Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1395: Long Lei and Lei Di

.., Jiuyang Shenwang

Chapter 1395 Long Lei and Lei Di

Qin Yun asked Xiangya to ask for a room. He took out a hide in the room and then pondered with Momo to create a totem.

The totem created is to look very powerful, but it is actually not very good.

"Dragon Totem and Ray Totem are mixed together..." Qin Yunxiao smiled and used the floating cloud to release the power of the soul and began to engrave the totem.

It was the dragon totem and thunder totem that had been streamlined by him. Only the part of the bright line and the little dark lines were not complete at all, but it looked very powerful.

After carving, Qin Yun nodded with satisfaction, and it was dark at this time.

Xiangya and Ximen Qing pity, already in the hall.

After Qin Yun went out, he saw Xiangya in a black suit and a long plait, not wearing a costume.

Ximen Qing Pity is also almost dressed, wearing underwear and simply tying his hair.

"The people of Qi family should be considered as guests! You are so dressed, what are you paying attention to?" Qin Yun laughed.

"We just exchange totems, not open banquets, it looks useless!" Ximen Qing smiled and said: "The clothes on our bodies are specially made by my Simon family, which can prevent others from using some kind of power to spy!"

Xiangya said: "I heard that the strange singers of Qi family can spy on the totem patterns of others. We are trying to prevent them from exploring!"

There are flower totems on Xiangya, and it is still a holy totem. It is natural to be cautious.

Qin Yun nodded, and he also had totems on his body, but they were all hidden by the meditation of the sun, not afraid to spy.

"Where to exchange?" Qin Yun asked.

“It’s in the main building of the Yalong Inn, in an underground secret hall!” Xiangya said: “It’s getting dark now, let’s go to the main building first!”

Qin Yun went to Xiangya’s car and went directly to the tall building in the middle of the Yalong Inn. Then he went to a hall in the underground through a special entrance.

The halls are more than 20 meters long and wide, with thick stone walls on all sides. There are many strange patterns on the stone walls, which release white light and brighten the hall.

Looking at those strange patterns, Qin Yun can see at once that the power released by those strange lines has a strong defense force and can absorb a lot of breath.

"Do you want to fight?" Qin Yun walked in the hall and looked at the stone wall.

"Choose to exchange here to prevent them from running away after swindling!" Xiangya said: "You are waiting for me, and Qin Gongzi here, I will go out and greet them!"

After Xiangyao walked out of the hall, Ximen Qingpi came to Qin Yun and smiled. "Uncle, if it goes well, I will be able to bathe together tonight, do you want to come together, hahahaha... ”

Qin Yun looked at the strange lines of the wall and grinned: "Female hooligan!"

Not long after, Xiao Yuelan walked in with a few people.

The Qi family, there are three middle-aged, two young people, all wearing the gray crepe robes of the family, there is a big Qi word behind. Although it looks stupid, when they walk around the street, anyone can see that they are the children of the strange family, they have to let it.

These five people are very ordinary in appearance, but the look on the face is full of arrogance.

"It turned out to be Qi Hushu... I thought it would be the family!" Ximen Qing pity saw those people coming in, and quickly smiled: "Qi Hu Shu Hao, this is your team?"

"Green pity, I really didn't expect to meet you here!" Qi Hu quickly smiled, although it was middle-aged, but when he laughed, there were a lot of wrinkles on his forehead.

"Since everyone knows, it will be more convenient!" Xiangya said with a smile: "Master Qi Qi, what kind of totem pattern did you bring this time?"

Qi Hu glanced at Qin Yun and asked: "This person... Who is it? You can have no male disciple in Guanghan Palace?"

"This son is my friend, but also a singularist!" Xiangya sneaked a smile: "I let him come here, let him add some insight!"

Qi Hu is a mysterious fairy. He sensed that Xian Yun’s body was still in the fairyland. His heart was secretly disdainful, but he smiled on the surface: “Then we will start to exchange it! Please also ask the girl to show you wide. The totem of the cold palace!"

"This..." Xiangya was originally going to look at the other's totem pattern first.

Qin Yun quickly sent a message to Xiangya, letting her show the strange lines to be exchanged in the Guanghan Palace.

Xiangya took out a long table and then took out a reel. The reel was very long. After opening it, it was several meters long. It was engraved with many strange lines. This long strip of strange lines is like a Like an arrow.

"This is our arrow totem, the fairy totem!" Xiangya said.

Several people from the Qi family quickly came around and looked very seriously.

They also know that Xiangya’s reason for finding Ximen’s pity is to prevent them from getting under the cover.

Of course, they feel that Ximen Qing pity is too tender, so it is not in the eyes.

Qi Hu looked at it, sometimes nodded, sometimes shaking his head, from time to time wrinkling his eyebrows, sorry for long sighs.

Xiang Yazhen did not know what the people of Qi family saw, which made her somewhat worried.

Qin Yun is also watching the arrow totem, he can see a lot of things.

Among the arrow totems, there are several kinds of moon patterns and more than ten kinds of star patterns, all of which are fairy-level stars and moons. What surprised him is that the areas where the more than ten kinds of stars and moons meet meet each other, naturally forming a positive pattern. !

The intersection area is in the position of the arrow.

The arrow totem looks like a long arrow. The part of the arrow should be more important. Naturally, it forms a positive pattern, which is really very powerful.

"The arrow totem should be homemade!" Ling Yun said: "Some totem patterns, not naturally formed!"

"Well, the creation of this group of totems is mainly to refine a stronger arrow!" Qin Yun thought of his own guns and arrows, and he lacked such a core totem. He planned to exchange with Xiangya.

Although Qin Yun did not see the dark lines, but from the part of the bright lines, it can be seen that this is a very good totem!

After an hour, Qi Hu said: "Ya Yan girl, are you going to use this kind of thing to exchange with us?"

A few other people from all over the country shook their heads and evened their faces.

"This... This arrow totem is a relatively powerful totem pattern in my Guanghan Palace!" Xiangya 岚 Liu Mei slightly, quickly said.

"But it seems very general to us!" Qi Hu shook his head and said: "We are the ones that bring one of the top ten totems of the family!"

"Leidi Totem?" Xiangya looked at Ximen Qingpi

Ximen Qing pity said: "Qi Hushu, I never seem to have heard of the top ten totems of the Qi family, and I have never heard of the Lei Di Totem!"

"You have a lot of things, of course, we don't know, even if your father is in the sky, you may not know!" Qi Huhe laughed: "Our Thunder totem can be amazing, even if you use two Similar to the arrow totem stuff to change with us, we are not changing!"

Qi family is a strange family, certainly master a good totem, the Guanghan Palace also wants to get.

Although I know Qijiakeng people, the Guanghan Palace still wants to try, so let Xiangyao do this.

Xiang Ya is a master of strange patterns, but compared to the hidden family of Qi family, she is still too tender!

Ximen Qing pity said: "Qi Hushu, put your Lei Di totem out, let us see first!"

Qi Hu took out a round table three meters wide and then put out his skin.

The hide is round and engraved with many odd lines.

"Look at these groups of strange patterns, that are all positive patterns... and this one, there are at least ten groups of moon patterns, and there are as many as sixty kinds of stars; these are all kinds of stars with ray properties. The singularity is merged, so our Thunderbolt is the existence of the emperor, so it is named the Lei Di Totem!" Qi Hu smiled proudly.

Qin Yun looked at the round animal skin and felt very surprised. Because from the perspective of the Ming dynasty, the above singular patterns are all sacred stars and yang singular patterns, which are really complicated and powerful.

Ximen Qingpei and Xiangya are watching carefully, and the more they look, the more shocked they are, the more they admire.

Qin Yun suppressed the shock in his heart, continued to look at it seriously, and then combined with a large number of stars and moons that he mastered to see, not long after, he found a lot of clues.

Qin Yunxin said: "These guys mix a lot of fairy-grade junk stars and moons, and there aren't many grotesques in the thunder property! And, a star pattern, they will be changed into several kinds of carvings!"

Qin Yun masters many stars and moons, and can see the essence of those strange lines directly from the Ming.

"Our Thunder totem is very powerful?" Qi Hu smiled: "Ya, girl, if you want to exchange our Thunder totem, please show your sincerity!"

"Guanghan Palace only allows me to use the arrow totem to exchange with you, to use other totems, you must have a palace owner to agree!" Xiangya sighed.

"Do you contact the few palace owners and let them agree that they won't have it? We are full of sincerity!" Qi Hu laughed.

"They don't have a mirror, they can't contact!" Xiangya shook her head.

Qi Hu sighed: "Well, your Guanghan Palace is a woman, it is not easy in the fairyland! We will be generous once in a family, we will lose money, we are willing to exchange with you! But, you have to agree with We signed the contract and never passed it on... so as not to be jealous of us by other forces, saying that we treat women favorably!"

See Qihu so quick to agree, Ximen Qingpei and Xiangyao feel that there are ghosts, but they can't say anything wrong.

"Ya sister, I also want this arrow totem, how to exchange with me?" Qin Yun suddenly said: "My totem, no worse than the Lei Di Totem!"

Xiang Yazhen also received the voice of Qin Yun’s spirit and let her cooperate.

"Little brother, you have a big tone! What totem is in your hand, isn't it worse than my Lei Di Totem?" Qi Hu sneered.

A young man from the Qi family smiled and said: "The little brother, there is nothing to say, show your totem to us!"

Qin Yun took out a small animal skin, which was the totem created by his temporary and Momo.

This made several people in Qi family laugh, because the animal skin is too small.

Qi Hu also walked over and watched, and was about to ridicule, but saw the totem on the animal skin, like a dragon in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning!

Looking closely, Qi Hu suddenly felt that there was a strong momentum coming out of the animal skin, and it seemed as if the arrogant dragon and the thunder were coming. [..]

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