Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1356: Magic mirror magic

The magic fairy Tianmen is very concerned about the three Xuanxian. In Xuanzhou, Xuanxian is very important, and the three Xuanxian are unclear and still carry a very important tower. They must find it.

Everyone knows that the mask uncle was taken away by the three mysterious gods of the magic fairy Tianmen.

However, the news of the death of the three mysterious immortals has also spread, and many people have speculated that the mask uncle has killed three mysterious cents.

However, this speculation was quickly overthrown.

Because the mask uncle is just a double in Wonderland, it is impossible to kill three Xuanxian. R90

The magic fairy Tianmen sent many disciples to search, mainly to find the tower, and the cause of death of the three Xuanxian.

Originally, after the three Xuanxian took the mask uncle, the top of the magic fairy Tianmen was very concerned, even very happy, thinking that they could get a few pieces of kernel debris immediately.

But now, I have put in three mysterious fairy!

After Qin Yun came out, he quickly sent a message to Xiao Yuelan, so let her not worry.

After he got out of the ground, he entered a woods and hid in the thick trunks.

He told Xiao Yuelan that there are many people in the vicinity of the magic fairy Tianmen who are searching, so they don't contact each other for a long time, so as not to be disturbed by the space fluctuation.

"Xiaoyun, those guys have things to detect the soul fluctuations. You used to be hidden by the three mysteries because you didn't hide the good souls!"

At this time, Qin Yun also pays great attention to concealing the power of his own soul, and even so, it is still possible to be explored.

Xiao Yuelan learned that Qin Yun was fine, and he was relieved a lot, and she did not dispel the thought of revenge for the magic fairy Tianmen.

In the woods, Qin Yun can make his body fit into the inside of the big tree through the tree totem, and it is very well hidden.

He shuttled back and forth among the large trunks and figured out how many of the disciples in the magical Tianmen in the woods were strong.

"The guy who sent the search, the strongest is just the six cents on the fairy..." Qin Yun said: "The others are more common, but if they are surrounded, it is still very tricky!"

In the hands of the magic fairy, there are many things like scorpion scorpions, and if they are slightly careless, they will be injured.

The previous Xiangya was so powerful that it was overcast by the people of the Magic Tianmen.

Lingyun said: "Xiaoyun, the top of the magic fairy Tianmen, seems to know that the tower is under this mountain forest, so it is only in this mountain forest. Their number is more than one hundred, it is not realistic to kill all Because they kill one or two, they will be aware of it!"

"Yes! Many of them are good for repairs. If I am besieged, I can only run!" Qin Yun was a bit unwilling, because he wanted to kill all the disciples of the more than 100 magic fairy Tianmen.

Lingyun laughed: "Xiaoyun, if you use a piece of kernel debris, temporarily wake up the Jiuyang Shen hammer, kill the group of guys and devour them! You will kill them, the time required will not be too much, the rest Time, you can use the Jiuyang Shen hammer to refine some things!"

"I have no material in my hand! Before refining the Qiankun Fengmo clock, it was almost the same!" Qin Yun frowned. "After absorbing the kernel fragments, Jiuyang Shen hammer will continue to wake up for a while, and must make full use of this time. Otherwise, it will waste a kernel fragment!"

Lingyun thought for a moment and said: "If you don't, you contact the magic mirror fairy, let him tell you the magic fairy Tianmen in the nearby den. You kill these people and go straight to their dens!"

"Good!" Qin Yun took out the mirror and hid in a tree hole.

He is also risking being discovered now, to contact the Emperor of the Mirror.

This time, he did not use the golden mirror, but to contact the magic mirror fairy emperor as Qin Yun.

Soon, the magic mirror Xiandi accepted the call request.

"! I want to die for you!" The voice of the Emperor of the Mirror, with a hint of fear, panic.

"No Xiao Ding, do you think that I have no previous life memories, can't I know about my past life?" Qin Yunxiao laughed.

"Master...there is a mistake! The disciple is just teasing you. After you restore your memory, is there a special memory?" The magic mirror Xiandi explained quickly, and he cried and said how much he missed. The master is awkward.

"Less nonsense! I am the uncle mask, I want you to help!" Qin Yun said.

"Hey? You are the one..." The magic mirror Xiandi exclaimed: "You want me to go to the magic fairy? I can't do it, it will die... Master, you old man should know the truth of keeping a low profile?" When we grow up, let's do them."

Qin Yun smiled and said: "You should be able to know where I am through my mirror? I am now surrounded by the magic fairy Tianmen, I will kill them, and then get rid of them by the way. In the nearby dens!"

"This, wait!" The magic mirror Xiandi quickly said: "You have a hundred and twenty disciples in the vicinity of the Tianmen, the mirrors they purchased are specially refining, and they have their detailed information... ”

Qin Yun’s heart is dark and he knows that the magic mirror Xiandi has left a hand on the mirror and can secretly monitor the movements of many people. It is no wonder that the Guanghan Palace will use the mirror so carefully.

"Master, what are you doing now?" asked the Mirror Emperor.

"On the four wonders!" Qin Yundao.

"This is not good, those guys, there are a few on the Wonderland, you have to kill them is not easy, too risky!" Magic mirror Xiandi Road.

"It doesn't matter, I can kill them!" Qin Yun is confident that the awakening Jiuyang Shen hammer is very strong, and it can also strengthen the power. It is not a problem to kill the six-up on a hammer.

The magic mirror Xiandi suddenly smiled and said: "Master, or else, I secretly help you! When you approach them, I will control their magic mirrors to burst open, causing them some harm, let them neglect to prevent! ”

"There is still this kind of operation?" Qin Yunxiao laughed.

"Master, this is all invented by you in the past. If you suddenly have an accident, the mirror you made must be better!" The magic mirror fairy smiled: "Master, after the old man restores his memory, he will definitely become a fairyland again." The man of the wind, what **** the great emperor wants to marry you!"

"Don't be flattering! I am ready to shoot!" Qin Yundao.

"You can rest assured in the past!" Magic mirror fairy smiled.

Qin Yun inside the trunk, took out a piece of kernel debris and put it into the Jiuyang Shen hammer.

The nine-yang **** hammer with black body paint was suddenly activated and burned with flames.

Qin Yun, who clenched the hammer of the gods, suddenly felt the power of the inside of the hammer was strong and fierce!

To his surprise, the flame hammer inside the meditation suddenly ran out and merged with the Jiuyang Shen hammer.

"The power is very strong..." Qin Yun was shocked: "The power of the meditation can pass through the Jiuyang Shen hammer!"

Feeling the powerful strength brought by Jiuyang Shen Hammer, Qin Yun could not suppress the excitement in his heart and quickly rushed out.

There are two two or three sacred sacred nearby, and they all have a vibrating mirror in their hands. It is the Mirror Mirror Emperor deliberately let the mirror shake and let them hold it in their hands.

When they saw Qin Yun rushing over, they were very scared. When they wanted to attack, the magic mirror in their hands suddenly exploded.

Because the mental power has to establish contact with the mirror, the mirror suddenly bursts open, and it will cause a slight headache, causing them to be distracted.

Just when they were distracted, Qin Yunsheng shot white light, turned it into white light and then hammered it down.

He did not use a very strong force, but after the fall of Jiuyang Shen hammer, it produced a strong burning impact, and the head of the immortal was made into a spark.

Then quickly flashed to the other one, and then hammered down.

Triple on the fairy, directly killed by the spike!

"I mainly use the power of the Eucharist. The power of the Sun has not released too much!" Qin Yun once again felt the excitement of Jiuyang Shen Hammer, and his heart was so excited that he quickly swallowed the energy of the two people.

"Six-up on the fairy is in front!" After Qin Yun sensed the breath, he quickly rushed over.

The six-pointed immortal was a middle-aged man. When someone was approaching and was about to attack, the mirror that violently vibrated in his hand suddenly shattered. In the absence of his sorrow, Qin Yun had already appeared in front of him.


Jiuyang Shen hammer swept out, with a fierce and fierce temperament, actually able to interrupt the name of the six-member Shangxian.

The six-pointed immortal was still dead, but he was terrified. He did not expect that the mask uncle was so terrible.

"Death!" Qin Yun hammered down another hammer, killing the six heavy upstairs, and then swallowed.

Qin Yun continues to find the next one!

In the middle of the night, there was a burst of bang in the woods. It was not the explosion of the mirror, but the sound of the nine-yang **** hammer.

Every time it rings, it means that the person with the magic fairy Tianmen is killed.

Only half an hour is not available. One hundred and twenty people from the magic fairy Tianmen are all killed by Qin Yun with Jiuyang Shen hammer, and the energy in the body is swallowed!

"Master... Are you really just on the fairyland?" Although the magic mirror Xiandi is not nearby, but knows that Qin Yun killed the group of magic fairy Tianmen.

"Where are their dens?" Qin Yun asked.

"It's nearby, it's a rudder of the Magic Heaven Gate, a total of more than three hundred disciples, are considered elite disciples!" The magic mirror Xiandi said: "They have nine cents on the fairy... but be careful!"

After Qin Yun learned the location, he immediately rushed over.

The rudder was in a mountain and there were many caves dug.

After Qin Yun passed, he exerted the power of the earthquake and drove the mountain with a height of a thousand meters to collapse.

Everyone in the magic fairy Tianmen knows that they have been attacked.

"Who is here? We are the rudder of the magic fairy Tianmen!" The middle-aged man who was talking about the nine-cented fairy, his voice full of anger, shouted: "Hurry up and give me out, I want you to taste the magic fairy Torture!"

The nine-year-old immortal middle-aged, suspended in the air, is very prestige, there are several strong seven-seven heavyweights on his side.

Just when the middle-aged face was full of power, the sky suddenly fell into a transparent giant clock.

Qin Yun hiding in the sky, releasing the Qiankun Fengqu clock, and covering those relatively strong Shangxian.

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