Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1382: Two strong competition

Chapter 1382

Qin Yun can only accept Ximen Chuqian for a while, and then see Xiao Yuelan, let her help to get away from Ximen Chuqian. Ωヤ看ヤ阁梿梿梿ノ亅丶哾ノ亅丶哾メwww..kan.s.e.l

Of course, he can see that Ximen Chuqian will send his arms and hold his own small abacus.

"Xie Wufeng may win soon!" Qin Yun said again.

Xie Wufeng on the battle platform evoked the sword of the life!

He had called out once before, it was a black sword of life, but now it has become cold again. His sword of life seems to have many forms.

Lu Xieming is a disciple of the magic fairy Tianmen. Before Xie Wufeng killed a disciple of the magic fairy Tianmen, the magic fairy Tianmen was angry.

Lu Xieming is a middle-aged person with a normal appearance, but with some sinister anger.

The weapon in his hand is very weird. It is a black flute. The clothes he wears are a robe with many black bells. When you walk, the bells will keep ringing.

The equipment of the Magic Fairy Tianmen is really evil, and it looks very abnormal.

After the start, Lu Xieming shakes his body and makes the bells squeak.

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

The bell rang and I saw that many people heard the sounds underneath, and the body couldn’t help but tremble.

Later, Lu Xieming blew the flute again. After the flute sounded out, many people under the battle platform were constantly crippling, and many people still screamed.

Luo Weizhuang near Qin Yun, constantly licking his feet, his mouth squinting, his body constantly shaking.

Even Qin Yun, I don’t know why, the body is inexplicably trembled, only to feel that there is an inexplicable force, enter his body, to control his body movements.

"Hey!" Ximen Chuqian gently glimpsed, Qin Yun also suddenly woke up.

"People, this is a very special spiritual singular release of power, it should be a combination of spiritual singularity and sound singularity... can confuse others' minds!" Ximen Chuqian soft way, then hold Qin Yun’s hand, the ten fingers clasped together.

"It's very powerful!" Qin Yun looked at the battle platform and smiled: "I can't resist it!"

"That is because you have released too much blood soul power, the spirit is still very weak, so it will not be able to resist!" Ximen Chuqian Jiao smiled: "Even so, you resist, you see big... ..."

Ximen Da Zhuang was squinted, and he danced, his body trembled and twisted his ass, which looked very funny.

Qin Yun quickly took out the magic mirror and recorded it. Huang Laohu is a powerful person, so there is nothing at all.

On the battle platform, Xie Wufeng did not move, watching Lu Xieming playing the flute and dancing.

Lu Xieming saw that Xie Wufeng did not respond, and he blew more loudly and jumped more joyfully.

"It's hard to hear!" Xie Wufeng finished, suddenly a sword stabbed.

Xie Wufeng’s sword of the life, stabbed the flute and stabbed Lu’s mouth.

"Give me your kernel pieces!"

Xie Wufeng’s voice is very slow, there is no need for feelings, but it gives people a kind of mental pressure.

At this time, everyone also recovered from the confusion of the sound waves. After learning the situation, they all clashed with Lu Xingming.

Lu Xieming was shocked by the horrible sword of Xie Wufeng, and quickly took out the kernel fragments.

Xie Wufeng took over the debris of the kernel, vigorously stabbed, and the sword of the life rushed out of a black sword and poured into the mouth of Lu Xingming.

"Ah!" Lu Xieming screamed, his body was torn from the inside by the violent sword, turning into a lot of black blood fragments, slowly falling on the ground.

Lu Xieming is dead!

Also died a disciple of the magic fairy Tianmen!

Everyone was scared to speak out. I thought that Xie Wufeng had the kernel fragments, and he wouldn’t kill anyone. He didn’t expect to kill Lu Xieming!

Qin Yun smiled: "Xie Wufeng did not promise not to kill"

When everyone listened, they felt that there was reason. Xie Wufeng just let Lu Xieming hand over the kernel fragments, and did not say that he would not kill after he handed it out!

The people of the Magic Fairy Tianmen looked angry at Xie Wufeng and rushed over.

The voice of Qiao Tianxu came from afar: "Don't start playing on my site!"

After Xie Wufeng stepped down from the battle platform, he looked at more than a dozen people in the Tianmen of the Magic Fairy. He said coldly: "After the end, I will wait for you outside the city! You all have to die in the Tianmen of the Magic Fair!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately understands that Xie Wufeng and the magic fairy Tianmen have a **** revenge!

Ximen Chuqian suddenly worried, tightly pinched Qin Yun's hand, whispered: "Xiang Gong, that Xie Wufeng is very strong! You must be against him in the next battle, you don't fight with him! You get two The kernel fragment has been returned!"

"I want to continue playing!" Qin Yun looked at the golden fire group on the top of the altar, Xiao Yuelan and the Sun Elf, but waiting for him to save it.

"You want that sun elf?" Simon Chuqian whispered.

"Well, that is very important to me!" Qin Yun nodded.

"I can help you grab it!" Simon Chu Qian smiled gently: "I will help you anyway!"

"If I can't get it in the end, you can help me again!" Qin Yunxiao smiled and patted the back of Ximen Chuqian's hand. He also believed in the strength of Ximen Chuqian.

And next, it is Ximen Feilong to Wang Tianling.

Wang Tianling represents the holy city of the desert. He is the sacred sacred sacred man from the holy land. He has the holy body of the Holy Spirit and uses the holy sac.

Everyone is looking forward to them, they want to see what a great sacrament that is.

Wang Tianling wore a light yellow leather coat, not a armor. He held a silver bullet in his hand. It looked like ordinary things. It is hard to believe that this is a sacristy.

"Can the dragon brother win?" Ximen said, taking over the magic mirror of Qin Yun, and seeing his own dance of squinting, like a stupid, can not smash Lu Xieming.

Qin Yun has sent this video to Ximen Qingpi and Ximen Chongtian, which makes Ximen strong and crazy.

"Flying dragon, you are careful, you can't win, it doesn't matter, you have got a kernel fragment anyway!" Ximen Chuqian shouted.

If you want to get the first, it will definitely be with the monsters Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng.

Just now, Ximen Chuqian secretly explored the power of Qin Yun and gave her a feeling of deep bottomlessness.

Qin Yun is seriously watching the battle platform, to see how powerful Wang Tianling's holy equipment is.

The battle has begun!

The weapon used by Ximen Feilong is a singularly large axe, engraved with a dragon totem.

After the strong grotesque group in the body of Ximenfeilong, the power displayed is very strong, but it is difficult to break the defense of Wang Tianling!

Even if Wang Tianling stood still, it would be difficult for Ximen Feilong to defeat Wang Tianling.

Wang Tianling’s silver gun is very strong. When he stabs out, he can erupt a strong force, and that power is as powerful as Xuanxian’s power.

It didn't take long for Ximen Feilong to admit defeat, because he is very clear, it doesn't make sense to continue playing, and the last is the same!

And then it is Li Xuanlu and Bai Shuangyan!

In this battle, everyone is very optimistic about Li Xuanlu, because Li Xuanlu is the holy city of the desert, and there are also holy equipment in his hand.

Bai Shuangyan came from the purple ice holy city, and certainly did not expect to use the holy equipment to fight, so it will not be carried on the body.

However, when she was on the stage, she was covered in a furry white coat and wrapped herself like a white bear.

"Is that the skin of the Holy Beast?" Simon Chuqian was surprised.

"It's the skin of the Holy Beast!" Huang Laohu nodded. "White Cream has a holy gear in his hand!"

Unexpectedly, Bai Suiyan actually took two long swords to the stage, which are all holy devices!

Qiao Tianxu was also out of control, even if Li Xuanlu defeated Bai Shuangyan, it would be a small loss.

Now is the confrontation between the holy devices, so many people want to see the collision of the holy device!

The battle has begun!

Playing very fiercely, the two sides did not give each other, and the equipment of both sides are holy devices, it is difficult to hurt each other.

The collision of the holy devices also produced a variety of violent forces, which caused the battlefield to slam.

This battle lasted for more than half an hour, and finally Bai Shouyan won!

Although Li Xuanlu lost, but there is no injury on his body, just because the energy is exhausted, he has to admit defeat.

Although Bai Shouyan wins, it can consume a lot. After the battle is over, he quickly takes out the medicinal herbs to eat and restore strength.

"The next is a semi-decisive battle. The first game, Qin Yun to Xie Wufeng. The second game, Wang Tianling against the white frosty! Start now!" Qiao Tianxu shouted.

Start now, and I don't want to have enough time for White Cream to recover.

In this way, Wang Tianling will face the bluish face and win the game.

Qin Yun finally got up on Xie Wufeng, and the battle platform suddenly boiled up.

Because these two people can be very violent and terrible, and they are not from the holy land!

All the nine sacred sects present, as well as Qiao Tianxu and other sacred immortals hiding in the altar, are also expecting the two to kill. I want to see how they are both hurt!

Qiao Tianxu smiled and said: "If they fight, if they win, they will be seriously injured. In the final battle, they will lose!"

A middle-aged smile: "Joe, it seems that we are the biggest winner, we have fished thousands of billions of fairy jade beads!"

Ximen Chuqian grabbed Qin Yun’s hand and didn’t want him to go up and thank Xie Wufeng. In the end, he could only let Qin Yun go up.

The yellow old fox has a dignified face and smashed Qin Yun.

Qin Yun’s friends are very nervous at this time, because Xie Wufeng is a very strong sword fairy, and killing people does not blink.

The people of the magic fairy Tianmen and the fairy family can't wait for Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng to fight you and die. It is best to die with them. They are very transparent to these two people.

The same is true of the Jiuzhong Shangxian of the Holy City of the Desert. Only Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng have suffered heavy casualties. Their holy city can only laugh at the end.

Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng, on the battle platform, looked at each other. The two men looked calm and did not look like you were going to die.

"A lot of people want us to lose both sides!" Qin Yun smiled at Xie Wufeng, slowly.

"Yes! And the result is definitely the same! No matter who we win, it will be very hurt, it is difficult to carry out the final battle!" Xie Wufeng nodded.

"Then we don't fight, how?" Qin Yun laughed.

"Do you let me win?" Xie Wufeng said.

"You let me win, I can give you a kernel fragment!" Qin Yun said.

"I will give you two kernel fragments! Will you let me win?" Xie Wufeng smiled.

"I don't want to, the first is very important to me!" Qin Yun said with a serious face.

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