Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 966: Practicing Chaos Gate Techniques

Yue Lang just looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

"Do you think we will have a child in the future?" Qin Chuan suddenly asked with a smile.

This woman has no feelings. Qin Chuan is curious about whether she likes children. It is said that women are born with maternal instincts. Even the most peculiar woman will like children. This is her nature.

The Moon Wolf King was stunned: "Child?"

Qin Chuan felt defeated, and after a while he said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's change..."

"As soon as you tell me, I really have to think about this issue. Boy, do you think it's better to be a boy or a girl?" Moon Wolf King asked curiously.

Qin Chuan said stupidly: "It's all good, it's all good!"

"When I want a child, can I come to you?" Moon Wolf King said with a smile.

"Okay..." Qin Chuan felt that it was wrong to discuss this issue with her.

He took out the psychic pill and handed it to the Moon Wolf King: "Come, try your luck."

The Moon Wolf King didn't ask what it was. Since Qin Chuan didn't say anything, she didn't ask and just ate it.

no response?

Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King were both cold.

After a while, the silver halo on the Moon Wolf King flickered. Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. It was successful. The energy around him fluctuated hugely, and the vitality of the world and the world gathered crazily towards the Moon Wolf King.

The halo dissipated, and Qin Chuan looked at the Moon Wolf King at this time.

Zhenwu's artistic conception has broken through...

The second-level True Martial Artistic Concept, this seems good. The True Martial Artistic Concept is not like other artistic conceptions. The difficulty of breaking through the True Martial Artistic Concept is more terrifying than that of the Great Dao. Breaking through the Moon Wolf King's True Martial Artistic Concept is also one of the best gains.

To comprehend new avenues, artistic conceptions, and magical powers, it would be okay if you comprehend powerful avenues, but the probability is not very high. If you comprehend ordinary avenues, artistic conceptions, and magical powers, it is much worse than the breakthrough of Zhenwu artistic conception.

A hundred weak avenues are not as good as one powerful avenue.

In the afternoon, Qin Chuan went to Gongsun Long. Gongsun Long was very polite to Qin Chuan. The shadow Qin Chuan gave him was too terrible. He never wanted to feel that feeling again.

"Brother Qin, please come inside!" Gongsun Long smiled and welcomed Qin Chuan into the room.

"This is for you." Qin Chuan took out a white jade porcelain bottle.

Spiritual elixir!

Gongsun Long was stunned for a moment. He took it and took a look. He was extremely shocked to see that the psychic pill was actually refined. He was stunned for a while, but after a while he came back to his senses and said, "Sir, you are really a master."

"If you have any good prescriptions, remember to find me. Maybe you can become one of the Territory Lords of the Chaos Territory in the future." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Qin Chuan drew a big pie for Gongsun Long. As for how it goes, it depends on his luck and choice.

Gongsun Long was a little excited. He naturally knew that Qin Chuan's future would definitely be limitless. Following him might lead to a brighter future. As for the Chaos Sect, it was unclear whether the Chaos Sect was one of the domain lords of the Chaos Domain. As for him, although It's okay in front of Master, but it's very difficult to take over Master's position, and it will take a long, long time.

Now Qin Chuan's words made him very excited. Destiny needs to be chosen and fought.

Qin Chuan has left. As for whether Gongsun Long can realize any attainment, artistic conception, or magical power, it depends on his destiny.

Gongsun Long used the psychic pill.

He actually doesn't have much hope. His current artistic conception is the perfect realm of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, he has not realized the true martial arts artistic conception. This is also a problem of his. He has one more hope, that is, when he breaks through to the strongest, he will have a chance.

But generally, it is in the early stages to comprehend the artistic conception of true martial arts. The earlier, the easier it is, and the later the opportunity is, the smaller the chance is.

If a person who breaks through to the strongest level still cannot comprehend the True Martial Arts Concept, he will definitely be kicked away by his master. A powerful person without the True Martial Arts Concept is useless.


Gongsun Long's body was shining with golden light, his face was filled with ecstasy.

He understood the artistic conception, and it was still the true martial arts conception that could excite him to death. This is the power of the psychic pill. Everything is possible. At present, what Gongsun Long is looking forward to most is the true martial arts conception. Otherwise, his journey as a warrior That's it. He will lose a lot of status and status, and he will even be bullied. The Chaos Gate will not fall into his hands.

Now that I have the True Martial Arts Concept and the Eye of Fear, I can try to break through to the strongest.

Gongsun Long was excited and at the same time grateful to Qin Chuan. It could be said that Qin Chuan had almost changed his destiny, which also made him more determined to follow Qin Chuan.

Of course Qin Chuan didn't know this.

Qin Chuan didn't expect anything, he just wanted Gongsun Long to restrain Hongjian, otherwise it would be disgusting to have such a person targeting him.

He was not disturbed during this period, and I don’t know if it was because of Gongsun Long.

It only took half a month to refine the elixir, and in less than half a month, he would go to a place with the Moon Wolf King. During the remaining time, Qin Chuan decided to visit the Hidden Gong Pavilion.

After all, I haven't learned the martial arts of Chaos Sect until now, not at all.

Entering the Chaos Gate again, Qin Chuan went to the martial arts bookshelf in the Chaos Gate.

Chaos mind power!

This is the foundation of the Chaos Sect, the most basic, but with practice, it can be automatically improved, up to the elders and sect masters. It is also the Chaos Intention Skill that is practiced. All the abilities of the Chaos Sect, such as Chaos Sorrow, Chaos Hands, etc. are It needs chaotic mind power as the foundation.

Qin Chuan rubbed it in his mind, and then looked at it, Chaos Hand, Chaos Divine Fist.

Chaos God Fist has a very awe-inspiring name. It is actually the most basic boxing method, using Chaos Intention Kung Fu as the basis. I just don’t know why the creator of this boxing method had such an awe-inspiring name.

Chaos means!

This is a mental attack, which confuses the target's consciousness and spirit. Qin Chuan likes this very much.

Of course, you can also practice Chaos Hand and Chaos God Fist. Even if you don't use them, you will be able to understand the secrets after you become proficient, so that you can resist similar abilities.

Chaos Intention Kung Fu can be mastered very quickly. Qin Chuan has a very high understanding and state of mind. In addition, this is the most basic technique, and the difficulty is very low. At least the difficulty is very low at present. In three days, Qin Chuan's Chaos The mind power has reached the first level.


This skill is to increase mental power. The increase in strength is very limited, but the increase in mental power is very strong. No wonder it is said that this chaotic mind skill is the foundation. This is an unexpected surprise.

The other thing is chaos.

This is an existence that is almost as important as Chaos Intention Skill. Only by learning Chaos Intention can you truly exert your Chaos ability. Chaos Intention Skill and Chaos Intention are the two foundations of Chaos Sect, and they must be learned.

The meaning of chaos can be contained in the attack, or it can be directed towards the opponent.

Contained in attacks, such as the Chaos Hand, can make the Chaos Hand more powerful. This is a universal ability, so if you want to be powerful, you need the backing of a very high realm.

Otherwise, it can only interfere.

The purpose of Qin Chuan's original intention to learn Chaos Sect's martial arts was to interfere with his target. Coupled with his divine power, he could definitely greatly reduce his opponent's actual combat strength.

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