Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1417: Mirror Mirror

Xiao Xuanqin saw Qin Yun nothing, secretly relieved, and said to the middle-aged man: "Lu Jiayan, when did I fool your disciples? You obviously want to cheat me!"

The people who came to make trouble were all disciples of the Mirror, and they were also called by the dragon family.

They did not notice Qin Yun, because Qin Yun’s fairy power was very weak, and they thought Qin Yun was a servant or something.

The middle-aged Lu Jiayan, who was headed, broke into a table and broke a table. He said: "We are willing to sell you two mirrors at half price, and we will give you two days of trial. After you have tried it, you will not be satisfied and will return. The mirror is broken, isn't that what you did?!"

"Isn't that said before? It's a problem with the mirror itself. It has nothing to do with me!" Xiao Xuanqin said, he has called out the Guqin and is ready to fight.

"That is because there is a dragon if the dragon is guaranteed, but now the dragon son does not guarantee you, we naturally want you to come back!" Lu Jiayan sneered: "Hurry to compensate! The two mirrors are our special refining The materials used are very precious, and they are still limited editions, worth a total of 500 million cents!

Qin Yun, Xiao Yuelan and Xiao Xuanqin suddenly understood.

This is because Long Ruohao deliberately let the disciples of the magic mirror put pressure on Xiao Xuanqin and let Xiao Xuanqin compromise some conditions. This is very obvious.

"Hugh thinking!" Xiao Xuanqin angered.

"Haha, we are justified to collect debts. If you don't pay back, even if we do it, the blue family will not care! And if you give up, the blue family will catch you! You must know that the dragon son is in the blue house. In the mountain village!" Lu Jiayan smiled and sat in a chair.

Others have blocked the door and prevented Xiao Xuanqin from leaving. Rz90

Xiao Xuanqin's familiar jade, now full of cold, cold channel: "If I kill you, then I will not have something!"

Lu Jiayan held a magic mirror in his hand, haha ​​smiled: "You come to attack us! Xiao Xuanqin, although you are a good land fairy, but you really have enough strength to kill us? Then again, my mirror opened All the dialogues here will be passed to the Dragon and the Blues and the Lords! Do you try it?"

This is the site of the Blue House, and the relationship between the Blue House and the Dragon Family is very good.

Long Ruohao wants to let Xiao Xuanqin lead the way and safely enter the blue leaf Shenglin, because Xiao Xuanqin masters a kind of ability, can avoid all kinds of dangers, and can enter the depths of the blue leaf holy forest relatively safely.

Xiao Xuanqin rejected Long Ruohao, so Long Ruohao used this method to force Xiao Xuanqin to compromise.

Xiao Yuelan told the story of the incident and secretly told Qin Yun.

"We are disciples of the Guanghan Palace. Do you want to be the enemy of the Guanghan Palace?" Xiao Xuanqin is now in the Blue Sky City, and only Xiao Yuelan is around him, and he can't resist the fairy in the Blue Sky City.

"The disciples of the Guanghan Palace must also reason! You destroy our mirrors and pay compensation. Xiao Xuanqin, you are responsible for a lot of business in the Guanghan Palace, you should take out 500 million cents of jade beads should be very easy!" Lu Jiayan Smiled: "You just have to pay us 500 million celestial beads, we can't find you anymore, don't we?"

Xiao Xuanqin was breathless and gasped for a few breaths, and her chest was undulating. This is not a problem of Xian Yuzhu, but she was deceived by people, mainly because Long Ruohao taught in secret.

She is very clear that even if she sent the disciples of the Mirror, Long Ruohao and the Blue House will definitely continue to find reasons to marry her.

"If you take out the magic mirror is proof of my damage, I will compensate you!" Xiao Xuanqin is also a very strong woman. It is impossible to bow to evil forces: "You wait, I will contact our elders in the Guanghan Palace." Send someone to fight with you!"

Xiao Yuelan said coldly: "You must know that our Guanghan Palace has already got three Zhenyang arrows! If you fight, even the magic fairy Tianmen, Xianjia and Longjia will join hands, and you have to measure it!"

"Ha ha ha ... people have said that the dragon son, the people who got the arrow of Zhenyang, have to immediately complete one thing! If you do not finish the matter, you will die! You are the town of Yangyang The arrow man, maybe you can't live!" Lu Jiayan laughed.

Both Xiao Yuelan and Qin Yun know this, because Qin Yun has the arrow of Zhenyang.

"Xiao Xuanqin, you contacted you in the Guanghan Palace! You don't have a mirror in your hand? You are not using the mirror in the Guanghan Palace. I see how you contact? Use traditional phonetic notes? Can pass To the moon?" Lu Jiayan smiled.

Xiao Yuelan looked at Qin Yun and gestured for his help.

Qin Yun coughed twice and said: "This friend of the disciple disciple, can you take out the two damaged mirrors! How can you show that it is broken?"

"What are you? Here is also the share of your speech? Do you want to make a big head, to pay 500 million cents of jade beads for Xiao Xuanqin? I don't think you can get it for 50 million!" Lu Jiayan looked at Qin Yun with a scorn.

"Five hundred million yuzhu I can really get it out!" Qin Yun said, took out a piece of kernel debris and smiled: "This is the kernel fragment, how many 500 million do you say?"

Seeing Qin Yun can easily take out the kernel fragments, Lu Jiayan eyebrows pick one, immediately took out two mirrors, handed it to Qin Yun, sneered: "You will take a good look at it... Xiongtai, I advise you, Don't expect to be able to get to the women in the Guanghan Palace! They are all hard to chase!"

Qin Yun shook his head and looked at the two mirrors. It was indeed damaged, and the internal strange lines were maliciously picked.

He injects the power of the blood, quickly repairs the odd lines that are picked, and also hides the hidden. If you want to destroy the two mirrors again, you have to ruin the mirror.

"No damage!" Qin Yun looked at it for a while and said, "Are you mistaken?"

As he said, he brightened the two mirrors and looked at the various messages on the mirror.

Xiao Xuanqin looked secretly surprised. Before Lu Jiayan came once, she said that she broke the mirror. She carefully checked it at the time and could not light it. Qin Yun just made a few mistakes, but it was all right!

Lu Jiayan looked like a ghost, and the big men were also surprised. They had teamed up for a long time before they broke the strange patterns inside the mirror, and it was hard to be discovered, but now it is inexplicable!

If the mirror is damaged, only the high-level mirror door can be repaired, especially the internal grotesque damage, you need the core of the mirror door to repair!

"Look, the mirror is fine!" Qin Yun returned the mirror to Lu Jiayan and smiled and said: "Okay, nothing, go back!"

Most of the so-called disciples are only selling the mirrors, and they don't have the ability to refine the mirrors, so they don't know what happened to the mirror at this time.

Lu Jiayan took the two mirrors, squinted and played, and could not speak.

Xiao Yuelan said: "Don't you want to tell the truth about the mirror door? Now that the mirror is good, are you still not going?"

"You broke a door and a table, get it and let it go!" Qin Yun added: "You just recorded the evil, I recorded it, I can post it to the mirror at any time, let everyone Look at the despicable traces of the disciples!"

Lu Jiayan bit his teeth and put away the two mirrors, glaring at Qin Yun.

At this time, Long Ruohao contacted him.

"Dragon son... There is something wrong!" Lu Jiayan did not use mental communication, but directly.

"Don't be afraid of them! The two mirrors you sold are indeed damaged, and they are only temporarily better. There will be problems again in the next few days! Let them compensate!" The mirror sent a cold voice.

After Lu Jiayan took up the magic mirror, he suddenly sighed with enthusiasm and said to Qin Yun: "You guy, there is a kind of release of our evil deeds to the mirror! The negative news of our disciple disciples, there is no magic mirror. !"

"Really?" Qin Yun smiled slightly.

"Of course it is true!" Lu Jiayan laughed a few times, then looked at Xiao Xuanqin, cold voice: "Quickly compensate Xianyuzhu!"

Qin Yun took out a magic mirror, and then rushed Lu Jiayan into the rotten table and smashed the door, released it on the mirror, and released it with the nickname "Wu Tiantu he dried up."

When Xiao Xuanqin was so angry that Qin Yun suddenly said: "Lu Jiayan, you open the mirror to see!"

When Lu Jiayan immediately opened the mirror, he immediately popped up a video about his smashing table, and it was released as a nicknamed "Wu Tiantu He Cao".

Wu Tiantu is the name of the magic mirror fairy emperor, and the real name of the magic mirror fairy emperor is not known, and not many people know.

What surprised Lu Jiayan was that the news was hung on the top, angering the evil actress Lu Jiayan’s evil deeds, bullying weak women, and deceiving anything...

At this time, Lu Jiayan's magic mirror suddenly trembled, showing the word "teaching", which scared Lu Jiayan to tremble and quickly connected.

"I am the wizard of the magic mirror door. Lu Jiayan, who are you under your hand? Do you commit suicide, or am I going to the Blue Sky City to kill you?" The voice of the magic mirror fairy rumor came.

Others don't know, but he knows that the news is Qin Yunfa, and he knows that his disciples are bullying the disciples of the Guanghan Palace.

The Mirror Jingdi is very aware of the relationship between Qin Yun and Guanghan Palace, so he attaches great importance to this matter.

"This...this...teaching, this is a misunderstanding, I immediately apologize to Xiao Sister!" Lu Jiayan was scared, and the voice trembled: "You don't come over to the elderly, this is really a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? You quickly tell me who you are!" The magic mirror Xiandi screamed: "You are a group of bastards, I am paying attention to Zhenyang Shenjian during this time, just do what I want?"

"Teaching, I am really wrong! It's all bad for me, I have received the benefits of Long Ruohao, so I deliberately made it difficult for Xiao Sister!" Lu Jiayan was so scared that he was rushing to Qin Yun, and everyone else was fierce. His Majesty, these little sisters, facing the hair of the Emperor, were scared to death.

"This grandfather, we know the wrong! You can help us to say two good words... even if you let us and Long Ruohao desperately work!" Lu Jiayan kept on to Qin Yun.

"Xiao Ding, I have had some trouble in the Blue Sky City in the prefecture!" Qin Yun said.

"I will contact the director of the magic mirror of Blue Sky City to help you!" The magic mirror Xiandi quickly said.

"Well, Lu Jiayan, a few of them have some useful points, don't kill them first!" Qin Yun said again, Lu Jiayan is also a good singer, let them go to work with Long Ruohao is still very useful.

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