Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1448: Evil dragon mountain

Qin Yun bit his teeth, looking at the evil patriarch of the evil spirits, cold channel: "You will regret bringing me to the evil world!"

He also saw at this time that the huge black ball floating in the air is the outer shell of the heart of the sun.

"Repent? I have nothing to regret! You are now a prisoner, there is no chance to turn over! After you enter the evil dragon mountain, you will die... Of course, you will not die so fast, it will be very painful and slow. Slow to die!" The evil Yang family grew up laughing.

Other evil-yang people also laughed.

Not long after, Qin Yun saw the evil dragon mountain, which was painted black, like a very thick black pillar, standing on the grassland ahead.


The evil dragon mountain is cylindrical, tens of thousands of meters wide, a very large one. Looking far away is very shocking, the most terrible thing is that the air is flowing out of evil.

When you are close, you can hear all kinds of screams.

The entrance is a space entrance that can only be entered without being able to come out.

"Evil Dragon Mountain is the cultivation of holy places that evil spirits have given us. The people who come out from inside are extremely powerful geniuses! I just hit them from the first layer inside!" The evil spirit chief smirked and said: "If you feel that you have Let's play it out from inside!"

An old man smiled and said: "How can he do it? He is still a mystery now? If you go in, it will be good to live for three days!"

"Qin Yun, don't be afraid! There are nine layers inside the evil dragon mountain. The strongest one on the first floor is just a heavy fairy. Your strength is very good. You can definitely live for a few more days!" The evil Yang family smiled and will be Qin. The cloud pushes the black space door.

After Qin Yun entered, the people outside were cheering.

There is a large crystal wall outside, you can see the inside.

People of the evil spirits often watch the people inside the evil dragon mountain killing them for fun, or to learn the haze of others.

After Qin Yun was promoted, the body was still bound with many chains. Those chains were bundled with his body. He did not break the chains and could not move.

"The patriarch, the guy has Zhenyang Shenjian in his hand, isn't it okay?" An old man looked at the large crystal wall and saw that Qin Yunxiao didn't get up on the ground, and he was worried.

"It's okay, and the reason why Zhenyang Shenjian is very powerful is mainly related to the heart of the sun. The heart of the sun is already ours, and Qin Yun's Zhenyang Shenjian has now become a scrap iron!" The smile: "Look at this guy, how will it be abused!"

Qin Yunqi was on the ground and looked up. He saw that it was a very spacious mountain belly.

There is a bright light source inside the mountain, so it is not dark or wet at all, and there are many caves around the stone wall.

The caves are neatly arranged, and should be excavated when the evil dragon mountain was built.

He carefully observed the first floor of the evil dragon mountain and did not find a way to the second floor.

"Xiaoyun, as long as the breakthrough becomes a double-decorated fairy, you can enter the second floor, so you did not find the entrance!" Ling Yuner said: "This evil dragon mountain is indeed a good cultivation holy place!"

The evil dragon mountain is already very tall, and the inner mountain belly is also very spacious, and there is still a strong force to protect the evil dragon mountain from being destroyed.

This evil dragon mountain is protected by the power of evil spirits.

As long as you enter the first floor and can be put on the ninth floor, you will be like a dragon, even if you are a prisoner, you will be respected.

Of course, this is the first time a foreigner has been brought in.

With a strong mental power, Qin Yun controlled the iron chain of the body to break away a little, and also released the tree vines, and pulled the chain out of the blood hole in his body.

Not long after, those **** chains were opened by him, and he was taken over.

People outside the Xinglong Mountain saw some surprises in this scene. They thought that Qin Yun would always be tied up!

An old man whispered: "The patriarch, are we not tied up? How did he get out so quickly?"

"Don't worry, this guy can't live for a long time!" The evil patriarch was also a bit uncomfortable because he wanted to see Qin Yun being beaten.

Qin Yun sat on the ground and looked at this quiet mountain belly battlefield.

Although it is very quiet here, the inside of the cave in the stone wall is full of violent breath.

At this time, no one is fighting here, and the genius who guards this first layer is not seen.

"Is there no one!" Qin Yun tried and found that it was impossible to fly in it.

Suddenly, someone came out of a cave.

The person who came out was a bald man with a red upper body and many red tattoos that looked very scary.

After seeing Qin Yun, he shouted: "There are new people coming in!"

Many caves immediately came out of prisoners.

Qin Yun also saw that there are not only one person in those caves, but many people will come out one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of people who come out of dozens of caves.

Qin Yun was injured and had many blood holes. It looked very weak.

However, no one else is close because they have not figured out what this person is.

After seeing the evil patriarch of the outside, he said: "The prisoners, why don't you go to kill Qin Yun?"

"The patriarch, you don't know... The prisoners have several gangs in them. They are all united now, and the geniuses we sent to guard are not too daring to suppress them!" A middle-aged came over. Said: "But well, Qin Yun is not our evil spirits, no one in it will see him!"

The evil spirit patriarch was somewhat angry: "Where are the geniuses we sent in? Where did you die? I haven’t cared about the evil dragon mountain for a while, how did it become like this?!"

During this time, the sect of the evil spirits often ran to the tribe of the protector and the gods, and he did not pay attention to the evil dragon mountain for a long time, so he did not understand the matter.

"The patriarch, our genius is too little, do you want to send more in?" An old man whispered: "Of course, once you get in, you need to get through nine layers to get out, so..."

"Don't send it in, don't even know when to go out!" The evil patriarch waved his hand.

"The patriarch, you can rest assured that the genius we sent in has a lot of good equipment. It is enough to deal with those prisoners!" An old man said, suddenly worried, and said: "Qin Yun comes from the fairyland, and has What is the sacristy... Don’t know if he is carrying it?”

"There should be no, if he has the holy device, he will come out and deal with us!"

The evil spirits said this on the mouth, but the heart began to worry a bit. He suddenly felt that he was somewhat reckless and should not be so rashly throwing Qin Yun into the evil dragon mountain.

The old man saw the fear of the evil-yang patriarch and said: "The patriarch, Qin Yun can't come out in a short time, unless he can cultivate to the earthly wonderland to repair it... and this is impossible, even if he comes out, we I can wait for him at the top of the mountain!"

"Well, let's go and see the heart of the sun. If there is any movement on Qinyun's side, report to me immediately!"

The evil patriarch looked at the black ball in the air and suddenly was very excited. They were arranged to come here for so many years and finally got a heart of the sun.


In the first layer of the evil dragon mountain, Qin Yun sat in the same place to heal. He was surrounded by hundreds of people at this time, because he released the strong force of the immortal force, so the prisoners here did not dare to come.

"Man, why are you being sent in? What have you done?" asked a young man curiously.

Qin Yun’s body is **** and his hair is chaotic. Although he has no scent of evil spirits, he does not hide his breath, so he has a strong wind.

"Kill people!" Qin Yun said.

"Oh? Who killed it? Was it turned into evil dragon mountain?" The young man continued to ask.

"Evil wind!" Qin Yun smiled: "Do you know this guy?"

"This idiot, it is not easy to not know him, you actually killed him!" The young man was very surprised, and everyone else was surprised to discuss.

Qin Yun also saw that the prisoners in it were not weak, and some had a very scary suffocation.

The people here are only wearing shorts or trousers, bare upper body, showing developed muscles, no equipment.

In a cave, suddenly a strong young man came out, wearing a black armor and two glamorous women.

The two women were all wearing thin, and they could see the bumpy body looming.

The prisoners here saw the two women, their eyes straightened. Although they had seen it many times, every time they saw it, they had an impulse.

The young people who came out, wearing armor and holding black swords in their hands, were all very good equipment. When others saw this young man, they immediately retreated.

Obviously, this young man is a genius who has come in and has been a prisoner!

"Is it just coming in? Do you know the rules here?" The young man came over and said coldly: "Newcomers who have just entered the evil dragon mountain, have to serve me for one year, when I am a slave... Only then can you live Go on!"

"If I am not right?" Qin Yun looked at the young man, cold and cold.

"If you are not right, then I will make you die like a dead!" The young man smiled coldly: "Hurry up my boots!"

The young man’s boots had black blood and some minced meat. It should have been that he had just trampled on him.

"No!" Qin Yun cold road.

"Oh? You don't want to be my slave?" The young man sank and angered: "Then you are dead!"

Qin Yun was injured, although it is a fairy, but because he has several blood holes in his body, it gives a good feeling of confrontation.

The young man glanced at the two glamorous women and said, "You used to cut off his arm and it was for you to eat!"

The two glamorous women, each with a short sword in their hands, with a sinister smile on their faces, suddenly rushed to Qin Yun.

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