Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1414: Star god

After Qin Yun flew for a long time, he only knew that he was still in the prefecture, and then took out the Zhenyang God Arrow again, and determined that the direction was right, and continued to fly.

From time to time, he will come up with a compass to find the clouds, and want to see the rest of the clouds, is it nearby, but it is not nearby, it seems to be farther away.

At night, Qin Yun flies in the night sky, looking at the stars in the sky, countless stars, like the floating sand floating in the sky, covering the entire sky.

"Xiaoyun, try to contact the star god!" Ling Yun suddenly said.

"Yeah!" Qin Yun quickly landed on a mountain below, took out the floating cloud tower, sat on the top of the tower of the cloud tower, watching the stars in the air.

He found that there is also a transmission array on the top of the tower, which can be transmitted to the floor below.

"A soul in the soul of the soul can really contact the **** of the stars?" Qin Yun looked at the golden silk inside the soul-souling ball, and felt that it was incredible. After all, it was just a glimpse of the gods, but it was with the gods. The power of Star God communication.

He held the soul of the soul, closed his eyes, and dipped his **** into the golden silk.

He closed his eyes and did not know that many stars in the sky suddenly moved quickly.

However, Ling Yun discovered it and shouted: "Xiaoyun, there are many stars in the sky moving, is it in the array?"

Qin Yun opened his eyes and saw that there were many stars in the sky that became an aperture, and many stars inside the aperture were slowly moving.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yun was shocked!

"The moving star pattern? Dynamic grotesque?" Qin Yun suddenly was greatly inspired by the huge star array that suddenly appeared in the air.

In the past, most of the singular patterns he carved were not moving. Like dead ones, only when the singular lines flow energy, there will be energy inside.

But now he sees the moving grotesque, whim, if it creates some "live" singularity, will the power become very strong?

Just as he was deeply pondered, the enchanted bead in his hand suddenly trembled, and then a light and beautiful female voice was very soft and gentle.

"Snow sister, is that you?" the woman asked.

"No! I am Qin Yun!" Qin Yun said, he is sure that the woman with a charming voice is the star god.

"Ah? Man... Are you a man? What happened to your ice and snow sister?" Star God hurriedly asked.

"This, she introduced me to contact you!" Qin Yun quickly said: "I didn't take her!"

"Cheat, you didn't take her anyway, why did she trust you so much, let you contact me?" Star God whispered, the voice reveals a bone-like soft charm.

Qin Yun said: "I helped her get the Zhenyang God Arrow. In order to repay me, I recommend that I contact you and cooperate with you!"

Star God giggled: "Little man, you have the ability! Even let her sister get the Zhenyang arrow... I said, she is using the body to seduce you, will you help her?"

"No!" Qin Yun finally understood why Xian Rujing had been worried that he and the Star God would hook up. This star **** is really bad.

"I don't believe it!" Star God smiled.

"The goddess of ice and ice is cold, like the ice tiger, and I have bitten me several times... I and her are also the life and death, so we are the kind of friends with great contradictions!" After Qin Yun explained it, Laughed: "Really, like her kind of ice mother tiger, I am really afraid that she will not even have bones to eat!"

"Ha ha ha... little brother, are you afraid to tell her?" Star God smiled very happy.

"Of course not afraid!" Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "Sister of Star God, you are her good sister, right? Then you must know that she has a lot of scandals, can you share it with me?"

"This is no problem! But you have to tell me, did she say anything bad to me in front of you?" Xing Shen felt that Qin Yun was very interesting and chuckled.

"She said that you are very bad, color, and very coquettish!" Qin Yun said.

"I am really bad. Little brother, are you afraid of not being afraid of me?" The voice of the star **** is soft and charming. Although she can't see her, Qin Yun can't help but some imagination.

"Not afraid, female hooligans, I have not met!" Qin Yun laughed.

"To tell me honestly, you and Ice Snow sister, she really did not happen anything? If you are not very affectionate, she will not reveal her identity as a goddess of ice and snow, and will not let you contact me!" Star God asked.

"She kissed me strongly!" Qin Yun sighed.

"Giggle..." After the star **** heard it, he laughed: "She is still the same, cold and stuffy!"

"Sister of Stars, you must be beautiful, you will not do bad things to me?" Qin Yun said: "I am an honest man!"

"Sister, I am also an honest girl, will not harm you!" Star God smiled: "More, how can I harm you? You help my sister, help me!"

Qin Yun also knows that the reason why Xianrujing will fall so far is that he is tired by the star god.

Star God said again: "I have never worked with a man, and I don't want to work with a man... but, you are a man who has been kissed by the ice and snow sister, and also helps her get the arrow of Zhenyang, that is sure very interesting."

"I want to see, she looks at you, even want to kiss you! If you are a good man, then I will take you over!"

"Sister of Star God, I have worked with the evil spirits before!" Qin Yun suddenly said.

"Oh? Cthulhu? It seems to be the bottom of the gods list! Why don't you cooperate with him now?" Star God asked.

"I removed the altar of the Daoyang Shenmen, and the evil spirits were afraid of being hurt by me, so we took a shot!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Sister of Stars, are you not afraid of being hurt by me?"

Star God did not speak immediately, apparently was shocked!

After a moment of silence, the sweet voice of Xingshen came and said, "I don't want to be a good sister of ice and snow, send me such a live treasure! Good... great, Daoyang Shenmen is my big enemy!"

"Sister of Stars, I have a seven-layered altar of sun in my hand!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "Do you want me to be a star **** altar? And I have a star singer, or a singer!"

"Great! You find a safe place, stack the seventeen-day sun altar, and then put a smashed soul in your hand on the top of the altar!" Xingshen was very happy, smiled: "Renovation I will hand it over to me, although it is only seventeen, but it is enough!"

Qin Yun thought about it and decided to tell the star **** about the cloud tower. He said seriously: "Sister of the gods, I found a very special altar. I am not sure if it is an altar..."

He told the star **** about the details of the floating cloud tower.

After listening to the star god, it seems to be thinking about it. After a while, he said: "Xiaoyun, you first take out the 17-story sun altar, I transform it into a star **** altar, and then go to see your floating cloud tower!"

"Can you come over?" Qin Yun was surprised.

"I can get a glimpse of the past and it will become what I am, but it won't last long!" Star God giggled: "You will see me when you arrive!"

Qin Yun put the floating cloud tower away, and then flew to a flat land in the distance, quickly took out the sun altar and stacked it layer by layer.

After stacking, he released the soul of the soul in the soul of the soul.

Most of the stars in the sky are gathered at the top of the altar at this time.

Qin Yun now knows how powerful the gods are, and can easily control the stars of the fairy world and merge into a very huge sky star array.

After the huge cluster of stars above the altar quickly gathered, suddenly a rainbow-like beam of light was struck on the altar.

The altar of the sun was originally golden, but it gradually turned white, and it was still getting smaller.

The structure of the entire altar seems to have been changed suddenly!

The altar continued to shrink, and finally it became only one meter high, a small one, although there were still seventeen layers, but it was much smaller.

When Qin Yun ran over, he saw a woman wearing a red dress and appeared on the altar.

Although this woman is beautiful, it is not such a very beautiful beauty, but the face is agile and beautiful, and between the beautiful and the beautiful, the charming and sleek, with a shallow smile, makes her very charming and moving.

This is the virtual image of the **** of the gods!

After seeing the appearance of the star god, Qin Yun was shocked and suddenly stopped. Because the woman who appeared on the altar, looks and succulently looks exactly the same!

However, Yu Shutian is not as charming as the star god, but it is very pure and beautiful, giving people a feeling of a small family.

"Giggle... Xiaoyun, come over? My sister won't eat you again!" Star God is as sweet as a silky smile.

When she saw Qin Yunqi’s look, she smiled and said, “You are really, you are fascinated by your sister all at once, how do you do big things in the future?”

Qin Yun walked over and frowned. "Xingshen sister, you and I have a friend who looks exactly the same! Her name is Yu Shutian, she is a star elf princess!"

"Small sweet? Do you know her?" Star God was a little surprised, then smiled: "She is my soul, it is my avatar, she has an independent consciousness!"

"So, she is you, are you her?" Qin Yun also knows that this is a very strange existence, this is the case of Xianling Snow, the hidden body of the goddess of ice and snow.

"Yes! If I am one day, in the wilderness, I will be beaten up, then I will be born again in the fairyland through Xiaotian!" Star God said: "Have you bullied Xiaotian? She is now my little sister. !"

"Of course not, she is my good friend... or I helped her to awaken the inheritance of the star elves!" Qin Yun smiled, and then simply told him to meet the gods.

Star **** Liu Mei slightly, looks like a style, she whispered: "It seems that we really have a fate... This is not an ordinary coincidence, take me to see your cloud tower!"

Qin Yun took out the Yunyun Tower and then went in with the star **** altar and sent it directly to the twentieth floor.

In order to clarify the floating cloud tower and its own past mystery, Qin Yun told the star **** that he had the soul and the yang, and that he was told by the heavens and the enemy of the heavens.

Star God was surprised, but then the charming face, but gradually dignified.

She stared at the statue on the altar and kept talking. It was obvious that something was coming!

Suddenly, the virtual image above the altar of the Star God gradually blurred.

Qin Yun shouted: "Sister of Stars... What happened to you?"

"I have trouble... The people of Daoyang Shenmen know that I changed the altar of the sun into the altar of the gods, chasing them, and I will escape!" The voice of the gods came, and the power of the stars above the white altar was also Suddenly disappeared.

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