Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 943: Ningshenchi Langyuan realizes the true martial arts...

The leader of Beitian Sect has admitted defeat!

Qin Chuan naturally stopped. This result still shocked many people. No one would think that the leader of Beitian Sect was not strong, but Qin Chuan was just a little too powerful.

At the end of this battle, the rankings will come out.

Because there is no one left to challenge.

The first place in the battlefield of Shifang Realm is the Holy Mountain of the Holy Mountain Realm, and the second place is Zhongxuan Sect of the Zhongxuan Realm...

The No. 1 Beitian Sect of the Beitian Realm had the lowest ranking in history, falling directly out of the tenth place and becoming the eleventh place, switching places with the Holy Mountain.

Beitian Sect no longer has the qualifications to challenge, so it became eleven.

After the competition was over, rewards were naturally given out, and the Holy Mountain got the most. A large part of the resources of the Shifang Realm this time went to the Holy Mountain, which can be used for five years, such as the most famous and best concentration pool in the Shifang Realm.

Similar to the Nirvana Pool and the Ten Thousand Years Stone Stalactite Cave.

This function is different from the previous ones. This one is to concentrate, strengthen consciousness, enhance mental power, or strengthen the soul after the emperor level, such as Qinchuan's imperial dragon soul and imperial gold and yuan body.

This is an extremely precious resource that can only be used by several people once after five years of accumulation.

There are also ten fairy crystals, three Shifangdan, and a bottle of spiritual liquid...

Qin Chuan received a lot of benefits, and the Beitian Sect leader was not stingy at all and even gave more to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan is very happy. These resources are good. Ten fairy crystals are good things. Unfortunately, it is not like one fairy crystal was enough to upgrade the treasures now. Now it is five pieces to upgrade. Qin Chuan has two pieces in his hand. , but it has never been used.

For the time being, Langyuan and I returned to the restaurant.

Zhongxuanzong and other forces invited Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan politely declined. He still stayed here with his arms around Champions League, and no one said anything.

"Qinchuan, Mu Yuwu left the Shifang Realm." Langyuan said after returning to the restaurant.

Qin Chuan looked at Langyuan in surprise: "Leave as soon as you leave."

"Qin Chuan, I am a woman and I understand women. Mu Yuwu likes you, not just because of your physique." Langyuan said.

"I say it again,

You are still a child, not a woman. Besides, why do you care so much about that woman? "Qin Chuan looked at Langyuan in confusion.

"Hateful, bastard, she is a good woman who is worthy of you. With her by your side, you won't always think about me." Langyuan said with a smile.

"As for that? Are you, a woman, so afraid of me trying to get your idea?" Qin Chuan said speechlessly.

"I'm still a child." Langyuan glanced at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan is trembling. This woman is obviously indifferent, obviously unwavering, and obviously doesn't understand love|desire, romance, but the words she inadvertently exudes can enchant people's souls and shake the earth.

Qin Chuan rubbed his head, it was too torturous.

Langyuan smiled and stretched out her bare hands to gently rub Qin Chuan's temples.

The two of them were facing each other. The movement of raising their hands was so elegant, but the erectness of their hearts made them even more proud. Qin Chuan couldn't help but reach out and hold it.

Langyuan's body swayed, her long eyelashes slightly lowered, and her snow jade fairy face was covered in pink.

Qin Chuan felt that his soul was now connected to the heaven and earth, and the cool air poured directly from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.

Looking at that fairy-like woman, treating her like this, seeing her being shy in front of him, that kind of satisfaction, that kind of achievement, at this moment he felt like he would die without regrets, what more could he ask for, he felt like he was at this moment He is the happiest, most contented and happiest person in the world.

Yin and Yang hands, Yin and Yang avenue.

"Are you done yet?" Langyuan said softly, then took Qin Chuan's hands away with both hands.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile. At this time, this woman was perfect to the extreme. She was born with the body of a holy king and a holy body of jade bones. Qin Chuan lovingly picked her up and walked to the window to look at the bustling streets below. people.

Langyuan leaned in his arms and looked into the distance, the blush on her face slowly fading away.

"Qinchuan, if I hadn't met you, where do you think I would be now?" Langyuan said lazily.

"I don't know." Qin Chuan answered honestly.

"I will die. They say that after death I will go to another world, the Nine Netherworld, the underground world. Is this true?" Langyuan said with a smile.

"Maybe, maybe it's just like the Nine Domains World, just one of the domains." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Langyuan thought for a while and nodded: "That's true. I heard that there is a clan of undead and living corpses. These people seem to be in the underground world."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Tomorrow we will go to the Ningshen Pond. By the way, honey, do you plan to stay in the Holy Mountain or follow me out?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Can you be called that? It's so disgusting." Langyuan laughed.

"Baby!" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Okay, you should call me baby..." Langyuan said weakly.

But when these words came out of her mouth, they sounded particularly nice...

"I will stay in the Holy Mountain, Qinchuan, when will you leave?" Langyuan asked.

"A month at most, maybe ten days a week." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"I'll see you off when the time comes," Langyuan said.

The next day Qinchuan and Langyuan went to the Ningshen Pond, which is located on the top of the Shifang Tianjing Mountain, the highest mountain peak. It is covered with ice and snow, and the temperature is extremely cold, so cold that even birds and animals cannot be seen.

There is an ice pond here. It is such a cold day, but there is no ice in the ice pond. There is a dense air floating on it. The pond is not big, like crystal, spotless. Qin Chuan pulls Langyuan and jumps directly in.


It's not cold at all. It's like a hot spring inside. It's very comfortable. Qin Chuan exaggeratedly moaned, it was so comfortable. The sound left Langyuan speechless. She wanted to say something but she couldn't hold it back. She held it back, but Qin Chuan couldn't. live.

"Baby, it's so comfortable, why don't you come too!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Langyuan looked at Qin Chuan angrily: "You little bastard!"

"Even if I'm a bastard, I'm still a big bastard, you know." Qin Chuan said seriously.

This time, Langyuan understood something strangely. She lowered her head with a red face and stopped talking. She knew it would be useless to continue talking, because this was a competition between who was thick-skinned and who was shameless...

The concentration pool seemed to be getting colder and colder. Even though Qin Chuan was extremely powerful, he felt cold. This was the coldness coming from deep within his body. It was a feeling of coldness in the soul.

This is concentration.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up.


An hour later, Qin Chuan took a breath and looked at Langyuan again. Qin Chuan was stunned. She had her eyes closed at this time, and her body exuded a terrifying sacred aura, and a faint halo appeared.

There is a faint hint of gold in the halo.

She broke through!

This is not the point. The point is that Langyuan understood the artistic conception of Zhenwu.

Langyuan was only at the third level of the Earthly Immortal Realm now, but he had just broken through to the third level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he actually realized the true martial arts realm. This made Qin Chuan very happy, especially happy.

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