Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1306: Hidden family

Qin Yun is a singularity master. He also knows that it is not easy for energy to form strange patterns naturally.

After a variety of energies naturally form various odd lines, they encounter each other and then merge into a set of singular patterns, which requires a lot of coincidence to form.

That is to say, the formation conditions of the singular beast are very difficult, and the singularity that is naturally combined is very powerful, and it can be smoothly combined after many years.

Momo said again: "This kind of strange pattern should only be born out of the vast universe!"

Jiuyang is also bred by the universe, and the singular beast can summon the sun **** stone, and it must be some kind of power to communicate with the sun.

Qin Yun was eating snake meat while waiting for Momo to record the set of strange patterns.

Momo suddenly said: "Brother, that kind of strange pattern, can make people have a special floating power!"

Qin Yun remembers that the blue snake can float in the air, and it will disappear and have a fast attack speed. This is the ability that the hunter needs.

With the strength of the Blue Snake, if it is a sneak attack, even if it is a ninth encounter, it will be sneaked and killed.

The little gray cat certainly knows the power of the blue snake, so he runs away with the chanting.

"If you are chanting, you might start fighting with the Blue Snake!" Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, I can feel that I am very concerned about you! Otherwise, I will not come to you again, let you follow them!"

"Yeah! I also think this little girl is very good, but the kitten is too afraid of death, worried that it will be killed if it runs slower, and does not remind me!" Qin Yun whispered.

Qin Yun was not taken away by the kitten, but also took the blue snake, and now eats delicious snake meat. R90

Eat the snake meat, Qin Yun only feels his damaged body, get a very strong nutritional supplement, and can repair itself more quickly.

"Xiaoyun, that should be a snake daring? Eat it and see!" Ling Yun said.

Qin Yun took out the blue beads of the size of the fist, and it was soft and soft, like a water bag. It was indeed like a snake.

"In case it is difficult to eat?" Qin Yun frowned, he was tortured by the golden grapes before.

"Afraid of what? It must be energy!" Ling Yun said: "The flame of Yangyang is so fierce, the snake meat is directly cooked, but this snake has nothing at all, the internal must be storing special energy!"

"Eat to eat, gold grapes are so terrible things I have eaten, I am afraid that this thing is not good?" Qin Yun opened his mouth, took a bite on the snake, but did not bite.

Although the snake gallbladder is soft, the epidermis is very tough.

"Can't you bite?" Qin Yun tried very hard and frowned. "Can't this thing eat?"

"The whole swallow!"

"Yue, it is not you who eats things in vain. You don't want me to eat these things that are horrible!" Qin Yun saw the toughness of the snakes and also retired.

Lingyun smirked: "Xiaoyun, this is energy. After eating it, maybe it can break through?"

Qin Yun hesitated for a while, thinking that the gap between himself and Xiao Yuelan was so big, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed the snake.

The process of swallowing was very difficult, and Qin Yun was very uncomfortable, but it was swallowed.

"Nothing feels!" Qin Yun closed his eyes and felt the snake gall, but found that the meditation suddenly moved and sucked the snake into it.

After the yang **** the snake into it, it quickly spins up.

"Yue, Mingyang is yours, snakes and gallbladders enter the meditation, what is the situation now?" Qin Yun asked.

"The skin of the snake gall is very strong, and it takes some time for the sun to be worn. When the energy inside will burst out, your cultivation should be improved!" Lingyun laughed: "The snake is still very Good! The internal energy will at least let you break through a realm!"

Qin Yun was more relieved, and smiled and said: "The snakes are much more delicious than those gods!"

If it is a strange animal to eat the fruit, it will not be so painful, but human beings are different. After eating the fruit, it is very terrible.

Qin Yun ate the snake meat and took out the magic mirror to browse the news of this time.

There is no major event, but there is only one news that a mysterious and strange family named Ximen rarely moves around, but now it is found that people of this family appear in many holy places.

"The strange family? Are they coming to the strange beast?" Qin Yun put away the mirror and looked at Momo.

At this time, Momo also obtained a set of strange lines from the snake bone, and passed the strange pattern to Qin Yun.

After Qin Yun got the set of strange lines, he only felt extremely esoteric and complicated. The many strange spirits he mastered did not help to engrave the set of strange patterns.

"Working hard for you!" Qin Yun put Momo into the Jiuyang shrine, and then began to study the group of strange lines.

He felt that the set of grotesque might make him float like a blue snake.

It is so important to be able to fly in the Holy Land!

"How come the little thoughts haven't come back yet? It's safe now!" Qin Yun is not going to leave, waiting to come back here. He felt that following the chanting and the little gray cat was very promising.

"Maybe the little gray cat thinks you are dead, so I won't bring her back!" Ling Yun smiled and said: "The kitten is really timid!"

Qin Yun was injured and needs rest at this time.

It is safe in the Star Tower. After he has eaten, he rests on the first floor.

After one night passed, when the sky was bright, Qin Yun suddenly felt someone was outside the star tour tower.

He quickly jumped up and saw a young man in medium height but thin and thin.

The young man's face is also thin, and if he has a little more meat, he can make him look more handsome. His face was a little black, but his eyes were bright and matched with the black face, like two sly stars.

He wore a set of gray clothes full of complex grotesque, smiling, standing at the door of the Star Tower and looking at Qin Yun.

"Who are you?" Qin Yun asked quickly.

"Hello friends, I am Simon!" The young polite smile.

"Da Zhuang? You don't look strong!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "I think of a person I met before. His name is Luo Weizhuang, but he is relatively thin!"

Ximen Da Zhuang laughed: "Because I am not strong enough, I am called Da Zhuang! So, I can create an invisible domineering by name!"

Qin Yun smiled and said nothing, because it only gives people a rustic.

"To a friend, your tower is very powerful! I studied for one night, I don't know what materials I used!" Simon said with great admiration.

"What, have you studied for a night?" Qin Yun was shocked, but he did not find it.

"Yeah! I am worried that I will wake you up, so I will use a hidden charm to quietly study!" Simon said with a big smile: "Brother, I am not a bad person, you don't have to worry about me!"

Although Simon is not a bad person, his behavior is a bit cumbersome.

"How do you prove that you are not a bad person?" Qin Yun smiled and said: "In this Xianxuan desert, the bad guys are quite a lot!"

"I know that there are many bad guys and violent fairy beasts!" Simon's thin and thin face with a smile: "Brother, I am a triple-minded, although it is not high, but I am a stranger. It’s better to go with us!”

Qin Yun felt that Ximen Da Zhuang definitely wanted to hide in his tower.

"The other party is just a triple sacred, you don't have to be afraid of him!" Ling Yun said: "This guy seems to be a knowledgeable person!"

Qin Yun suddenly remembered that the news that was seen in the mirror was that there was a hidden family of strange patterns, and the recent movements were relatively large. And this strange family is surnamed Simon.

"The hidden family of strange patterns, you can exchange and exchange!" Qin Yun saw Ximen Da Zhuang's attitude is good, intends to temporarily join him on the road.

Qin Yun walked out of the star tour tower and then collected the star tour tower.

"I am Qin Yun!" Qin Yun arched his hand to Ximen Da Zhuang, and smiled.

"Qin brother, what is He Xiu?" Ximen Da Zhuang looked at Qin Yun, could not feel the breath of Qin Yun, frowning: "Does the Qin brother also use the hidden charm of the immortal?"

Qin Yunhehe smiled, and he was about to tell his master that Ximen was strong, but Ximen Da Zhuang suddenly said: "Qin brother, don't tell me, let me guess! You are a nine-up fairy!"

Qin Yun smiled and shook his head.

"I read it wrong?" Ximen Da Zhuang's black face, full of doubts, said: "Don't say, I guess again! You are the Eight Emperor!"

"No, you guessed it wrong!" Qin Yun laughed.

"I guess again, I will definitely not guess wrong!" Ximen said: "Let's go first. After I am sure, I will guess again! Remember, don't tell me! I can see your repair." for!"

Qin Yun just thinks that Ximen is a little weird and more stubborn.

"Big brother, where are you going?" Qin Yun asked.

"Go to the strange animal!" Ximen Da Zhuang took out a compass and smiled: "The family confessed to me, let me conquer a strange animal back! Qin brother, do you know what the strange animal is?"

Qin Yun smashed, this hidden family of strange patterns, it is really powerful, there are actually instruments for finding strange beasts.

"Big brother, where is your compass?" Qin Yun looked at the compass.

"The ancestral! The inheritance of the singularity of our family can be amazing, because there are several strange beasts in our family!" Ximen Da Zhuang also proudly smiled: "I came to Xianxian desert this time, not looking for God. But looking for strange animals that are more important than the gods!"

"The compass brought me here, meaning there is a strange beast here, but after I came over, the compass directed another direction to me!"

Qin Yun believes that Ximen is strong, because there is a blue snake here!

Ximen Da Zhuang has no wariness against Qin Yun, but also because Qin Yun is a good person.

Suddenly, there were several figures in the distance and they were running over.

When Qin Yun saw it, he was secretly scared, because among those few people, there were people he knew. Among them are Nangong Xuemei and Song Fengchen, the pair of dogs and men.

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