Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1425: Xinyangjie

.., Jiuyang Shenwang

Chapter 1425, Xinyangjie

Entering the cave of the Black Giant Mountain, Xiao Yuelan took out the magic mirror and was surprised: "Xiaoyun, is there a problem with my mirror? I can't view all kinds of news."

Qin Yun took a look, then took out his own mirror and found that his mirror was also a problem.

"It's not a problem, but... Entering the interior of this mountain, it is separated by a force!" Qin Yun said: "The mirror is mainly used to transmit information through space strange lines, if there is a strong The barrier can isolate the power of the space, the mirror will fail!"

Xiao Xuanqin said: "Xiaoyun, your father can still contact before, but then can not contact, is it because of entering this cave? And the gentle sister, you have been unable to contact her, is it also entered this cave ?"

"It is very likely... In this cave, there is any force that limits the space transfer, or the space here is not the same as the outside, so the mirror is invalid in this!" Qin Yun quickly took out two chasing souls. They are Qin Long and Xie Qirou.

The chasing soul does not fail, because it mainly relies on the weak soul fluctuations.

Xie Qi soft Qin Long has entered this cave, and there is a certain soul fluctuation, so it can be sensed.

Qin Yun quickly made a few chasing souls and gave Xiao Xuanqin two, saying: "Xiao Aunt, if we are scattered, we can find each other through chasing souls!"

And he and Xiao Yuelan also have a chasing soul that can track Xiao Xuanqin.

"Aunt, do you want to go back first! There may be danger in this!" Xiao Yuelan suddenly said: "I have Zhenyang God Arrow, I have to complete the mission, and you are different... What if there is any accident?"

"Because it is very dangerous, I have to follow you!" Xiao Xuanqin stunned Xiao Yuelan, scornfully said: "We have two lives of love! You gimmick, did not treat me as your aunt I didn't treat me as your good sister,"

"I am also worried about you!" Xiao Yuelan quickly took Xiao Xuanqin's hand and whispered.

"If I am in danger, you will definitely be desperate... I will let you talk about loyalty, will you not let me talk about loyalty?" Xiao Xuanqin smiled and then pinched Xiao Yuelan's face and smiled: "Let's go in, have Xiaoyun’s cloud tower, I will be very safe!”

Both Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan did not want to involve Xiao Xuanqin because they did not know what danger was ahead.

Xiao Xuanqin saw the look of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan, deliberately angry and screamed, and muttered: "Do you have a small couple, do you think that I am redundant, bothering you to talk about love?"

"Of course not, Xiao Aunt, we really don't want to bring you in!" Qin Yun explained quickly.

"Don't tell me, I am a fairy, and have your holy devices, I am not weak myself! If I can't protect myself, let alone you!" Xiao Xuanqin grinned: "How are you two mother-in-law?" Really a pair!"

Xiao Yuelan and Qin Yun, helpless look at each other, but also had to let Xiao Xuanqin follow them.

Xiao Xuanqin said: "Xiaoyun, your father had been trapped in Senlin for a while before, and then he got out of the cave and you can't contact him!"

"It should be like this, he can come here smoothly!" Qin Yun said: "We should see him soon!"

"Don't you feel weird? Old and sturdy sisters, should they be Xuan Xian now? I am also a Xuanxian with you... Why is Zhenyang Shenjian willing to choose our four Xuanxian?" Xiao Yuelan said.

"I don't know, but this is certainly not a coincidence! But well, such as Jingjie is also Xuanxian, she has not been brought over!" Qin Yun is very confused: "Like Jingjie, they are repaired as jagged! The master of the church is the fairy king, the Qinglong should not be the fairy king, such as the quiet sister is Xuanxian, the moon sister is the fairy emperor!"

Xiao Xuanqin said: "What about the Nether Emperor? I wonder if it is also on the side of the Lord of the Moon?"

"Maybe there!" Qin Yun walked in the cold cave of Sen, and took out the illuminating stone to illuminate the four walls. They were all very flat stone walls, and there were no strange lines.

This huge mountain is very big, and the huge cave is straight ahead.

"There is no smell of beasts. Where did this cave lead?" Qin Yun has been carefully observing the inside of the cave.

They are moving at a slower pace, which allows them to explore the situation ahead.

"Where are we going to be in this cave? It seems to be very calm!" Xiao Yuelan said.

"The more calm, the more flustered!" Qin Yun released more illuminating stones, controlled by the spirit to roll on the ground, and illuminate the front.

He mainly looks at the ground and has left some footprints or something.

He also has a tracer that tracks Qin Long and Xie Qirou.

Just after they walked in the cave for a few hours, the two tracers suddenly did not respond!

"What happened, did not respond?" Qin Yun shocked.

"They should have been in the cave before, suddenly not, or go to other spaces!" Xiao Xuanqin said: "Xiaoyun, don't worry, they have Zhenyang Shenjian in their hands, it will not be so easy to accident!"

Qin Yun looked at the front and said: "This cave seems to be very deep..."

They thought that the cave could lead to the mountainside between the giant mountains, but they felt very surprised after they walked for two days, because they were able to cross the mountain in the distance. .

But now, they still can't see the end, which means that the road inside the cave has space inside, so it forms a long passage.

"Do we want to go through this channel to another space world?" Xiao Yuelan took out the Zhenyang God Arrow and said: "The mission of Zhenyang Shenjian is to protect the heart of Jiuyang. The heart of Jiuyang must be hidden in The destination is threatened at this time, so we need to guard it!"

They walked for three days, and suddenly there was movement in front!

In this huge cave, there are suddenly several tents. The tents are golden and engraved with some totems.

Those totems are somewhat similar to the sun totem above the Zhenyang God Arrow!

In the tent, suddenly more than a dozen people walked out, they were wearing golden mighty armor, carrying a long sword and wearing a golden helmet.

They radiated a burst of hot air that seemed to be illuminated by the violent sun.

The headed one is a bearded sin year, the eyes inside the eyes, like two small fireballs, flashing light, staring at the swords of Zhenyang in the hands of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan.

"You two are the people who were chosen to be zhong? It is too weak!" said the zhongnian, the tone was cold and indifferent.

"Who are you?" Qin Yun asked.

"We are the guardian of the heart of Jiuyang. Although you have been chosen by Zhenyang God Arrow, you may not have the Zhenyang God Arrow!" said the zhongnian: "You should know that your mission is Protect the heart of the sun!"

Xiao Yuelan asked: "We were chosen by Zhenyang God Arrow, where are we going to complete the mission?"

"You need to face the evil spirits... that is a group of very vicious guys! I don't think you are qualified for this burden!" The voice of Zhongzhong was slightly scornful and said: "No matter what, you will finally be the town." The Yangshen arrow brings you through the first stage of assessment! Next, we will make you stronger, and then use the Zhenyang God Arrow to fight against the evil Yang!"

Qin Yun looked at Xiao Xuanqin and then said to the zhong: "This is our friend, can she follow us?"

"Of course! She is much better than the two of you, we welcome the strong!" Then the year was finished, then took out a big mirror and shone a stone wall.

The stone wall was illuminated and there was space fluctuation.

"Let's go, I will take you to the heart and the heart, that is where the heart of Jiuyang is!" That year said: "I am Yangshuo, responsible for receiving you to the heart of the world!"

Yangshuo entered the fluctuating wall.

Qin Yun, they followed the past, and after they entered, they came to a grassland.

When they came here, they felt a very strange warm glow.

Looking up, I saw that there were four very huge **** floating in the air, like four big stars!

The four spheres are like translucent pale gold crystals, which clearly see the energy flowing inside.

"That is the heart of the four suns, has been in the ninth of the land, is also the key to the rebirth of Jiuyang!" Yangshuo said.

"Only four?" Qin Yun frowned.

"A total of nine, each stored in three places! Four here, another four, the last one is stored separately!" Yangshuo said: "This space is limited to repair, the highest can only come in!"

Qin Yun was a little surprised: "I thought that the heart of Jiuyang was distributed in the nine wasteland. I didn't expect it to be in the wild!"

"The fairyland is the safest! If it is in the gods, with the strength of the gods, you can easily get the heart of Jiuyang!" Yangshuo walked on the grassland and said: "The evil spirits have a way to enter this place, that is A group of pervasive guys, fortunately, the heart and the mind are strong enough, they can only send the land to the top!"

The fairyland can limit the strong people of the holy and the gods, and this heart and the mind has a heavy limit, so that the heart of the sun can be stored here, it can be very safe.

Yangshuo said again: "In the first few eras, the heart of the sun is stored in the gods, so that the gods can protect the gods, but those guys think about how to take the sun's heart all day, and then go away! Finally, it happens. The war... Jiuyang had to die in advance!"

"Is Jiuyang dying, is it to prevent the sun's heart from being robbed?" Xiao Yuelan was shocked. There are many sayings about why Jiuyang will die.

"The reason why Jiuyang died, there are many factors in it, it is very complicated... In short, it is undeniable that Jiuyang nurtures nine kinds of wasteland, so that the nine wastes will produce many powerful creatures. The powerful creatures will eventually go to the vast Xinghai "Yangshuo said.

Qin Yun is now a lot of peace of mind, because Xie Qi softens his father Qin Long, also in this heart and soul, there is no danger for the time being. []

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