Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 954: The Supreme Order of the Realm of Chaos

"Are you going back to Baihua Fairy City?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I probably won't come back, but I can't say for sure." Qian Fei said.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Qin Chuan frowned slightly and looked at her with concern.

"I want to challenge the Empress of the Realm of Chaos, but I am not strong enough. Moreover, this Empress of Chaos seems to have this Supreme Order of the Realm of Chaos. My master lost because he did not have the Supreme Order of the Realm of Chaos." Concubine Qian sighed. said.

"The Supreme Order of the Chaos Realm, this is indeed a good thing, but even with the Supreme Order of the Chaos Realm, it is not invincible. In the face of absolute strength, everything is useless. Believe in yourself, you can do it." Qin Chuan reached out and held it. One of her jade hands said.

Qian Fei nodded and glanced at him slightly: "It's time to eat, let go!"

"You can let me hold your hand if you say so." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Are you so willing to hold me? Does it feel good?" Concubine Qian gave him an angry look.

"Okay, very good, very comfortable, very exciting. I feel my whole body is cool and cool, and I feel indescribably happy. I like it very much. This feeling is so good." Qin Chuan thought seriously, and then said slowly .

Qian Fei was ashamed and had an indescribable feeling. She felt a little happy in her heart. She didn't know why she was happy, but this guy said it very directly. What does it mean to be comfortable? He held her hand. Very comfortable, this bastard.

"You're just a bastard. Did I really like you before?" Qian Fei glanced at him.

"It's not like, it's love, life and death." Qin Chuan said with certainty.

"Do not believe!"

"How long will you stay in Tianling City?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Master left some opportunities for me. I can go and have a look when I reach my strength. I can go now, so I will leave tomorrow." Qian Fei said.

"Is it dangerous? Shall I go with you?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's not dangerous. You can't go in even if you accompany me. Don't worry about me. It'll be fine." Qian Fei said.

"Is everything okay?" Qin Chuan asked seriously.

"It's okay, I won't joke with my life, okay, don't worry, it's good to have someone who cares.

"Qian Fei said with a smile.

"How about you also care about me? No one has cared about me for a long time." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Concubine Qian was stunned, then smiled and reached out to touch Qin Chuan's head: "You must also take care of yourself, so that you can care about me in the future."

Qin Chuan smiled, held her hand that touched his head and said with a smile: "Only those who love a man can touch a man's head and a woman's waist."

Qian Fei blushed and spat.

Qin Chuan was stunned by her charming beauty. He looked at the sandalwood lips that almost made him lose control, pouting slightly. The pink lips were crystal clear, with a charming luster, and the snow-white jade teeth were slightly exposed. , has a strange and fatal attraction.

Concubine Qian saw Qin Chuan staring at her lips, and her face turned redder. She reached out and hit him angrily: "You are getting more and more excessive."

She didn't know why she was losing her temper more and more, and she didn't even realize that the relationship between the two of them was a little subtle, but she didn't resent it.

"Sister, I really miss you. I miss you in the past. Seeing you like this makes me really sad." Qin Chuan held her hand tightly and said softly.

Qian Fei's heart trembled slightly and she said with a smile: "You don't have to be like this. If you forget, you won't be sad anymore. It's like it was never the same. Isn't it good now?"

"Sister!" Qin Chuan looked at her.

Concubine Qian blushed: "Yeah!"

"If you can't recover your memory, I will work hard to make you fall in love with me again. I will make you the happiest person."

"Then you have to work hard." Qian Fei looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

Qian Fei left, and Qin Chuan returned to Huntian Sect.

Then start practicing again.

Half a month passed in a flash.

At noon this day, the girl brought food again.

During this period, Qin Chuan's meals were all given by girls, the innocent girl Qin Chuan saved.

She insisted on delivering meals to Qin Chuan, cleaning the room and so on.

Qin Chuan couldn't resist, so he agreed. This little girl was still very lovable.

"Brother, it's time to eat!" the girl called softly.

Qin Chuan smiled and sat down, and the girl also ate together.

She is an orphan, but she has good talent and joined the Huntian Sect. Unfortunately, she does not have enough resources, so her cultivation level can only be regarded as the lowest level of the Huntian Sect, but this is already rare.

After eating, Qin Chuan taught him how to forge the divine hammer. Now the forged divine hammer is more perfect than before. He also taught her using the same initiation method. Only in this way can she learn the charm of it.

The girl is very happy.

Maybe it was Qin Chuan who saved her, and she was very attached to Qin Chuan, trusting her, and completely trusting him.

"From today on, you will practice with me, little sister. How much you can learn depends on your luck." Qin Chuan said.

"Thank you, big brother!" The girl nodded happily.

She knew that Qin Chuan would leave sooner or later, and her interactions with him would only be in the Huntian Sect, but she did not force it. She had to repay the favor she received from him, but now she found out that it had become a chance for her.

Seize the opportunity and be sincere!

She wanted to repay Qin Chuan from her own heart.

Qin Chuan has a lot of elixirs and medical skills, plus the girl has good talents and qualifications. Now with Qin Chuan's help, he has accumulated a lot of accumulated knowledge. Now he can express it all at once, and his strength is slowly advancing.

A month later, three people came from the Huntian Sect, two of them were the heads of the Tianqian Sect and the Dikun Sect, and there was also a slender middle-aged scribe.

Like a Confucian scholar, he looks very quiet and humble.

The masters of Tianqian Sect and Dikun Sect followed him respectfully, which showed that this person had a high status.

The leader of the Chaos Sect has many disciples, and naturally some of them like him and some he doesn't like. There are real disciples and there are nominal disciples. There are very few who can really get the true disciples and establish a relationship like father and son. This middle-aged scribe is one of them. .

Although the masters of the Tianqian Sect and the Dikun Sect are not nominal disciples, compared with the middle-aged scribes, they are much inferior in the eyes of the Chaos Sect master. Otherwise, they can stay in the Chaos Sect. When they come to the Three Mountains Realm, it is enough. It shows that status is not important enough in the eyes of the leader of the Chaos Sect.

But the status is still there after all, and it is still possible to find a senior brother with enough weight.

Qin Chuan and Baili Tian walked out. Naturally, they would not have a good look when meeting these two people. They particularly despised the leader of Tianqian Sect and the leader of Dikun Sect. They lost face so much last time that they were holding a breath in their hearts.

"Bailitian, you seem to have forgotten your current identity. You are just an abandoned disciple. Master is kind-hearted. You are ungrateful and want to hurt two senior brothers." The middle-aged scribe said to Bailitian.

Qin Chuan was stunned as soon as the middle-aged man spoke. He originally felt that this middle-aged man was quiet, humble, and elegant, but now he has an air of aloofness, pride, and indifference to anyone.

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