Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1393: Cliff altar

In a small hall in the Purple Ice Holy City, Bai Shuangyan stood in the hall, and the Xuanxian elders sitting on both sides.

Bai Shuangyan is telling about Qin Yun...

After listening to the Purple Ice Lord and several elders, they were shocked.

"Qin Yun should be the mask uncle, this strange pattern Xuanzong!" Wu Changsong exclaimed: "It must be him, can't be wrong!"

Bai Shuangyan nodded: "I am sure it is! This guy, in the end, what can be done, can actually remove a sun altar!"

"So, the Sun Elf followed Xiao Yuelan back to the Guanghan Palace?" Purple Ice City main road: "Guanghan Palace is also a very strong force, and the relationship with Qin Yun seems to be good!"

"The city owner, there is a sun altar destroyed, and the reaction of God's wilderness is great?" Bai Shuangyan asked.

"Great!! Daoyang Shenmen entrusted us to investigate this matter, and let us help Qin Yun!" Purple Ice City sighed: "Now this situation, do you think we should catch Qin Yun? ?"

Several elders present here are watching the white frost.

"The city owner, I advise you not to be enemies with Qin Yun, the consequences are really serious! His cultivation can be improved quickly, and there must be God behind it!" Bai Shuangyan was very worried: "If you want to catch him, and He is an enemy, and in the end he can't catch him. When he becomes a nine-fold mysterious fairy, then our purple ice holy city will be destroyed!"

"Qin Yun that guy, there is a strong friend, Qiao Tianxu can not stop them! I suspect that the sword fairy from the meditation Xie Wufeng, is Qin Yun's friend!"

Purple Ice City nodded and said: "We have heard about Xie Wufeng. If this guy becomes a mysterious fairy, it must be terrible!"

Wu Changlao asked: "Qin Yun masters the strange spirit, or the strange pattern Xuanzong, the strength is so strong, do we want to show him good?"

The owner of Purple Ice City shook his head and sighed: "For the time being, don't act rashly! We don't make good friends with Qin Yun, and we are not enemies with him! If it is good with Qin Yun, this matter is passed to the ear of Daoyang Shenmen. We all have trouble!"

"The city owner, will the Daoyang Shenmen send people down?" Bai Shuangyan asked: "The eight altars were destroyed! In addition to the altar of our purple ice holy city, there are also six altars!"

Purple Ice City main road: "The six altars are the other six Jiuyang Zongmen. I don't know where they are! These guys should be hidden and don't want to be known!"

"The six altars are distributed throughout the fairyland. I suspect that the Taoist Temple will definitely communicate with other Jiuyang Zongmen and send people down from the gods."

Bai Shuangyan and several other elders were slightly surprised.

Wu Changlao said: "Which kind of people will be sent down? Are there immortals in the wilderness?"

"The gods should have no immortals...but they have avatars, or all kinds of monks!" Purple Ice Lord walked out of his seat and came to Bai Shuangyan, saying: "It is also possible to send powerful immortals from the Holy Afro!"

"The gods of God's ruin system must be very strong! If there are a lot of gods and gods, Qin Yun is really troublesome!"

"I don't know, I can only wait and see! In short, we will not contact Qin Yun for the time being!" Zishuangcheng said: "I will try to cover up the things that I have given him by the holy equipment!"

Bai Shuangyan nodded.


Qin Yun came to Luo Tiancheng, and it was dawn.

Like last time, he came to Luojia Mountain Villa in Luotiancheng. In a hall, he sat here with Luo Weizhuang and waited for Luo Dongchuan.

Not long after, a man in need of a big man hurried in.

"Luocheng Lord!" Qin Yun quickly got up and smiled.

"Uncle Qin, you should not be polite with me!" Luo Dongchuan laughed: "You are a big man now!"

"Locheng Lord, tell me about the altar, you brought it back?" Qin Yun directly asked about this.

"I can't bring it back! But I recorded the situation at that time with a magic mirror. Look at it..." Luo Dongchuan handed the mirror to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun took over and looked carefully.

In the mirror, I saw a large mountain wall. There was a broken square stone embedded in it. If I didn't look carefully, I thought that the huge stone was integrated with the mountain wall.

It can also be seen that the huge square stone is very old and was connected to the sun **** stone long ago.

The sun **** stone falls into the fairyland and becomes a huge mountain of God, which will be discovered.

"Because we can't fly, we can only climb over!" Luo Dongchuan said again: "We recorded a lot of things at close range!"

Qin Yun magnified the image inside the mirror and saw many strange lines on the surface of the huge stone. It is sure that it is an altar.

"That should be the top of the altar, and I don't know how many layers are hidden in the mountains!" Qin Yun was very interested.

The altar is layered, with the smallest layer on the top and the largest on the bottom, so there will be many steps.

Some are round, some square, some rectangular, or triangular.

They are generally square and round.

The altar discovered by Luo Dongchuan, only the top layer is exposed, there must be other parts buried in the mountain. The top layer that was exposed was damaged and there were many gaps around it.

"Locheng Lord, I want to go see this altar!" Qin Yun said.

"Uncle Qin, I learned that after you removed the altar of the sun, you guessed that you know the altar very well, so I told you about it!" Luo Dongchuan said in a difficult mood, said: "If you want to go to this altar The location is very dangerous! I am willing to accompany you, but I need some time to recruit more people!"

"This way? Then I am not in a hurry, I am waiting for you!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Good!" Before Luo Dongchuan came back from the mountain, many of his men were injured, and even he himself was full of fear about the mountain.

But Qin Yun is going, so even if he fights hard, Luo Dongchuan will take Qin Yun to go there, and also guarantee the safety of Qin Yun.

"The city owner, what is the danger in the mountain of God?" Qin Yun suddenly planned to go out.

"Beasts, and all kinds of things that can confuse the mind, the biggest threat to us besides the beasts, there is a mysterious ghost, and all kinds of natural killings!" Luo Dongchuan said. Rz90

"I will go by myself!" Qin Yun felt that he would be safer to go to the mountain.

"No, it's too dangerous!" Luo Dongchuan quickly shook his head.

"I can even tear down the altar, nothing to be afraid of!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "When I break through to become a mysterious fairy, I will set the road!"

Luo Dongchuan also knows that Qin Yun is very strong and can only promise Qin Yun, saying: "Uncle, then I will help you draw a road map during this time, so that you can go smoothly!"

"Good!" Qin Yun nodded.

Subsequently, Luo Weizhuang also greeted Qin Yun to stay in the luxurious room of Luojia Villa.

Qin Yun had a good rest in the room.

At dawn, the mirror suddenly vibrated.

It’s the news of Nangong Shui.

"Xiaoyun! Xiaocaifeng became a disciple of Guanghan Palace!" Nangong Shui laughed, she did not know Qin Yun's removal of the altar.

"Well, let her practice well!" Qin Yun smiled. He had previously mentioned Xiao Caifeng to Yang Shiyue.

Yang Shiyue asked no questions, and directly promised Xiao Caifeng to become a disciple of the Guanghan Palace. He also said that as long as it was recommended by Qin Yun, it would be directly accepted.

"Xiaoyun, where are you?" asked Nangong Water.

"Luo Tiancheng!" Qin Yun said.

"Ya Yujie is in Luotiancheng. If you have any need for help, you can go to her!" Nangong water is like a chuckle; "Xiaoyun, have you had any conflicts with Yazheng before? She is against you." Very sensitive, I don't know why!"

"No!" Qin Yun said.

"That's fine, she may be a little angry, because you beat someone at the Yalong Inn, don't give her face!" Nangong Shui said with a smile: "So she is a bit resentful to you and said something bad about you!"

"What bad things about me?" Qin Yun hurriedly asked.

"Nothing to say!" Nangong water laughed.

"Xiaoyun, Qijia family's Qi family, ready to exchange totems with us, just in the Yalong Inn! You go to the sister-in-law, let her go with you, don't be pitted by others!" Nangong Water Such as the road.

"Is she letting you call me past?" Qin Yun also wants to know what totem patterns they want to exchange.

"No! This is my idea. Although Yajie is a strange master, but the old family of Qi family is definitely more slippery, I am worried that Yajie will be pitted by them!" Nangong Shuiru said: "Before Someone told us that we must be careful when trading with Qijia!"

Qin Yun nodded and said: "I am going to find Xiangya!"

After the break, Qin Yun also regained his spirit. He quickly left the Luojia Mountain Villa. There were not many people who had seen him, and his portrait would not be circulated on the mirror. He does not need to wear a mask now.

After leaving Luojia Mountain Villa, Qin Yun went to Yalong Inn

Just when he was going to the door of the Yalong Inn, suddenly a big car flew over.

Qin Yun quickly evaded, and his heart darkened.

To his surprise, he saw through the window that there was a beautiful woman with a round face. The woman was full of playful colors and was eating fruit.

"Green pity!" Qin Yun quickly took out the magic mirror, contacted Ximen Qing pity, shouted: "Peace, you almost hit me before!"

Qing Pity does not know that Qin Yun will walk casually on the road. After learning, stop immediately, then open the door.

Qin Yun ran over and entered the carriage, and saw the Ximen Qing pity wearing a white dress, handing over a fruit.

"Uncle, what are you doing at the Yalong Inn?" Ximen Qing smiled.

"I mean, I guess you will come, so I am coming!" Qin Yun smiled and took the blue fruit and asked, "What do you think I am doing?"

"There are so many beautiful people in Yalong Inn. Of course, you are here to think about the glory of the snowy moon!" Ximen Qing pity smiled and said: "Uncle, you are a strange pattern of Xuanzong, and only Yazheng is worthy of you!"

Ximen Qingpi did not know what Qin Yun had to remove the altar.

Qin Yun said: "Peace, Da Zhuang said that you are a clown, how are you going to teach him?"

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