Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1454: Xuyang fights

Qin Yun did not expect the people here to know the first level.

He also thought that the other party would be very scrupulous about him, and now it seems that the news in the evil dragon mountain is very closed.

"The big guy, you started today is our second-level prisoner! You have to be a sparring partner every day... If you don't do well, then you will become everyone's food!" The young man smiled.

The prisoners here, when watching Qin Yun, are like watching food.

The prisoners detained in the evil dragon mountain are themselves the evil-yang people. They are also famous in the evil-yang family.

After being locked into the evil dragon mountain, if they do not have enough powerful force to shock them, they will only be bullied.

The genius of the second layer to look after the prisoners seems to have a good relationship with the prisoners.

On the first floor, the evil tyrants are shocked and the prisoners are afraid to speak out.

"Spreading? What to practice?" Qin Yun asked.

"Of course it is fighting!" said the young man.

"I don't have time to toss you. I want to break through and leave the Dragon Mountain!" Qin Yun said: "Hey, you haven't had a conflict with me yet. You better not continue to provoke me. I don't want to waste on you." strength!"

He said, he went to a wall where no one was.

The prisoners here felt very funny when they heard his words. There were also two burly prisoners who walked over to block him.

"You are the most arrogant guy I have ever seen! The people who come here must be honest! Especially when I am in front of me, I must bow my head!" The young man clenched his big knife and went to Qin. Cloud, angry and yelled: "The guy who came from the heart of the heart, did you hear me?"

Qin Yun clenched the cloud stick, turned sharply, and hit a stick to the young man.

The prisoners here suddenly stunned. I didn’t expect the prisoners from the heart and the heart to be so lifeless.

The young man quickly slashed his knife to resist the long stick!


Qin Yun's floating cloud stick fell on the big knife, and a burst of Mars broke out, hitting the knife and splashing a lot of pieces.

The terrible thing is that the pieces that splashed out hit the prisoners' bodies and made several prisoners scream.

Everyone is stunned!

Especially the young man, the very long knife in his hand, was actually broken by a stick and broke a lot of pieces!

"You..." The young man also knew that Qin Yun was very strong, but when he saw his knife being smashed, he was angry and could not be stopped. He said: "Destroy him!"


There are more than two hundred prisoners here, all of them are double-decorated, and they are all very mad, and they all fly over.

After the young man snorted, he quickly retreated. He is not stupid, he knows that Qin Yun is very strong, and there is a very powerful stick.

This also shocked him. He didn't know why there was such a sudden person coming in.

Because it is reasonable to say that prisoners caught in are unlikely to have weapons.

Qin Yun quickly took out the ten chains.

Seeing the chains, the prisoners here were shocked.

Because that is the iron chain weapon often used by the elders of the evil spirits, they are very familiar to them.

The ten black iron chains, under the control of Qin Yun’s spiritual power, suddenly flew out like ten black snakes that rushed out, and stabbed in all directions.

And Qin Yun, who showed his death, disappeared in the second layer.

"Oh ah..."

The heads of the chains that fly out are very pointed and can easily pierce the body!

Ten chains suddenly attacked, and they pierced into the bodies of ten prisoners in the blink of an eye, and then continued to puncture.

Just a few blinks, each chain penetrates the body of ten people and wears them into a string.

This scene scared the prisoners here very fearful.

Because they realized that this person who suddenly came to the second floor, the strength is terrible, and there are equipment.

The remaining one hundred prisoners were shocked to escape and enter the caves.

"You...what are you?" The young man was also scared and pale.

"You are going to die soon. Do you know who I am, what is the point?" Qin Yun's cold voice suddenly came, and then appeared behind the young man.


Qin Yun’s stick went down and fell on the young man’s body. The fierceness of the heavens and the earth rushed out, accompanied by a whistling of the Tianshi’s anger.

The young man wearing the armor did not scream, and was directly torn into pieces by the fierce force of the immortals, scattered in the battlefield.

The hundred prisoners who were put together by the chain saw the powerful genius dying and suddenly screamed again and again.

Over the years, they have been enslaved by the young man, and they know that the youth is terrible, but now they have been killed by Qin Yunyi stick!

"That is the so-called genius of the evil spirits?" Qin Yun's floating cloud stick can congeal energy, and when it is out, it will erupt again, and the power is even more terrible.

Then there is the power of the arrogance that he injects, and the most feared by the evil people.

"Great... Grandpa, don't kill us..." a prisoner shouted.

"You prisoners are being held here. Once you have the opportunity to go out, it must be a curse!" Qin Yun's voice was cold, and he took out the Zhenyang God Arrow.

Zhenyang Shenjian flashed the red flame of flaming, and the momentum released, made the prisoners here soft.

"My hand is the Zhenyang God Arrow, the artifact that protects the heart of the Sun!" Qin Yun said coldly: "And you, the villain who wants to steal the heart of the Sun!"

As he said, he released the Zhenyang God Arrow and controlled it with his mental power.

Zhenyang Shenjian flew back and forth, piercing the prisoners' bodies, bursting out a strong flame and destroying the evil body.

Subsequently, Zhenyang Shenjian entered a cave house again and punctures back and forth inside!

Qin Yun took out a large bead, which was used to collect souls. He wanted to collect these souls for the death sacrifice.

The two centuries of the evil spirits of the evil-yang people are a very strong force. If they are used for a death sacrifice, they can create a strong sacrifice.

"These evil-yang people are in a position to be defeated in front of the Sun Heart and Zhenyang God Arrow!" Qin Yun raised his hand and Zhenyang Shenjian also flew back to his hand.

Just now, he did not take the initiative to control the Zhenyang God Arrow, but Zhenyang Shenjian consciously killed all the evil people.

Lingyun smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, the prisoner in this evil dragon mountain, should be a very good sacrifice sacrifice! If you hit the ninth floor, the harvest will definitely be great!"

"Well, I can't whiten the things of the gods, she needs power now, I have to help her!" Qin Yun smiled, then just found a place to sit down and start practicing.

The prisoners on the second floor and the so-called geniuses were all destroyed, so there is only Qin Yun himself.


In the heart of the Yang dynasty, Yang Tianzhen and Xiao Xuanqin these days, but anxious, because they learned that Qin Yun was arrested by the evil spirits. This is what the Xu family deliberately revealed to them.

"Xujia this group of bastards... As long as they wait for the moon, they have the people who have the arrow of Zhenyang, that is when the Xu family is destroyed!" Yang Tianmark said: "They are chores, in this critical moment, I sold out a heart of the sun!"

Yang Wu heart sighed: "We did not expect that the Assassin's **** would be so special!"

"They have always been like this! They were betrayed us in the past, otherwise we have already destroyed the group of evil spirits!" Yang Tianzhen is very angry.

At this time, there was a sudden bang in the outside!

Yangshuo ran over and shouted: "Homeowners, not good, evil spirits are coming! They are attacking our enchantment!"

After hearing the Yangtianmark, he immediately took out a long sword and said with anger: "This group of **** is coming, I will kill them!"

Xiao Xuanqin said coldly: "I want to catch their patriarchs and let them hand over Xiaoyun!"

"The evil spirits attack, the Xu family will definitely accept them!" Yang Wuxin said: "If this is not the case, we will now put pressure on the Xu family!"

"Xu Tiangao is the patriarch, and the **** may have started to act!" Yang Tianyue shouted: "Let's go to the gate and see!"

Not long after, a group of people from the Yang family came to the gates of the tribe.

After coming, I saw the people of the Xu family here.

Outside the enchantment, there are many powerful ghosts that are constantly attacking the enchantment.

"Xu Tiangao, are you not talking to the evil spirits? You should be friendly now. How did they suddenly come over?" Yang Tianwei smiled and murdered his face.

"This is just a ghostly beast... The ghosts are not under their control!" Xu Tiangao smiled and said: "Yangjiazhu, don't worry! Our enchantment will definitely block those ghosts!"

"There is a heart of the sun being taken away. Why don't you worry?" Yangshuo said coldly.

"Anxious? Why do we have to worry? The people inside the heart of the sun are not our Xu family, and the Zhenyang God Arrow is not received by our protectors... We have worked hard to protect this place for so many years, the heart of the sun gives What are the benefits of us?" Xu Tiangao sneered: "Since it is not, why should we be anxious?"

"Wang Ba Gu!" Yang Tian screamed and screamed.

Xu Tiangao quickly took out a shield and blocked it. He smiled and said: "Yangtian marks, do you really want to fight with our Xu family? Don't you wait for the soldiers in the hearts of the three suns to come out?"

Yang Tianzhen also felt that he was too impulsive, and quickly calmed down, coldly said: "You Xu family will be punished!"

Xu Tiangao laughed and said: "Punish? If there is punishment, we are already finished!"

Seeing that Xu Tiangao is so unconcealed, Yang Tianshi is even more angry.

"Yang Tian marks, you dare not fight with us? But we dare to fight with you, hahaha..." Xu Tian Gao loudly laughed.

At this time, the warriors of the Xu family flew out from all directions, surrounded by the sun.

Yang Tianke they really did not expect, Xu Tiangao really dare to do this!

"Homeowner, the enchantment is open..." Yangshuo exclaimed in anger.

The powerful ghost beast outside, suddenly rushed in!

"Kill!" Yang Tianshi shouted.

At this moment, everyone in the Yang family knows that the Xu family wants to unite the evil spirits to destroy them.

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