Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 989 She is Yuan Su’s best friend

King Liuxiang failed, but Yuan Su's crisis was not resolved, because King Liuxiang never gave up until he achieved his goal.

The Liuxiang King once had a record of successfully attacking a woman seven times.

Therefore, a failure is not considered a failure. It can only be said that Yuan Su is not simple. It is a powerful symbol to make Liuxiang King miss.

Qin Chuan was by Yuan Su's side, and Yuan Su didn't have any worries.

We haven't seen each other for many years, but there is no relationship between Qin Chuan and Yuan Su. They have a tacit understanding with each other. The mutual affection seems to come from deep within the body. Qin Chuan likes this feeling very much. This woman has a special place in Qin Chuan's heart. .

It has only been three days since the incident. Today, a person came to the City Lord's Mansion, a person who surprised Qin Chuan.

The white clothes are better than the snow, with unparalleled elegance and stunning coldness, like the coldest snow lotus in the world, with a bone-chilling coldness spreading.

A pair of eyes are like the bright moon and stars, and their skin is better than snow. They can be broken by a blow and pierce the sky, like a fairy from outside the sky.

Empress of Chaos.

When the woman saw Qin Chuan, her eyes suddenly narrowed. She looked at Qin Chuan, then at Yuan Su, and then said something that made Qin Chuan roll his eyes.

"Susu, he has other women."

Yuan Su smiled and let go of Qin Chuan, took Qianqian's hand and said, "I know, why are you here?"

"Do you think I'm disturbing you? Well, your face is radiant. It's different when you have a man..."

He seemed to realize that he had said something wrong and forgot that Qin Chuan was still there, and his face suddenly turned red.

Qin Chuan was also stunned, and soon understood that it turned out that women are very bold when speaking in private, even if this woman is not an ordinary woman.

Qin Chuan was actually extremely shocked. After all, she was the Empress of Chaos. Although Qin Chuan scolded her before, he could not deny that she was an absolutely top-notch woman.

Soon a strange and playful smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face.

"Don't laugh!" The Empress of Chaos was extremely angry.

"I really didn't expect you to be such a lewd woman." Qin Chuan said seriously, with a trace of repulsion flashing in his eyes, as if he was very serious and would not go along with her.

The Queen of Chaos almost collapsed,

His face turned pale, and he wished he could just cut Qin Chuan into pieces.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you."

"Stupid woman, lustful woman, don't teach my Susu a bad lesson." Qin Chuan said seriously.

The Empress of Chaos was very well-educated and couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, Yuan Su grabbed the Empress of Chaos and smiled angrily: "You guys know each other!"

"do not know!"

"do not know!"

Qin Chuan and the Empress of Chaos said almost at the same time.

Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

Qin Chuan looked at Yuan Su and said seriously: "I said that my Susu has become a little bad now, so that's it."

Qin Chuan looked into Yuan Su's eyes and said playfully.

Yuan Su's face suddenly turned red and she gave Qin Chuan an angry look.

The Empress of Chaos trembled with anger, this bastard, when had she ever been treated like this? This is a gangster, a bastard, a ruffian...

"Qin Chuan, she is my only friend, best friend, best friend, and sister. You have to be nice to her." Yuan Su said softly.

Qin Chuan was stunned. The Empress of Chaos and her were sisters, good friends, and besties. He knew that Yuan Su didn't have many friends. She said that this was her only friend. But why did Qian Fei have such a relationship? Maybe he would still admire her. Take action against her.

But it seemed that it still needed time. Seeing Yuan Su's expectant eyes, he knew that if he and the Empress of Chaos were hostile, she would definitely stand on his side, but she would definitely be sad.

Qin Chuan smiled and nodded: "She and I don't have any hatred. If she doesn't mess with me, I won't mess with her. Besides, I can't beat her. You should protect me and don't let me be bullied by her."

The Empress of Chaos found that this guy was so irritating when he spoke. She got angry when she heard him talk and wanted to beat him up.

"Susu, how could you like such a tasteless man like him?" the Empress of Chaos said in confusion.

"Sister, he is my man. In fact, he is very good. If you are good to him, he will be good to you." Yuan Su looked at her with a wry smile.

The Empress of Chaos naturally knew that Yuan Su didn't like her saying that her man was not good, so she smiled and said: "Okay, no more, I heard that King Liuxiang is eyeing you, come here quickly, it's still too late, you don't know how worried I am about you. .”

Yuan Su was still very moved, smiled and tightened her hand: "Good sister, you are my biological sister."

"Hey, my biological sister doesn't have a man to kiss her, right?" The Empress of Chaos whispered in her ear.

Yuan Su blushed and glared at her: "You and him are the most important people in my life."

"You don't know, I was scolded by him for no reason, and he seemed to be targeting me intentionally." The Empress of Chaos shook her head slightly and said.

Yuan Su was stunned and smiled: "Sister, when have you ever confronted a man like this?"

The Empress of Chaos was stunned and rolled her eyes: "Don't think too much, I don't have any respect for men, and I won't try to take advantage of your man."

Qin Chuan had already walked away, leaving time for them.

But Qin Chuan will not leave the City Lord's Mansion, after all, the threat of King Liuxiang is still there.

Shaking his head, Qin Chuan put aside some thoughts. Concubine Qian must defeat the Empress of Chaos. Let's wait and see. Concubine Qian is his woman in Qin Chuan's heart, but she has lost her memory now, but the relationship between the two is now fine.

Yuan Su is a real Qinchuan woman, and this Chaos Empress is Yuan Su's friend, her only friend, best friend, and sister, which is not a small deal.

Just thinking about it makes me dizzy, so forget it and don’t think about it anymore. Let’s talk about it then.

"Qin Chuan, can you go cook?" Yuan Su said.

Before I knew it, it was time to eat.

"Okay!" Qin Chuan said and walked into the kitchen.

The Empress of Chaos was stunned, looking at Qin Chuan's figure, and then at Yuan Su. This man still had some good qualities and doted on his woman.

She thought of the beautiful woman she met in the ten-story demon tower. She thought she was extremely beautiful, but at best she felt on par with her.

This tasteless guy seems to have a good rapport with women.

"Is he pretty good to you?" The Empress of Chaos said with a smile.

"He is very good to me. He is my everything. He is the one I told you. He used to be my disciple." Yuan Su said with a smile.

"Ah, that's the person you mentioned. I thought your man was not the person you mentioned before." The Empress of Chaos said in surprise.

"He is really nice. This is the first time I have seen him seem to have a problem with you. What's wrong with you?" Yuan Su asked curiously.

"Susu, I don't know why." The Empress of Chaos thought about the time when she was fighting for the white jade fairy snake egg, and when this bastard touched her hand, she slapped him, and then provoked him to yell...

This stingy man.

Soon the aroma of the food came, and Qin Chuan cooked a table full of dishes. No matter what, she was Yuan Su's good friend, even a good sister. She was supposed to be so good to Yuan Su, so she shouldn't be a bad person. She and Qian Fei Qin Chuan didn't know what was going on between the masters.

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