because Haoran Ba ​​Ti wanted to break through, and not just any woman could.

He must match Qin Chuan's physique.

Mu Yuwu needs Qin Chuan's physique, and naturally, Qin Chuan also needs her physique.

The awe-inspiring hegemonic body of the sixth level!

This still surprises Qin Chuan. Haoran's hegemonic body is inherited from the divine level. This is Qin Chuan's foundation, and everything is based on it.

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