Sky Tribulation officially announced that the final boss of the [Heroic Road] dungeon will burst the hero suit, but it is bound when leaving the dungeon, which means that there will be some duplication of equipment, which makes it useless.

However, Ye Luo and Fireworks both have spirit weapons, and it is still possible to use those bound equipment as sacrifices, which can also be regarded as avoiding being discarded in vain.

"Tsk tusk, I really envy you for having spiritual weapons, Ye Luo has two more, and one is special equipment, the other is a weapon." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, look at Monday and the others.

"It's just luck." Ye Luo said, and then changed the subject: "Hurry up and kill the monsters. Although we are sure to get the first kill of the dungeon, we have to take precautions in case."

Nodding their heads, everyone began to concentrate on killing monsters.

With full firepower, those enchanted spiders were not a problem, and they were quickly cleaned up. As for the monsters such as the enchanting banshee, corrupted zombies, and enchanted swordsman, they did not cause any difficulties for them, and they almost swept the past.

Like the previous Heroes’ Road missions, each type of monster in this dungeon has only one type of equipment, such as the helmet of the vampire bat, the armor of the enchanted spider, and so on.

As the firework is easy to cold said, the quasi-boss of each monster will burst the tomb suit when they are killed for the first time, but the type is different. After killing all the five monsters, they get a heavy armor type. Helmets, leather-type wrist guards, commoner-type leggings, commoner-type boots, and heavy armor-type breastplates, it seems that it will take a long time to make a set.

When killing monsters, Ye Luo also deliberately observed the operation of breaking waves and riding the wind. Although killing monsters is very different from PK with people, just by looking at her movements and the right shots, you can see her skills. She is A superb master, much more detailed and better than Ye Luo on many details.

Killing all these mobs, a few people looked at Pound in the middle, frowned slightly on Monday, and her tone was a little worried: "Do you think that Pound’s skills are the same as the one we used to compete with, if This is true. Doesn't it mean that a lot of time will be wasted?"

"Hehe, we waste time, others will waste time, and it is much easier to kill it with our strength. If even we can't kill it, then others will not even mention it." said Tuesday, she was confident. It was full, and then what she thought of, her expression was full of expectation: "The skill [Soul Eater] was exploded last time, maybe it will explode this time, of course, it would be even better if it could explode [Wanjian Guizong]. That skill has hidden attributes and is very powerful."

"The [Soul Eater] skill is the only skill. The reason it is said to be the only one means that you won't lose the second one." Fireworks said easily. Seeing everyone nodded, her tone changed: "But [Wan Jian Returning to Zong] This skill may also burst. If Ye Luo can learn it, with the [Reincarnation* Soul Eater] skill, he is almost invincible."

"Woo, [Soul Eater] is the only skill. Doesn't that mean that I will never learn it?" Polang Rongfeng muttered, her face full of frustration: "Of course it's good to kill people to increase attacks, but killing people is not popular. The name is the best. What a pity, what a pity..."

Po Lang Cheng Feng is a fairly straightforward person, he almost has nothing to say, and he hardly conceals his emotions, laughs when he wants to laugh, and does not deliberately hide when he wants to be sad, but he is quite sincere to his friends. Let Ye Luo, Monday and others admire it.

I didn’t pay attention to breaking the waves and riding the wind. Fireworks tended to be cold. Checking the attributes of the final BOSS, I found that this was only a 55-level gold-level BOSS. The attributes were a lot worse than those of the 60th level. *Soul Eater skills are gone.

"Tsk tusk, it's just a 55-level golden boss, and it doesn't have the skill of [Sword Spirit*Soul Eater]. This is not a big threat to us." Monday said, and then looked at Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng: "Sister Feng, Big Brother Ye, hurry up, we will be able to complete the first kill of the dungeon after solving it."

Nodded, Ye Luo rushed up first, and said as he rushed: "Not only has the attributes weakened a lot, the range of those group attack skills has also been much smaller, all in a radius of 10 meters, so fireworks, you are here on Monday Attacking from 10 meters away, Sister Feng and I have blood sucking, but it can be solved without the priest."

That's right, the strength of the 55th-level Pound is much weaker than the previous one, so there is no big threat to Ye Luo and the others. Under the attack of the six people, its blood and blood descended wildly.

I was struggling to attack, and suddenly a system prompt sounded:

System reminder (China server): Congratulations to the team of Oriental Pearl and Oriental Xiaotian for completing the simple task of [Road to Heroes] and successfully completing the first kill. The system will reward each of their team members with a 50-level silver-level weapon. A general skill book, a silver treasure chest, 1000 reputation.

The system prompt sounded three times in a row, resounding through the entire Heavenly Tribulation Continent, causing an uproar, and also making Ye Luo and others puzzled.

"What's the matter, Dongfang Mingzhu and Dongfang Xiaotian are also first-class masters, and they are both hidden professions, and they are good at attacking. Why did the two choose a simple copy of the two?" Po Lang Chengfeng was slightly taken aback, some Unknown so.

"The strength of the Dongfang family is very strong, much stronger than our ethereal pavilion. The Oriental Pearl and Dongfang Xiaotian are even the main force of the Dongfang family. How do they choose simple copies?" Firework Yi Leng attacked and muttered to himself, with a full tone of voice. Confuse. Then she thought of something, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Could it be that they have guessed that we will choose the six difficult dungeons, they are not confident to compete with us for the first kill, so they retreat to second place."

"It's possible, after all, the Dongfang family is our old opponent. It's not surprising that you can guess your style of fireworks." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then changed his tone: "But they can choose a simple copy of six people or Two difficult dungeons, after all, these two dungeon rewards are much better than two simple dungeons."

"Unless they knew of us, they chose a simple copy of six people. Uncle Bacchus chose a difficult copy of two people." Fireworks said easily. Seeing that Po Lang Chengfeng's face was gloomy, she shook her head: "It's true. It’s not necessarily that we have an insider in the illusory pavilion, these things can also be analyzed. After all, our people have just completed the mission of the hero’s road and obtained a level 50 golden weapon and a very good suit, and then want to win two of the six-person dungeon. The first kill, these are not difficult to analyze."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although they have a good chance of fighting for a simple copy of the six players, they are worried that we have obtained a very powerful suit and have the advantages of weapons and mutant pills. Even if they have two There is no full confidence in hiding the profession, so I chose a simple copy of the two."

The two of Fireworks Yi Cold did business with people from the top ten gangs and sold a lot of variant types of medicines, but they did not trade with Dongfangjia, so Dongfangjia also lost a lot of advantages in this regard.

"Well, that's true." Po Lang nodded in the wind, and then scanned the surroundings: "Besides, we and the sisters of the Misty Pavilion Studio are the only people who know our choice. I absolutely trust these people."

The fireworks were easy to be cold and silent, and did not take the words, but were thinking about something.

"But why don't Dongfang Mingzhu and Dongfang Xiaotian choose two difficult copies?" Ye Luo said suddenly, and he pondered: "Although it can be guessed that Brother Yue and Uncle Bacchus will choose two difficult copies, but they are also two hidden copies. Profession, it’s not just a fight. After all, the difficult first kill of the dungeon is very different from the simple one. After all, Uncle Bacchus doesn't have the advantage of our equipment."

"This point is also very easy to analyze. There are two reasons." Fireworks said coldly. Seeing Ye Luo and others curious, she explained: "First, Uncle Bacchus and the others have a mutant medicine, which is not available in the Dongfang family. . Second, Inviting the Moon to raise a glass has the ability to increase vitality and blood, and Uncle Bacchus is also a heavy armor class. Together, the pressure on fighting monsters is much less. Oriental Pearl and Oriental Xiaotian are a fire magician and the other is Diablo The swordsman can only be carried by one person, and there is no blood increase skill. This is undoubtedly a lot of pressure. For the sake of safety, it is best to choose a simple copy of two."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "Of course, it is not ruled out that there are spies from the Dongfang family in the fine wine family. They know the power of the two people who invite the moon to toast."

"Well, it's all possible." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then thought of something, she said to herself: "In the past, most of the copies of the six were completed first. This time, how can the two of them be completed first? ?"

"I checked it on the Internet earlier. There are only 30 monsters of each type in the two copies, which is far worse than our 100." Fireworks said easily, and then pondered for a moment: "If I guessed correctly, it is very Uncle Bacchus is about to complete the first kill."

Just one minute after Fireworks Yi Leng finished speaking this sentence, the system prompt sounded again.

System reminder (China server): Congratulations to the god of wine Du Kang and the team that invited the moon to toast for completing the [Heroic Road] two-person difficult dungeon mission and successfully completing the first kill. The system rewards each of its team members with a 50-level gold-level weapon. One piece, one general skill book, one gold-level treasure chest, 5000 prestige points.

"Tsk tsk, sure enough, Uncle Bacchus and the others are also very powerful. Uncle Bacchus is always strong." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was a little excited: "The reward for the difficult type of dungeon is better than the simple one. The reward is 50. There is a fundamental difference between a level gold weapon and a gold treasure chest."

"Ah, rewarding level 50 golden weapons again, isn't it useless for us, after all, we already have such equipment." On Monday, waving her magic wand in her hand, her pretty face was full of helplessness.

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