Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1451: Holy horn

The evil spirit patriarch saw that there were ten strong celestial beings who were quite good, and they also had a strong ghost, and they were relieved a lot. The face finally showed a smile.

If Qin Yun does not die, the wiseness of his evil patriarch will be questioned, and he will never allow others to question!

The three elders were a little happy, because the soldiers who entered the first floor of the evil dragon mountain looked down on his grandson very much.

At this time, the evil-yang people who watched the crystal wall outside also sneered at the evil Yaojun.

Although the three elders are very angry that the evil Yaojun is begging for mercy, he can understand his grandson. After all, in order to survive, it is nothing to beg for mercy.

He feels that if you switch to someone else, you will definitely do the same.

Xie Yaojun saw that he was looked down upon by other fighters. His heart was very angry. He now wants to kill Qin Yun and want to kill those who laugh at him.

He knew that his reputation was finished, because many people outside saw him pleading for Qin Yun.

He used to be arrogant outside and provoked many enemies. If he goes out later, there is no absolute power to shock others, and he will certainly be teased.

I think that my future is bleak, and the suffocation in the heart of evil Yaojun is even more prosperous.

"Is this the door? Evil Yaojun, you have to come over and open the door!" A middle-aged shouted: "This used to be your residence, or you can open it yourself, lest we say that we are ruining you!"

"Hahaha, don't let him do it, because there is a master living in it!" There was a bald young man who laughed loudly.

"Xie Yaojun, or do you come over and beg your master?"

"Don't laugh at him, you see that he has been disfigured, and there are injuries, or let's do it!"

Those warriors who have just come in, you sneer at the sneer of the singer and singer, and you are deliberately looking for happiness.

In fact, these soldiers who entered the evil dragon mountain also had great resentment in their hearts because they did not want to come in.

When you come in, it means losing your freedom for a while. If you can't break through quickly, they still don't know how long they have to be trapped in the evil dragon mountain.

But there is no way, the tasks arranged above, they must go in. Therefore, they hate Qin Yun and Xie Yaojun very much.

They think that the culprit is Qin Yun, and Xie Yaojun also has a great responsibility. If it is not evil Yaojun is too incompetent, they do not have to team up to clean up Qin Yun.

Xie Yaojun clenched his fists, gnashed his teeth, and wished to kill the ten soldiers.

The three elders outside, very uncomfortable snorted.

"The young people are like this, it is normal! When we were young, did we not bother to play each other like this?" The evil patriarch, hehe laughed, he really felt no big deal.

But the evil heroes inside want to kill!


A middle-aged man with a big axe slammed against the black door. When the attack broke out, a strong black hurricane broke out, whistling in the first layer.

The door was very brittle and was opened by an axe.

Two big men walked over and blasted the broken door. When they wanted to go in, they saw a transparent thing stuck in front.

It is the transparent Qiang Kunfeng magic clock!

The Qiankun Fengmo Bell was released by Qin Yun and blocked in the entrance passage. If you want to go in, you must have to smash the magic bell.

The evil dragon mountain is very strong. The cave house here was originally excavated. If you want to dig a hole in it, it is impossible. Otherwise, the prisoner has already ran out.


The two great men who walked in front of the passage immediately used the weapons to fiercely smashed in the past and made a bang.

After a while, they stopped!

"Can't open! What is this in the end?" There is a big man frowning.

"Come on!" someone shouted outside.

"Let's try it!" The two big men in front exit the passage.

After changing two people into it, holding a very strong weapon in his hand, after injecting a strong force, he slammed on the magic bell.

They also stopped for a while, because after a round of bombing, they probably knew that it was difficult to open the things inside.

You must know that Qin Yun’s Qiang Kee Magic Bell is made of the **** iron powder and the refinery of the fairy king. Very sturdy, only the sacristy or the king of the fairy, it is possible to destroy it.

Subsequently, the ten soldiers alternated in turn, constantly bombarding the Qiang Kun magic clock, but could not leave a trace on it.

The evil patriarchs and other people who looked at the crystal wall outside knew that it was a very strong thing. With the equipment in the hands of the soldiers, they could not be broken.

In the middle of a middle-aged shouted: "The patriarch, we can't break that thing, what should we do? You think about it!"

The evil patriarch immediately took out a piece of paper and wrote a note that was thrown in from the space door.

After the middle-aged pick up the note, he frowned: "Gathering the power of our ten people?"

Later, the ten soldiers also discussed how to join hands.

The older generation, constantly writing notes and throwing in to guide them.

After half an hour, they know how to unite, that is, to release the strongest force of the earth, and then bring them together and hit the hole.

What makes them wonder is that, no matter what, they can't condense the power of the immortals that have been released. It seems that they can't be integrated at all.

The evil spirit patriarch whispered: "These powers of these guys are too tyrannical, they can't be integrated into one! This is not the way!"

"What do you do? How can Qin Yun have such a magic weapon? I don't know if it is a holy device!" An old man was very anxious: "You have to break through, if Qin Yun recovers the injury, then use it." That powerful magic weapon, our soldiers are in danger!"

"That thing should be a defensive magic weapon, you must make it bad, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!" said the three elders.

Other old people have looked at the evil patriarchs.

The evil spirit chief frowned: "What are you doing with me? I am also thinking of ways, I have not thought of it!"

The three elders said: "The patriarch, do you have a strong sacred beast?"

"No, the holy horn is very precious!" The evil patriarch hurriedly shook his head: "If I throw in it and give them, they still don't know when they will come out and give it back to me!"

"The patriarch, the overall situation is heavy!" The three elders persuaded: "You didn't let us out of the equipment to get rid of Qin Yun? Now you need your holy horn!"


Other old people have nodded.

The evil patriarch's attitude is very determined, Shen Sheng said: "Never use my holy horn, that is a very precious thing!"

"That's it, let's go back to rest!" an elder sighed: "For that Qin Yun, we really broke our heart, whatever he wants!"

"Yes! It is clearly the lord's ambiguous idea, get the guy in, now it's good, the three grandson's grandson!" Another old man shook his head and left.

Other old people certainly want to kill Qin Yun, otherwise the face of these old guys will be damaged, and now there is no way to let the evil patriarchs take out the holy horn.

"Well, I am out of the holy horn!" the evil patriarch shouted.

He knows, if you don't give it, then after going back, this group of old guys will definitely say that he is very stupid to get Qin Yun into it.

The evil patriarch is very fond of face, so he must not be laughed at.

Finally, he took out the holy horn.

Only the thighs are thick, half a meter long, and the whole body is golden. The horn is very sharp. In the most pointed place, there is a special kind of power and a strong puncture ability.

The evil patriarch was very painful to throw the sacred horn from the space door, and with a note, designated for his grandson to use.

Among the ten warriors, there is also the grandson of the evil-yang patriarch, a bald youth named Gui Yuanlei. After he saw the note, he was very excited.

"Great, this is the sacred horn of Grandpa! Although it is not a weapon, it is the most powerful thing of our evil spirits!" After the evil Yuan Lei got the sacred horn, he smiled and said: "Grandpa let me come alone." in use!"

He held the end of the sacred horn in his hands and rushed toward the cave.

Although Qin Yun was quietly healing in the inside, he always stayed in the face of accidents. After he heard the evil sacred sacred saying that the sacred horns, he was worried that the sacred bells were destroyed.

He quickly rushed to collect the enchanted bells, and then took out the tower to the channel.

The passage was just square, and the floating cloud tower was gradually enlarged by Qin Yun. Although it could not be the largest, it was enough to block it in the passage.

The cloud tower needs to be the biggest, and Qin Yun can hide in it. Now the size of the floating cloud tower cannot be opened even at the door of the first floor.

If you leave this cave, the first floor of the evil dragon mountain is enough to release the tower.

He did not come up with the floating cloud tower before. He was worried that the evil dragon mountain would be weird and would absorb the power inside the floating cloud tower.

What evil dragons are given by evil dragons, so Qin Yun is very vigilant.

It is also a last resort, he will take out the Yunyun Tower, otherwise the Qiankun magic clock will be destroyed.

"How did the guy change something? No matter, my grandfather's sacred horn is so powerful that it can be smashed!" Evil rushed to the thunder, and then stabbed the half-meter-long sacred horn .


The pointed head of the sacred horn was infused with a strong force of the earth's celestial being, and it spurred the outer wall of the pit of the floating cloud tower and made a loud noise.

There was nothing in the cloud tower, and the tip of the sacred horn was not damaged.

Seeing this scene, people inside and outside the evil dragon mountain were surprised.

That is a very strong sacred horn, but it can not pierce the things that Qin Yun released!

The evil spirit patriarch whispered: "The guy in Qinyun has a very powerful broken stone building in his hand... Before the sun, those waste messengers could not break it!"

"Is it blocked in the passage, is that broken stone building?" An old man said.

"His mother is an egg!" The evil patriarch was mad, and he slammed his feet. He put the sacred horn into it, but it didn't work at all.

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