Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 956: Paving the Road, Chaos Gate Token

It's not that the white-robed scribe's bones are not strong enough, it's that his ability to fight yin and yang is too terrifying.

"Remember what you said, and go out and take them away soon. You don't have to listen to what I said before, or you can come to me again, but the opportunity will not come back again." Qin Chuan said directly. Suffered the golden divine prison.

The Golden Divine Prison disappeared, and the white-clothed scribe's eyes flashed. It was a kind of frightened to the point of despair. After leaving the Golden Divine Prison, the pain on his body disappeared instantly, but he shuddered just thinking about it.

Now he seems to be in heaven. Before, it was definitely a hell within hell, eighteen layers of hell.

One step to heaven, one step to hell.

As soon as the middle-aged scribe came out, he left immediately.

The two sect leaders of Tianqian Sect and Dikun Sect did not understand what happened, but they knew that the middle-aged scribe did not take advantage of them. They did not dare to say anything and hurriedly left with the middle-aged scribe.

Baili Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He was even happier now. Qin Chuan's performance was too evil.

The days of purity have always passed quickly. Unknowingly, several months have passed and the new year is approaching. Qin Chuan has never left the Huntian Sect. The girl has also followed Qin Chuan. Now her cultivation knowledge has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

There are snowflakes in the air!

"Brother, it's snowing, shall we go see the snow?" The girl pulled Qin Chuan and smiled happily.

After several months of getting along, the girl regarded Qin Chuan as a relative, just like her own brother.

And Qin Chuan also regarded her as his sister, his real sister. She was originally here to take care of Qin Chuan, but now it was Qin Chuan who took care of her, including food, education, etc. She was an orphan, but now she was very happy.

"Okay!" Qin Chuan smiled and let her pull him.

The snow fell heavily, and soon the world was decorated with silvery white, becoming a world covered in silver.

The girl was running and jumping in the snow, very happy. She was a pure girl, and her eyes were as clear as crystal. During this time, Qin Chuan discovered that although this girl did not have that amazing physique, she had such a You can draw on pure white paper no matter what you want. No matter what Qin Chuan teaches, she can achieve the goals Qin Chuan expected.

Therefore, the girl's progress during this period has also been rapid and rapid.

Bailitian is coming,

At this time, Qin Chuan and the girl were building a snowman. They built a very big snowman, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier. Their snowman was several meters tall, very honest, and very cute.

The girl looked at the snowman and let out a hearty laugh, as clear and sweet as a silver bell, so clean that it seemed transparent.

Now the girl is also a different existence in Huntian Sect. After all, there are reasons for Qin Chuan and Baili Tian.

New Year arrived!

Fireworks all over the sky!

Bailitian looked at the sky, his figure was lonely and desolate. He thought of his parents, brothers and sisters. He thought of his wife and son. His son was so young and was killed by a poisonous beast. His wife was insulted by the beast and was eventually killed. His figure was trembling. Those scenes He couldn't forget, never.

Enmity is as deep as the sea, and blood feud is as deep as the mountain.

Qin Chuan walked to him: "Brother!"

"Happy New Year, brother!" Bailitian turned around and smiled.

Qin Chuan smiled. He knew how much this man was carrying. There was only one person left in the family. Thinking about his wife, children, parents, and brothers and sisters, it would definitely be worse than death. This was inhuman suffering.

"Brother, the deceased is gone. I will definitely help you get this justice. It just takes time."

"I can wait as long as you want, but you must be careful."

"Yeah, I will."

Not long after the New Year, Bailitian told Qin Chuan that he could go to Chaos Gate, and he handed Qin Chuan a token.

The three words above, Chaos Gate.

Qin Chuan took it and decided to leave in three days and go to Chaos Gate.

In the next three days, Qin Chuan mainly stayed with the girl. The girl did not show any reluctance. She was already very content. Meeting Qin Chuan was a chance in her life and she was a noble person in her life, but she was just a person in his life. Passenger.

"Girl, from now on I will take you to my house, which is also your home, okay?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The girl cried all of a sudden, hugged Qin Chuan tightly, and said nothing.

She is a lonely person, an orphan, helpless and helpless in this world. Home is a very distant existence for a girl.

Qin Chuan can send the girl home now, but it will take time for him to come back, so he thought of setting up a Tianmen where the Chaos Gate will be and then take the girl home. If he likes to stay at home, he can stay If you don't like it at home, you can come back to Huntian Sect.

Qin Chuan left and headed to Huntianmen.

There is a dangerous place called Chaos Ridge on the way, which takes about two days. There are many warriors from the Earthly Immortal Realm who have fallen there. Qin Chuan, an expert in art, is so bold that he really doesn’t take this place to heart.

There is only one avenue through Chaos Ridge, a very wide and smooth avenue.

Generally no one flies over the Chaos Ridge from the air, even the strong ones from the Earth Fairy Realm fly over from the ground. It is said that flying over from the air is more than ten times more difficult than on the ground.

Generally, people travel in groups. It does not mean that people can resist danger if they travel in groups, but the more people running around, the better the chance of survival.

"Those who passed through Chaos Ridge came to my place to sign up. Now there are seventy people. Come with a few more, come with a few more, and we can leave." A middle-aged man shouted loudly.

Qin Chuan walked over: "Uncle, I'll save my life."

Middle-aged men are chubby and round, which makes people feel happy at first sight, and it is easy for people to like them.

"Okay, little brother, come this way!" the middle-aged fat man said kindly.

One is called uncle and the other is called little brother, both of which are polite.

Qin Chuan looked at the more than seventy people here, all of whom were warriors, and many of them were warriors of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Thinking about it, they are not very strong, and they probably won't come here. Moreover, most of the fairyland warriors here look very young. Not surprisingly, they all go to more prosperous and powerful places to pursue martial arts.

Even the fat man from before is actually a celebrity here. He is a peak expert in the Earthly Immortal Realm. He often leads people from here. He has rich experience. People say that he is a disciple of a large sect and specializes in escorting. By the way, he discovered some talents and introduced them. Sect.

An hour later, a group of people set out on the road. Qin Chuan didn't know anyone. Everyone was riding on their own tame beasts. Qin Chuan was sitting on the back of the earth's golden dragon bear.

The Earth Golden Dragon Bear is huge, but many of the tamed animals around him are much bigger than him, so it is not that eye-catching. However, after all, it has a powerful dragon head, which still attracts some people's attention.


If not, you will hear a distant and low roar, coming from the surroundings. The specific direction is not known, and the distance is not clear, but this sound will still make people feel a little nervous. After all, you can tell that this monster is scary just by listening to the sound. .

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