Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 947: A group of beasts, furious

Bailitian put all his hopes on Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan is going to spend a period of time practicing as an ascetic in the Huntian Sect. He is in the Huntian Sect, but he does not belong to the Huntian Sect and has no contact with other people in the Huntian Sect.

It's a small courtyard. In addition to practicing, I just go to the nearby cities and have a look. It's good to be able to come out once or twice a month.

Before I knew it, three months had passed.

Qin Chuan's cultivation is slowly progressing, his realm has not changed, but his whole aura has changed subtly, and he seems to be becoming more introverted. He went out once in three months, but never went out.

Today, Bailitian came to Qinchuan Courtyard. The number of times Bailitian came here in three months was also limited.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Qin Chuan saw that there seemed to be something wrong with Bailitian's face.

"Among the three mountain realms, there are three Lingshan Mountains. This is Xia Lingshan Mountain, and there are two other Lingshan Mountains. The three Lingshan Mountains all belong to branches of the Chaos Sect. The other two Lingshan Mountains are sects controlled by two of my senior brothers. Baili Tian said.

Qin Chuan could tell from Bailitian's face that he probably didn't have a good relationship with these two senior brothers.

"One of their sects is the Tianqian Sect and the other is the Dikun Sect. They are actually my master's two spies. They report everything to me here and do not allow me to escape." Bailitian said.

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and asked, "Do they know what your master is doing?"

"I know, they are true masters and disciples, just like father and son. They have even done evil together countless times." Baili Tian said.

Qin Chuan only felt that Master Bailitian was not worthy of being a teacher. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do now, not at all.

"What about you, brother? Aren't you also his apprentice?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I am a half-way apprentice, but I have always been unpopular with him. Once I saw them doing some unscrupulous things and asked me to participate, but I didn't. I feel that this is also a huge reason why they targeted me." Baili Tian sighed. said in a tone.

"I see you are frowning, brother. What's wrong? Are your two senior brothers here?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Well, I'm here. I'll come here every once in a while. It's common to beat people everywhere. It's common to severely injure people, and even kill them. As a sect leader, I can't do anything. I, the sect leader, am extremely useless." Litian's hands were trembling a little as he spoke.

"Then let's go take a look?" Qin Chuan said.

"I can't stand it. One of them stops me, and the other continues to attack. If I don't go, they will beat them half to death at most. If I go, I will probably beat them to death." Bailitian sighed.

"How different is your strength from your senior brother?" Qin Chuan asked.

"They are true disciples. They are all at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. They can almost reach the Great Perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm. In the future, they will be able to join the ranks of the strongest. I am only at the sixth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm." Bailitian said.

There is an insurmountable gap between the sixth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm and the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

However, Qin Chuan felt relieved when he heard that they were still in the fairyland.

"Come on, brother, let's go take a look, maybe we can vent our anger." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Bailitian looked at Qin Chuan and saw that he was not joking. He hesitated and nodded.

The two people walked out, and Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed. The group of people walked around in the Huntian Sect, beating people when they saw them. The people in the Huntian Sect ran away when they saw these people, but there was always someone they couldn't run away from, so they just caught them. The consequences of being beaten to a broken bone were all minor, and some even vomited blood directly from the mouth.

Although Qin Chuan knew that Baili Tian would not lie, those things still seemed a bit unbelievable to Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan thought of reaching for the stars, and master and disciple could indeed become mortal enemies in the end.

The scene in front of him still made Qin Chuan very angry, especially a female disciple who was caught by one of them. Several people on the other side made random moves. Bailitian became angry on the spot and rushed over.

Even if he beats the male disciple half to death, he can bear it, because if he stops him, he may die, but the innocence of the female disciple cannot be destroyed.

"Beast, you're seeking death!" Bailitian roared and rushed over.

"The sect master is here, our sect master is here." Some disciples of the Huntian Sect said excitedly.

"Haha, Sect Master, what will happen if your Sect Master is here? Our Sect Master is here too."

"Bailitian, haven't you always been shy? This girl is not your illegitimate daughter, right? You are so angry and care so much. It seems that you need to take this girl away today." A middle-aged man with no beard said, The man with a playful smile said.

"Let her go." Bailitian's eyes turned red.

"Hahaha, let her go, why?" The man looked at Baili Tian with disdain.

Baili Tian was stopped.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me," the girl shouted.

Bang bang bang...

Click, click, click!

The sound of broken bones sounded, and Qin Chuan appeared directly next to the girl. His attack was heavy, and a few people were blasted out, and those scum were instantly destroyed.

Qin Chuan doesn't like killing, or it's too cheap to kill, and being crippled is the biggest punishment, otherwise they will feel that life is worse than death.

When a person is alive and feels that life is worse than death, it means that it is already very painful.

The girl was young, with an exquisite figure and a pure appearance, like a lotus. She was hiding behind Qin Chuan like a frightened little rabbit.

"Young man, are you a disciple of the Huntian Sect?" The middle-aged man looked directly at Qin Chuan.

"Who are you?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"I am the leader of Tiangan Sect, Lang Ye."

"Sure enough, he has the heart of a wolf and the ambition of a wolf, and is worse than an animal." Qin Chuan said slowly.

Lang Ye's expression suddenly changed. Who is he? It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the master in the Three Mountains Realm, but now his own people are actually being abolished in front of him.

Bailitian's expression changed slightly.

"Okay, very good. Originally, I wanted you to follow me to keep you rich and prosperous, keep your wives and concubines, and let you live a paradise-like life. But now, I have changed my mind. I will definitely let you live today. It's better to die, why, you also like the little girl behind you, she is really in bud, a fresh and pure flower, what a pity, hahaha." Lang Ye laughed loudly after saying this.

At this moment, Bailitian took action and rushed directly towards Lang Ye.

Langye took a disdainful glance at it.

At this time, Qin Chuan directly activated the Nine Flowers Divine Throne and the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

By the way, a Divine Eye Immortal Power was thrown over.

When Lang Ye realized something.


Lang Ye flew directly backwards, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Baili Tian in disbelief. Bai Litian was also shocked. Qin Chuan had said before that he should attack and don't be surprised if anything happens. Just attack with all his strength.


Baili Tian succeeded with one move and rushed over like a shadow. He was going to beat this beast to death today.

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