Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1367: Invincible

.., Jiuyang Shenwang

Chapter 1367 Invincible Earth

Qin Yun flew in the air, Pippi pigs also flew in the West Gate, followed by Qin Yun.

"Phi Phi, do you know what the strange beast in Huangsha City is?" Qin Yun asked: "I contacted Huang Laohu before, he didn't know the strange beast inside!"

Ximen Da Zhuang laughed: "Uncle, don't look at Pipi pig's current strength is not as good as Huang Laohu, but he is more noble than Huang Laohu. He knows more things than Huang Laohu!"

Pippi pig smiled insignificantly: "That is! The old fox is just a very ordinary singularity, and I am a star-moon grotesque, more than the potential of the yellow fox!"

"Xingyue Qiwen Beast? Is it a combination of star and moon?" Qin Yun couldn't believe it, looking at the big ears that Pippi pigs were shaking.

"Yeah!" Pippi pig said very well: "I am still in my early years... and I can grow and I can evolve my own grotesque!"

"Phi Phi, do you have any other powerful ability besides farting?" Qin Yun asked.

"I am very fast!" Pippi pig proudly lifted the fat pig's head and smiled: "I can still drill the ground! I can drill faster!"

"Okay!" Qin Yun smiled, although the Pipi pig is a wonderful animal, but it is not weak, especially the strange stupid pig fart, the most frightening.

Ximen Da Zhuang took out a character and handed it to Qin Yun.

After Qin Yun received it, he asked: "What is this?"

"Resist the scent, I refining, as long as this character is carried on the body, it will not be injured by the Pipi pig's stinky fare!" Ximen Da Zhuang said with a smile: "Uncle, do you want to try? I Let Pippi pig put a fart on you now!"

"No need to use!" Qin Yun quickly refused, even if it can really avoid the stench, but the thought will be weird.

Pippi pig smiled and said: "Uncle Qin, you are really powerful. Just because of your guidance, I and Da Zhuang have realized their own way! You are much better than that day. The old guy doesn't know, you know. Say something very deep all day long to force it!"

"Oh? What kind of heavens do you all realize?" Qin Yun was curious.

"Hey, confidential!" Ximen Da Zhuang touched the pig's head and smiled.

Qin Yunbai gave him a look, then speeded up the flight, he should hurry to the Huangsha City in the desert of Xianxuan.

Pipi pig saw Qin Yun speed up, but also rushed to catch up, the speed is really fast, even if sitting on the back of the West Gate, still able to fly quickly in the air, and now deliberately ran to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun quickly flew higher because he was worried that Pippi pigs would fart.

After seeing Qin Yun’s worries, Pippi pig laughed with Ximen’s big and strong.

"The two guys are getting more and more together!" Qin Yun shook his head and smiled.

Pippi pig flew to Qin Yun and flew side by side with Qin Yun. He said: "Uncle, now everyone thinks that there are many strange beasts in Huangsha City, and there are many treasures, but it is not!"

Huangsha City is covered by yellow sand, and the city wall is also made of yellow sand. At night, it will radiate golden light from time to time, like a treasure shining.

"What is the situation there?" Qin Yun asked.

"That's not a city...but a cockroach!" Pippi pig whispered: "There is only one grotesque beast inside, hiding in the cockroaches that he has made to rest and heal, maybe it will evolve!"

Qin Yun brows a wrinkle, and suddenly thinks Pippi pigs are like that.

"What kind of strange beast, is it strong?" Qin Yun asked.

"Of course it's strong! If it weren't for the sun altar to condense the power of the gods, it would have been flattened by the strange beast!" Pippi pig said very seriously: "If the strange animal evolved successfully, or the injury on the body recovered. Anyone near Huangshacheng will die!"

After Qin Yun heard it, he hurriedly informed Xiao Yuelan to let her pay more attention.

Before the sun altar appeared, there were many powerful strange beasts nearby, trying to attack the altar of the sun, but then they all ran away and did not join forces to attack.

It can be seen that the things inside the altar of the sun are very important for those powerful strange beasts.

This makes Qin Yun think of Yangyang!

Yangyang is a kind of strange beast. Although it is a sun spirit, she has a totem pattern on her body.

However, Yangyang is now facing a crisis, and will fall asleep as the sun falls and the sun goes down, just like the Jiuyang Shen Hammer.

The powerful strange beasts in the Xianxuan desert, so eager to attack the altar of the sun, it is very likely to obtain the kernel fragments, in order to avoid being asleep.

That is to say, those strange beasts who want to **** the fragments of the sun's kernel are most likely to be the beasts of this level!

Before the Yangyang battle with the Blue Snake, although it was not as good as the Blue Snake, it was able to compete. It can be seen that the potential of Yangyang is very huge. If it reaches the level of Xuan Xian beast, it will be able to cross the Xianxuan desert.

"Phi Phi, among the strange beasts, is the Yang beast the strongest?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yes! The yang beasts are generally beasts, the number is not too much... In short, I don't know. After all, some yang beasts are in the last era, and now they are only waking up!" Pippi said: "This is all It is my memory heritage that tells me."

Qin Yun can be sure that the previous shot of the holy city of the desert is the Yang beast, and only the Yang beast has the power to push the entire holy city.

After a few days, Qin Yun raised the Xian Xuanjiang flight and finally came to the Xianxuan desert.

Xianxuan desert has two areas, separated by the river.

Qin Yun, they are now on the other side, running on the sand and heading to the Huangsha City.

"Uncle, you are now seven cents, and you are so fast!" Ximen Da Zhuang is very envious: "When Pipi pigs take me to find many gods, I can quickly break through, hahaha..."

Running in the desert, Qin Yun is not as fast as Pippi pigs.

Ximen Da Zhuang is sitting on the back of Pippi pigs. He is very relaxed and easy on the way, and he sings with Pippi pigs and sings, and it is hard to hear.

Under the scorching sun, the desert heat in the desert of Xianxuan rose.

Qin Yun determined the location of Xiao Yuelan by chasing the soul. After he contacted Xiao Yuelan, he learned that the Huangsha City was still calm and there was nothing to run out.

"Tonight, I should be able to go to the vicinity of Huangsha City..." Qin Yun just finished, and the Pipi pig running in front, suddenly took Ximeng into the sand underground.

Qin Yun thought that they were playing and didn't care, but they immediately felt that there was a nine-up scent in the vicinity.

"There are two nine-ups on the fairy!" Qin Yun was slightly shocked and quickly disappeared.

"Who is here? Don't hide!" The person who spoke was a young man wearing blue armor, and his voice was full of cold and proud. This person is blue.

Beside the blue extraordinary, a young man wearing a black armor is Zheng Shuangze!

These were the people who had invested in the holy city of the desert. Qin Yun also heard that these people have helped to carry out several live sacrifices, so even if others want to marry, they will not reach the head of the desert city.

Both Lanjia and Zhengjia have Xiandi, and Lanfan and Zhengshuangze are one of the top ten immortals. They are very famous and can represent the family behind them and the holy city of the desert.

Zheng Shuangze holds a compass in his hand, and the compass gives a "sweet" voice, flashing a burst of space, is a very strong detector.

Qin Yun has concealed the fluctuations of the soul, but at that time, the detective fairy has released space fluctuations and explored the hidden things in the surrounding space.

"On the other side!" Zheng Shuangze pointed to the hidden direction of Qin Yun and laughed loudly: "The seven heavy on the fairy! Another guy who is not afraid of death, this is a fresh sacrifice to the door!"

The first to rush to the past is Zheng Shuangze, because he has a strong exploration compass in his hand, can know the location of Qin Yun.

Blue is not too lazy to start, looking at it with a smile.

Qin Yun can run, but he did not run, but continued to stand there.

When Zheng Shuangze rushed over, he felt a move and quickly controlled the Qiankun Fengmo to fly out.


After the smashing of the magic bell, the singularity of the singer was covered with Zheng Shuangze, and then the internal enchantment was started.

After the enchantment was started, even if Zheng Shuangze wanted to drill the ground, he needed to break the enchantment.

Zheng Shuangze in the magic bell of Qiankun, yelling, crazy attack...

Blue extraordinary saw the sudden appearance of the magic bell, but also surprised, and quickly called out a long sword, rushed over.

At this time, suddenly a shot of gray gas in the distance.

Qin Yun was secretly surprised, that was the attack of Pipi pig.

After rushing to the blue, after smelling a stench, suddenly he was shocked and scared. He was stunned by this fart, and he was also a laughing stock.

He did not expect the Pippi pig to be here, which means that Ximen is also strong!

Blue is not uncomfortable, it is the nine-up on the fairy, and quickly jumped to the side, avoiding the gray gas that was hit.

What he never imagined was that the gray gas would actually turn and chase after it.

"Ah..." The blue face was hit, and a scream of retching was made. Fortunately, the armor on his body released the shield and blocked the ash.

However, the Pippi pig's stinky fare is very strong and has a strong penetrating power.

This time, Blue was not as unbearable as it was last time, and it did not fall immediately.

However, Qin Yun rushed over, and the nine-day Xuan Wang knife slanted against the blue extraordinary body.


The nine-day Xuan Wang knife collided with the armor on the blue extraordinary body, and a sudden explosion occurred.

Blue is also extraordinary, but the defense is very strong, but it is very violently shocked.

"Uncle, let me come!" Pippi pig did not know where it came from, suddenly appeared, sitting on the blue extraordinary head.


A deafening blowout came out...

Qin Yun screamed in the heart of the "slot", and suddenly his heart was very sympathetic to blue.

"This is my invincible shocking style..." Pippi pig laughed. After he removed his ass, the blue spit foamed and rolled his eyes, and his life and death were unknown.

Zheng Shuangze in the magic bell of Qiankun, his eyes are full of despair, and he looks at the blue that is fainting. [..]

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