Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 974: Breaking through the 4th floor, White Jade Fairy Snake

The golden little puppet has hands and feet, a small bald head, and looks like a cute little King Kong. It is integrated into one body. Although it is very beautiful, it always feels not very majestic.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he could forge a small armor for him.

He also has the Golden Immortal Stone, which can be used to forge a gold-lined coat and gold-lined boots. That little bald head can be forged into a helmet, which will definitely be very beautiful, majestic, and handsome.

The little puppet seems to have a certain IQ and certain emotions, just like a child of a few years old. After recognizing the Moon Wolf King, he will only hang around her.

The Moon Wolf King was very happy and reached out to touch the little guy's bare head.

"Do you think he wants a child?" Moon Wolf King asked with a smile.

"If you like it, we can have one." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"That's nonsense, I won't give you life." Moon Wolf King blushed and glanced at Qin Chuan.

"Then who are you going to have sex with?" Qin Chuan was anxious.

"You bastard, are you asking for a beating?" the Moon Wolf King said angrily.

Qin Chuan smiled: "The children we gave birth to are also very beautiful."

"That won't happen." Moon Wolf King said with a red face.

Qin Chuan looked at her cute appearance and couldn't help but step forward to hug her and nuzzle her nose.


"You two are so excited. It's a feast for the eyes to see the Moon Goddess and a man kissing me."

A discordant voice sounded.

A group of people appeared here.

The speed of these people was very fast. Qin and Chuan had only arrived here for a short while before these people arrived.

However, the treasures on the third floor have been obtained by the Moon Wolf King.

Qin Chuan reluctantly let go of the Moon Wolf King and looked to the other side.

The Moon Wolf King looked a little solemn: "Qin Chuan, the other party is from the Demon Palace."

"Demon Palace? Never heard of it?" Qin Chuan was stunned.

"They are a huge force to be formed in the Chaos Realm.

It is even worse than Chaos Gate. "The Moon Wolf King said.

Qin Chuan looked at the man who was speaking opposite, well, he was really demonic. This man was very handsome, very masculine, very wild, and looked very young. This is the characteristic of the demon clan. He was dressed in snow-white brocade clothes, outstanding, and had An indescribable masculine charm.

Even if a man looks at him, he will feel that he is really handsome and good-looking.

"Damn, this guy is quite handsome. He's about to catch up with me." Qin Chuan muttered.


The Moon Wolf King naturally heard it on the side and couldn't help but chuckle. His beautiful and quiet eyes looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

Qin Chuan was stunned. Just these eyes, just these eyes were enough.

"You're here again..." Moon Wolf King felt a touch of joy in his heart, and only Qin Chuan looking at her like this would make him feel happy.

Qin Chuan smiled and looked at the opposite side: "Is something wrong?"

There were more than twenty people on the other side. The man smiled and said: "I really envy you. They will be arriving soon. Will you hand over the treasure yourself, or should I do it?"

The people in the Demon Palace were very straightforward. Qin Chuan glanced at them with disdain and ignored them.


Qin Chuan led the Moon Wolf King directly into the passage leading to the fourth floor.

The Nine Palaces Yin-Yang World Transition Step is very powerful.

Another reason why Qin Chuan ran away was that he felt that someone was already coming. When the time comes, the people who come one after another will definitely think that the treasure is in the hands of the demon palace people.

The people in the Demon Palace did not expect Qin Chuan to be like this. When they wanted to catch up, the other party had already disappeared into the passage leading to the fourth floor.


Many people appeared here and then looked at the Demon Palace.

"Everyone, the treasure has been taken away by the Moon Goddess and the young man from the Chaos Gate. They just entered the passage." The man from the Demon Palace said.

"Yao San, do you think anyone can believe what you say?" A man said disdainfully.

"Believe it or not, we didn't get it anyway, let's go!" After finishing speaking, the people from the Demon Palace walked towards the passage on the fourth floor.

No one is stopping the Demon Palace. This is the third floor. All the good stuff is said to be on top. Besides, there are so many people here and no one wants to be the one who stands out. Besides, the Demon Palace is very powerful.

Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King entered the fourth floor of the Demon Tower.

This is?

Qin Chuan felt that the place he was in was unreal.

Heavenly Demon Array!

The Golden Divine Eye was also stunned when he saw the formation here. It was such a big gesture. This was not an ordinary Heavenly Demon formation.

Anything that can truly be called a grand formation is very terrifying. Those grand formations we encountered before are nothing compared to the grand formation in front of us.

"On this level, you only need to pass through the formation." Moon Wolf King said.

"Xiao Yueyue, can you come over?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's disgusting."

"Xiao Yueyue!"

"Baby..." Qin Chuan also shuddered in disgust at himself.


The Moon Wolf King smiled and looked at Qin Chuan funny: "Did you make yourself sick?"

"That's right, baby, give me a reaction, I'm trying to hold on!" Qin Chuan said with a bitter face.

"What reaction do you want..."

"You can just say "hmm", but it would be better if you called me too." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Moon Wolf King trembled: "I can't shout."

"It seems you still don't love me enough. A great man... said that as long as you love me enough, you can do anything for her, don't say a few disgusting words." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The Moon Wolf King looked at Qin Chuan angrily, stepped forward and hugged his neck, and whispered in his ear: "I will satisfy you today... you are also my treasure... baby."

Qin Chuan's body trembled and he smiled. She said it very harshly, but it sounded particularly nice. He hugged her lovingly and entered the formation.

The Moon Wolf King found that following this guy, he was slowly changing. Things that he had never dared to think about before were now done.

But she found that it felt very good, very relaxed, and very pleasant. It was not as quiet as before, and the world seemed to have a lot more colors now.

With Qin Chuan's ability, it was very easy to pass through this formation.

But he ignored one problem.

It was not the first time for many people to come to this demon tower, so they were familiar with it. Qin Chuan still needed to observe, so when they came out of the formation, they found that there were already three waves of people there, including people from the demon temple.

But now the treasure is still on a white jade platform in the middle.

There are four snakes as white as jade surrounding the white jade platform.

Each white snake is only three feet long, as white as jade, crystal clear, like a work of art, but no one dares to get close.

In the middle are plates.

Three eggs the same size as dates.

White snake eggs!

This is a good thing. This white snake is a white jade fairy snake. The only way to tame it is to get snake eggs. It has the potential to grow to the fairy realm, but at most it is the fairy realm. This is an existence that everyone present can long for.

There is no Immortal Realm in the Chaos Realm, and these white jade fairy snakes have the potential to reach the Immortal Realm.

Besides, even if you can't reach it, as long as you have enough time, you can still reach the strongest level.

And the most precious thing is that anyone who can get a white snake egg can tame it, and this white jade fairy snake is an absolutely terrifying monster in the immortal realm and has very strong combat power.

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