Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3395 Encirclement and Suppression of ‘Fake’ Ksitigarbha Descendants

What surprised Han Yang was that the lord and wife of the Red Mirror Lord, who used to be respectful to him as the Taoist messenger and always waiting for him, did not reply for a long time.

"Something's wrong..."

With the urinary nature of the two people led by Hong Jing, it was too late to fawn over, how could it be possible to delay the reply.

Even in retreat, he must respond immediately.

This gave Han Yang a premonition that Ji Xiangtian's concerns might be correct.

There is a problem with the Light Mirror Leader and even the entire Evil Mirror Hell.

But he didn't know what the problem was.

After an hour or two, when Han Yang's patience was about to run out, Lu Xiu finally recovered.

"Lord Messenger, when can you take my soul to see Daozi?"

Han Yang narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the information on the transmission note.

Avoiding answering his own questions, instead urging him to see Nianhua Daozi?

This is something Lu Xiu and Lu Ying have never done before.

The two of them had been cautious and did not dare to offend the Taoist envoy at all. How could they answer the question incorrectly like now.

Han Yang acted decisively.

Seeing this situation, he simply asked forcefully again: "Answer my question!"

this time.

The red mirror leader did not continue to hesitate, but quickly responded: "Are you the envoy of Nianhua Daozi?"

"Has the disguise been discovered?"

Han Yang raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

No wonder Lu Xiu's attitude changed drastically.

What happened to make Lu Xiu suspicious?

Normally, his and Ji Xiangtian's identity would be almost impossible to reveal.

After all, it is impossible for the underworld to go to the human world to ask the flower-carrying demon monk...

"Wait...ask the flower-carrying demon monk?!"

Han Yang realized what the problem might be.

Now the only one who can reveal the identities of the two is the Flower Nian Demon Monk!

This is... news about the flower-wielding demon monk came from Ksitigarbha Dojo, so that made Lu Xiu suspicious?

Did Zuo's envoy change his attitude towards Ji Xiangtian because of this? M..

Han Yang vaguely guessed the answer.


The Demon Monk Nianhua didn’t know that he and Ji Xiangtian were pretending to be fake and going around cheating.

Normally speaking, when the flower-carrying demon monk reaches a certain level of cultivation, the Ksitigarbha Dojo will definitely tell the world.


The real thing becomes fake because it lies too much.

Although he is a fake messenger of Taozi, his identity as the successor of Jixiangtian Nianhua Taozi's mantle is not fake.

As a result, his identity is now being questioned.

Han Yang did not send another message to Lu Xiu, but thought about how to deal with the trouble of Zuo's envoy.

Now that he is in Zuo's territory, once his identity is exposed, this trip to hell will have to be terminated early.

This doesn't fit Han Yang's plan.

"Ha...don't you want a Taoist successor? Then I will give you a Taoist successor!"

Han Yang looked back at Ji Xiangtian.

There is no time in the underworld.

Thousands of years passed quickly.

While Han Yang and Ji Xiangtian were immersed in cultivation without any distractions, the six major lords around the Light Mirror Leader also gathered at the lord's mansion.

"Jingyuan! Is what you said true? Is there really someone so bold as to pretend to be a successor to Taoism?"

one of the lords asked loudly.

In the underworld, the status of Ksitigarbha Dojo is comparable to that of a holy place.

If you pretend to be a ghost from the Eighteen Hells, you might just get killed.

But if you pretend to be a person related to Ksitigarbha Dojo, it will definitely be a crime of genocide.

It has been many years since the underworld saw an idiot who dared to pretend to be related to the Ksitigarbha Dojo.

The lords are gearing up one by one.

This is a good opportunity to make achievements.

Jing Yuan, the leader of the Light Mirror Territory, said with a smile: "Of course I take it seriously. This is what the Zuo clan's envoy said. How can it be false?"

Upon hearing the name of Zuo's envoy, all the lords immediately showed admiration.

In the Evil Mirror Hell, the Zuo clan is definitely a noble being second only to the Territory Lord.

Judge Zuo is an ancestor of the Evil Mirror Hell.

No one dares to be disrespectful.

"If it's what the Zuo clan's envoy said, it must be right? I wonder what the Zuo clan's envoy wants us to do?"

A lord asked.

Jing Yuan said with a smile: "Before the envoy left, he sent an order to me to find out the fake people. I think that I am not strong enough and dare not covet the merits of God. I hope to join hands with you to get it together." Get rid of those two daring people."

The other lords were immediately elated.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Brother Jing is righteous!"

“Brother Jing’s kindness will never be forgotten!”

All the lords looked like they were following Jingyuan's lead.


There are also some cautious people among the six lords.

The only female lord appeared to be relatively calm and not dazzled by her achievements.

After everyone was overly excited, she asked: "Brother Jing said that the Zuo family's envoy left? I wonder where the envoy went?"

No one will miss such a simple achievement.

Even a Territory Lord Realm envoy would not leave at this critical moment and give up such merit!

She always felt something was wrong.

Jing Yuan explained: "Because Judge Zuo was invited to the Ksitigarbha Dojo to celebrate the new Daozi, all the Zuo clan had to go to Zuo Domain to celebrate, and the messenger had to leave."

Upon hearing this, the lords suddenly became excited.

"As expected of Judge Zuo, he was actually invited by Ksitigarbha Dojo as a judge..."

"In the past celebrations, only the prison lord was eligible to be invited."

"No wonder the envoy would give up the merits he had received and leave in a hurry. With Judge Zuo here, the Zuo family is still worried about not being able to establish a relationship with the Ksitigarbha Dojo? He has no shortage of merits at all."

Only the female lord remained noncommittal.

She always felt like something was wrong.

Even if we have to return to Zuoyu for the banquet, we can still capture those two liars.

You can even send this matter to Ksitigarbha Dojo as a gift. I believe Nianhua Daozi will be happy to find two villains pretending to be his successor.

However, the other lords could no longer care about many of them, and they were all impatient.

"Brother Jing, I have a long night and many dreams, why don't we take action now?"

"It would be bad if those two liars notice anything unusual and escape."

"Do it!"

Under the urging of everyone, Jing Yuan did not hesitate, stood up suddenly and said: "In that case, let's act together to take down those two juniors!"


The lords roared in unison, each with high fighting spirit.

Jing Yuan was not reckless and reminded: "The liar who pretended to be an envoy has a fifth-grade underworld weapon given by the wife of the lord of the Red Mirror Territory. You must not be careless."

"Fifth-grade underworld weapon?"

"Is the leader of the red mirror crazy? He actually gave away the fifth-grade underworld weapon to others?"

The lords' eyes suddenly turned red.

Except for the Realm Lord Seal, only two of the six lords present had fifth-grade underworld weapons!

The Red Mirror Leader actually gave a fifth-grade underworld weapon to a liar. He was really a loser!

The lords looked at each other with sparks in their eyes.

Whoever captures the liar is one thing, but whoever captures the fifth-grade underworld weapon is the real big deal!

The war has not yet begun, but there are already internal disputes.

Jing Yuan smiled and said: "Don't let the small gain make the big gain. As long as you have the merit of capturing these two people, are you afraid that you will not have a fifth-grade underworld weapon? Even the reward from the Ksitigarbha Dojo is definitely above the fifth-grade!"

The lords smiled and nodded.

But only they themselves know what they think in their hearts.

Seeing all the lords rushing towards the retreat of the two swindlers, the female lord frowned more and more.

Two humans who are only in the fierce ghost realm came to the underworld to pretend to be the successors and envoys of Taoism. Are these two people really crazy?

Something feels wrong.

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